Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1030 The Most Powerful Power

Chapter 1030 The Most Powerful Power
The endless power is like a tide, and there is an unprecedented feeling in his body. The full power fills his limbs and bones. At this moment, his originally strong body is even more bulging, and the muscles look extremely exaggerated. , It was frightening, Zhang Kun instantly felt that his physical strength had skyrocketed by at least ten times, and he had the illusion that he could tear apart the planet with his own hands!
The strength in his whole body is really too strong, just standing there, the void twisted and trembled, as if he couldn't bear his terrifying coercion!
Black air is lingering, and there are many ghosts. At this moment, Zhang Kun's eyes are burning with dark flames, as if they can swallow everything!
Everyone was trembling in front of the huge power, and countless people crawled down, looking at Zhang Kun with horror in their eyes!

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
In their eyes, Zhang Kun was like a ferocious and terrifying devil, surrounded by pitch-black demon energy, and there was a surge of blood and blood in every gesture, and there seemed to be a shocking scene behind him!

It was a picture of millions of souls being slaughtered. An extremely powerful demon king stood on the bright red battlefield. The dark background was dark and the sky was dark. The entire sky trembled, and the darkest sky was torn apart. Cut through, and poured down piece after piece of fire, igniting the whole world!

That is the scene of the extinction of the world!
All the people present gasped, they had never seen such a terrifying scene before, and countless people were shocked!

There are skeletons and wreckage everywhere, and there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere you look. The blood of the living beings has soaked the entire land, and countless bones are piled up into towers, which is frightening!

The earth continued to crack under the burning of the magic flame, and the space was distorted. The loud explosions sounded one after another, and the red golden magma in the center of the earth suddenly surged, and everything was burning. The ghost was bathed in the terrifying high-temperature flame. Among them, all the vitality is withering at this moment, and in the magic flame, one after another, the incomparably bewitching bright red flowers of the other shore bloom one after another, with a splendor of beauty like death!
"He, he really is a big devil!" Someone exclaimed, pointing at Zhang Kun in the sky and yelling.

Everyone was horrified in their hearts, and they all agreed with this statement. Everyone was shuddering, and they dared not look at Zhang Kun again!

The rumors about Zhang Kun are too scary!

On Hongze Lake, he fought several Mahayana powerhouses with mere Yuanying's physical strength, and even Qi Yangzheng's son died in his hands. This battle shocked the world!
It has been a long time since Dayan Realm has been so excited about a young man. Zhang Kun was immediately on the reward list for the twelve factions to jointly hunt down and kill him. The audience was crazy about it, and searched all over the Weiyang Realm to find Zhang Kun to earn this bounty, but they didn't expect that Zhang Kun had already arrived in the Jialan Realm in an ark!

What the world didn't expect was that he didn't just calm down, but took the initiative to attack, and directly took advantage of the opportunity of the host of Kasyapa Temple and Master Jingyun to go to the Bodhi Temple to participate in the water and land ceremony, and killed Kasyapa Temple. Kun once turned into a demon and slaughtered Master Yinyou and others!
This battle once again shocked the world!

But now, can the young man in front of him, bathed in the dark light, compose a new myth once again?
"Hehe, it really is a big devil. Today, my twelve sects are going to do justice for the heavens and kill you, the devil for the world!" Zhang Zhenhai's face was full of righteousness, with the look of justice to punish rape and eradicate evil!
"To avenge Qi Yangzheng, we swear today that we will kill this beast!"

The other ten powerhouses also nodded in agreement!

The two masters Fang Wen and Fang Zheng of the Bodhi Court saw this scene, and there was no hesitation on their faces. Whether it was Mount Xumi who rejected Zhang Kun, or the form of magic energy manifested by Zhang Kun at this moment, it proved that He is not a good person, but an enemy of the Buddha!
"My Bodhi Courtyard will never allow such demons to exist!" Fang Wen said in a deep voice.

Zhang Kun actually deceived everyone, participated in the Bodhi test as a guardian, and defeated the destined Buddha son Xuanren Shengzi, this is simply a disgrace to the Bodhi Court!


Zhang Kun, shrouded in black air, raised his head and couldn't help laughing out loud!
His proud eyes swept across the audience, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but a trace of undisguised contempt!

"Zhang Kun, your death is imminent! We brought the ancient lock dragon pillar here at all costs, just to suppress and kill you, a peerless monster!"

Zhang Zhenhai sneered, and waved his hand to cut, suddenly a gust of wind rushed in, and eleven strong men simultaneously activated the Huanggu Locking Dragon Pillar!

"Boom boom boom!"

In mid-air, the eleven barren ancient dragon lock pillars that looked like giant heavenly pillars buzzed instantly. It seemed to be an eternal existence. Zhang Kun, who was shrouded in black air, was caught instantly, with no room for dodge at all. The huge and invisible lock shadow locked Zhang Kun like a mad dragon. Thousands of dark chains outlined a cage. The pillar possesses a magical power that can suppress everything, and the eleven ancient lock dragon pillars are released at the same time, and even the strong will have to drink hatred!
"That's the Suolongzhu, which possesses mysterious oppressive power. This time, Zhang Kun really has no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. He is doomed!" Zhang Zhenhai sneered again and again, and he was extremely confident in Huanggu Suolongzhu!
After all, they were used to imprison dragons before the ancient times!
The chains are extremely thick and heavy, and each chain is as long as ten thousand feet, just like a huge river!

Eleven chains bound Zhang Kun tightly, trying to strangle him!

"Zhang Kun will definitely die, no one can escape the imprisonment of unlocking the dragon pillar, unless..."

"Boom boom boom!"

Before the words were finished, there was a sudden loud noise, and the sky darkened in an instant. Dark clouds gathered, as if this shocking thunderstorm was brewing!
The whole world seemed to be trembling, and a scarlet light suddenly burst out in the sky, shining and reflecting the entire sky, looking extremely strange!
"What, what?" Everyone present gasped!
They saw two fiery pupils suddenly appearing in the sky, the fiery fire streaked across the sky, and the cage made of eleven chains was lifted up and smashed to the ground!


In an instant, a huge deep pit appeared on the ground, the hard soil fell apart in an instant, all the ancient lock dragon pillars burned, and terrifying cracks appeared on the chain cage!

 On the last day before the Ching Ming holiday, I went to a film and television company for a day's meeting. I was exhausted, and finally came back to serialize. I went to sleep after a while~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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