Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032
Every realm cultivated to the extreme will get a special effect. Nine-turn Golden Wheel Nascent Soul has a unique and overbearing enlightenment ability, and the sea of ​​​​Boundless Mahayana has no other fancy things, only one effect, which is to give Zhang Kun provides massive vitality!
Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the endless vitality gathered in everything is enough to create miracles!
"Boom boom boom!"

The rain of meteors and fire fell straight down, igniting everything, and the sky seemed to be burned down. The red clouds all over the sky reflected the whole earth, as if they had brought everyone into hell in an instant!

Miserable cries rang out again and again, and the rain of fire flew like gorgeous petals falling. Everything was enveloped in the fire that destroyed the world, and the blazing wind of fire swept everything, engulfing the people of the Twelve Sects in an instant!

The four master-level Taoists of the Purple Dragon Sect couldn't dodge in time. They just touched a wisp of magic flame, and their bodies instantly turned into pitch-black coke. Turned into a white Huifei, it ceased to exist!

The same terrifying scene was constantly being staged in other sects. The blood races of the Ingai sect quickly turned into a pool of blood, trying to avoid the world-destroying magic flame, but it was useless at all. The blood pool was directly evaporated. All spirits and souls are wiped out, and the dead cannot die again!

Nearly a hundred experts from the twelve sects of the Composite Realm fell one after another. Their bodies were incinerated, like pitch-black coke, and finally turned into fly ash and ceased to exist. With a violent flash of fire, everything was reduced to ashes!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Zhang Zhenhai and the others were still able to survive in the sea of ​​flames. They each performed secret techniques and sacrificed magic weapons to resist the raging flames. At this moment, their pupils suddenly opened wide and watched their disciples being massacred by Zhang Kun!
Among the monks who were burned to fly ash or coke, there are many disciples and descendants of them!
They are all heartbroken at this moment, their eyes are full of strong resentment, and they can't wait to tear Zhang Kun into thousands of pieces!
Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
There were quite a few powerful men from various sects and sects present, and complex looks flashed across their eyes when they saw this scene. They lowered their heads in deep thought, not knowing what they were thinking about.

Originally they thought that Zhang Kun was sure to die, not to mention the ancient lock dragon pillar that could trap even the strong Void refiners, just twelve half-step Void refiners alone were enough to kill Zhang Kun easily. Kill, but what happened later was completely beyond their expectations!

First, Qi Yangzheng died tragically and was refined into a golden elixir by Zhang Kun, and then hundreds of combined strongmen from the twelve sects all fell under Zhang Kun's blow. Watch and know!

A young man at the peak of Mahayana actually caused such an uproar!
For a while, those strong men who came to observe the Bodhi test were all undecided, they all hesitated, they were not as well prepared as the Twelve Schools, and they came here just to observe the Bodhi test. I came here, wanting to meet the future disciples of the Bodhi Court, but I didn't expect that it was Zhang Kun who amazed them!

The powerhouses of the big forces have their own ulterior motives, and the corners of the mouths of those who had grudges with the Twelve Factions in the past showed a bit of a sneer. This time Zhang Kun really caused great trouble for the Twelve Factions. The losses in the battle exceeded the normal number of combined strong men who fell in the past hundred years!

Twelve factions really hurt this time!

"The Dayan Sacrifice is approaching, and with so many powerhouses who have fallen from the twelve sects, I'm afraid there will be a big reshuffle at the Dayan Sacrifice where all sects and factions gather!" An old man with a yellow beard narrowed his eyes and looked at the Zhang Kun, who was releasing the magic flame wantonly, said leisurely.

This is an excellent opportunity, and many sects want to take advantage of this opportunity to go one step further and rank among the twelve sects!
And Zhang Kun is so powerful and still so young, maybe Zhang Kun can be used by the forces behind them. After all, they have the same enemy, which is the twelve sects that are still on the list!
The Dayan Festival is extremely grand, and it is a grand event that hundreds of millions of souls have been looking forward to. At that time, almost all the famous sects in the Dayan world will gather to discuss the situation in the world!
"Boom boom boom!"

The huge explosion drew everyone's attention back to the high-altitude battlefield again. The hearts of the eleven half-step Void Alchemists were bleeding, and the disciples they brought were slaughtered by Zhang Kun!

"From this moment on, my twelve sects will never die with you!" The half-step Void Refining powerhouses were all furious, and flames of anger shot out from their eyes, as if they were going to swallow half of Zhang Kun!
All the eleven powerhouses danced wildly with long hair, and their anger reached the extreme. Regardless of the cost, they once again urged the ancient lock dragon pillar, and the gushing wild dragon aura descended on Zhang Kun with the prehistoric aura. Wanjun Shenwei vowed to kill Zhang Kun!

The chains struck across the sky, and when they touched a towering mountain, they directly shattered that mountain range. The powerful power that came out was too terrifying. No one dared to resist this kind of power. Eleven chains and dragons pointed at Zhang Kun!
"Boom boom boom!"

The vitality around Zhang Kun was clamoring crazily, and the magic flame ignited everything in the sky. A chilling killing intent erupted from him instantly, and an extremely powerful bombardment came out, and a mountain of corpses appeared again behind him The terrifying picture of the sea of ​​blood!
A round of black sun is extremely heavy, with a sense of sadness rising slowly, Zhang Kun's fist shadow suddenly launched this round of black sun, and a thousand terrifying murderous aura surrounds the dark sun, and the sun is extremely majestic , has a huge gravitational force, and wants to engulf the powerhouses of the twelve factions!

The chained dragons were shattered one by one. The power contained in the dark sun was too terrifying, and it easily crushed the void into powder. The majestic magic flame above the sun rushed out of the burning sky, and then A Void Refiner's face changed wildly, and he backed up again and again, being shaken back by the terrifying breath!


Zhang Kun was full of gloomy light, and black light demonic energy gushed out. Zhang Kun just stomped his feet into the void, and the bursting magical energy destroyed everything, and the chain cage was instantly shattered!
"It can lock the dragon, but it can't lock me!" Zhang Kun smiled arrogantly, completely shattering the chain cage, tearing open the claustrophobic space created by the eleven barren ancient dragon lock pillars with both hands, Zhang Kun Kun is back!
"Boom boom boom!"

As if tens of millions of powerful forces were bombarding this battlefield, the terrifying field around Zhang Kun descended again!

(End of this chapter)

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