Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1031 Those who oppose me, die

Chapter 1031 Those who oppose me, die

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
The powerhouses of the twelve factions showed deep horror in their eyes. They couldn't believe that Zhang Kun was so powerful. The monstrous magic flames were burning, and the dark golden vitality exploded. Filled with this tyrannical terrifying energy!
The chains were ignited by the magic flames, and the eleven river-like iron chains turned red. At this moment, they seemed to be dancing wildly in pain, like angry dragons. The magic flames rushed out and burned the sky. The dragon pillar shook violently, as if it couldn't bear Zhang Kun's terrifying power!

"No! Impossible, how is it possible!"

The strongmen of the twelve sects looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes. How could such a thing happen? A little doll at the peak of the Mahayana actually shook the Huanggu Suolongzhu!

Everyone in the Bodhi Court looked up at the heart-shattering scene, all of them were in disbelief, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions. Could it be that Zhang Kun's power has reached the level of refining the virtual at this moment?

"Boom boom boom!"

Before everyone could react, there was a deep and distant loud noise in the chain cage. The sound seemed to come from hell, making the whole sky tremble. Zhang Kun slammed towards a person in the chain cage Direction punched it!

That punch was roaring like an angry dragon, shattering everything, and roaring out. The monstrous demonic energy attached to this punch was too vast, and when it was blown out, the world trembled wildly!

In just a split second, a chain of the ancient Suolongzhu was shattered by Zhang Kun, and the steel cable, which was thousands of miles long, exploded into debris in an instant, and the debris fell down like a meteorite in the air violently. It has to burn up, turning into a huge fireball and smashing towards the Jialan City below!
All the people present gasped, and they screamed, if these huge chain fragments fell, the entire Garan City would instantly turn into a sea of ​​flames, and tens of millions of creatures within it would be wiped out in an instant!

"Boom boom boom!"

The two masters, Fang Wen and Fang Zheng, made their move. The two masters twirled the rosary beads in their hands and recited ancient and mysterious scriptures in their mouths. Suddenly, the entire Bodhi Courtyard shook with golden light, and the power of faith surged like a sea in an instant. Generally rising up!

Like a giant waterfall soaring into the sky, the radiant faith instantly ignited, like a golden fire of karma rising into the sky and burning up the falling fragments of ancient chains!

Everyone was terrified, even if Fang Wenshou and Fang Zheng presided over the simultaneous action to induce the vast power of faith to roast the chain fragments in the karmic fire, the chains that seemed to be cast from fairy gold did not melt immediately!

Seeing that the fragments of the chain were about to fall into the city of Garan, sections of majestic Buddha light poured in like water and immediately enveloped the chain. The next moment, the fragments of the chain were finally turned into dust under the ablation of the Buddha light with endless divine power !
However, there were still a few pieces of fragments that crashed outside Garan City, and there was a loud bang. Amidst the surprised eyes of everyone, a high mountain was instantly leveled, and the huge amount of energy brought by the collision exploded impressively. A ring of clouds suddenly rose, a huge gap opened in the earth, and a shocking giant pit appeared!

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
The chain fragments of the Desolate Dragon Suolong Pillar are so terrifying, what a terrifying thing it would be to add eleven chains to the body, Zhang Kun was able to smash a long dragon-like chain with one punch, how terrifying is he?
"It's terrible, my God, is he still human?" The patriarchs of the four major families in Jialan City stared blankly at Zhang Kun in the mid-air, feeling a little fear in their hearts.

They wanted to recruit Zhang Kun into their family before, but now that they think about it, they are really afraid. The terrifying strength Zhang Kun displayed at this moment may be able to tear their ancestors apart!

The face of the strong man whose chains were shattered by Zhang Kun suddenly turned pale. There is some kind of spiritual connection between him and the chains. The chains were smashed by Zhang Kun's punch, and he was also very uncomfortable. The strong The victim suffered a backlash in an instant, and his whole body was trembling!

Even the Ancient Locking Dragon Pillar trembled, the thick and heavy column exuding the Ancient Dragon Qi instantly turned red, and a monstrous flame shot up like a huge torch in the darkness!
"Why is Zhang Kun's little cub so powerful?" Zhang Zhenhai and others were full of doubts. The strength Zhang Kun showed was too amazing. He was clearly at the peak of Mahayana!

"Hahaha, I said, today I will let you all fall here!"

A mocking sneer curled up on the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth. Standing proudly in the void, bathed in the dark magic flame, he laughed arrogantly and presumptuously, and the gushing flames ignited the sky!
At this moment, Zhang Kun crazily drew the massive vitality in the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana, and suddenly the energy of heaven and earth rushed rapidly, and the terrifying energy gathered like a sea of ​​smoke gathered together and poured into the Five Elements Dao Foundation crazily!
He had already stopped running the Ice Heart Art, and the ice veins in his body gradually dissipated, replaced by his vitality that was almost boiling!

At this moment, the foundation of the Five Elements Dao was covered with a layer of deep black light, exuding a domineering dark atmosphere, and the flames of red clouds soared at this moment, and the vitality all over Zhang Kun's body instantly transformed into flames of anger!


In an instant, there seemed to be tens of thousands of fierce ghosts roaring fiercely in the air. Their screams pierced everyone's eardrums, and the terrifying energy exploded instantly, and clusters of jet-black flames burst from Zhang Kun's body in an instant. Zhou surged like a storm!

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying temperature ignited the audience again, as if a fallen demon king descended on the mortal world at this moment, Zhang Kun looked up to the world, as if standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking all living beings, his terrifying majesty suppressed ten thousand ways, and everyone was in front of him Trembling in the powerful force, he is declaring his existence!
"Those who rebel against me will die!"

Qiang Qiang's drum sounded again, but this time it was played by Zhang Kun. Dark shadows suddenly appeared between the layers of dark clouds as thick as ink, as if a world-ending meteor fire rain came crashing down Normally, when a burning boulder falls down, the entire space trembles!

That seems to be the withering of all things, the end of everything!

His strength is too strong, and the almost endless vitality in the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana has been drawn out. His current state is above the peak of Mahayana, and half of his feet have stepped into the state of integration, and his vitality But it is not lost to anyone present at all!

(End of this chapter)

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