Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039
Youyou's true sound pierced the sky, and a golden beam of light penetrating the heaven and earth pierced through the heaven and earth. The golden wheel rotated slowly, which seemed to represent the ultimate principle of heaven and earth movement. A certain threshold!
The brilliance is myriad, and everyone's eyes are full of brilliance and splendor.

"Its name is the holy king of reincarnation, returning to reincarnation!"

Zhang Kun hummed in a low voice, as if reciting a scripture.

The holy ancestor shouted and bombarded Qinglian with all his life's strength. The green light suddenly shattered, and Qinglian shook violently. At this moment, Zhang Kun pointed at the holy ancestor of the Bodhi Temple from afar, and two beams of light appeared in the golden beam of light instantly. Straight rays of light, one is the blue-white color of ice, and the other is the purple-black color of thunder and lightning.

"The way of heaven and earth will come in person?"

The Holy Ancestor was desperate, he sensed a powerful breath descending instantly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of the Dao was resounding, the original Dao of Heaven manifested, and the two original Dao of Thunder and Ice appeared, and they directly blasted towards the Holy Ancestor!
Booming, the heavens seem to be shaking. This is an attack that is impossible to avoid, and it is also a force that is impossible to stop. No one can resist such a blow!
Gui reincarnation's extremely terrifying blow, unstoppable and powerful!
In the golden glow, the holy ancestor was instantly evaporated, yes, completely evaporated, leaving nothing behind, he never thought that he would die here, and he was directly crushed to death by the source of heaven!

Everyone gasped and stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
Countless people were stunned, it was unbelievable that the holy ancestor was a strong man who transformed into a god, so he died like this?

Zhang Kun felt that his body suddenly became very tired. His state at this moment had returned to the early stage of Mahayana, and there was no ray of vitality left in his body. At the same time, he completely forgot the ice marks of the three realms of ice and thunder and lightning. The Dao of the Three Realms is furious.

This is the price of launching the holy king of reincarnation and returning to reincarnation, and at this moment Zhang Kun feels that his body is very heavy and has been falling downwards. On the other side, Li Qingqing also fell down. Qinglian dissipated, and she turned into a human body. It kept falling, looking a little bleak.

Zhang Kun couldn't support his body anymore, his spirit was gone, he almost lost consciousness, reincarnating the Holy King, the cost of returning to reincarnation was too high, Zhang Kun didn't know how long he would have to fall asleep, Li Qingqing was obviously exhausted strength.

At this moment, Fang Zheng and Fang Wen shouted angrily: "All monks and soldiers, hurry up! Kill him, kill this madman!"

When they were seriously injured, they noticed that Zhang Kun's aura had dropped to a low point. At this time, only a Nascent Soul cultivator took action, and maybe he could be killed!

"Kill, kill him!"

The monks attacked and killed in an instant, and there were still so many combined combat powers hidden in the Bodhi Courtyard. Their speed was so fast that they surrounded Zhang Kun and Li Qingqing in an instant!

Their eyes were full of hatred. Zhang Kun chopped down the Bodhi Court and killed the Holy Ancestor, which is a heinous crime!

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, a thunderbolt blasted from the sky, and the thunder flashed, and all the monks and soldiers were blasted into ashes in an instant!
"Zhang Kun!"

At the last moment when Zhang Kun closed his eyes, he saw the face of a young girl.

"Yes, Qianshang, it's good that you're here."

Zhang Kun lost consciousness after speaking.

In the early morning, the east has just turned a little pale, the sky is hazy, the sun is just emerging, and two streamers of light streak across the sky, like a comet sweeping across the sky, and a gorgeous tail of flames across the sky.

In the sky of Dayan Realm, there are strong people driving magic weapons or auspicious clouds flying by at all times. Zhang Kun and Qian Shi are not conspicuous among them. They have escaped from Bodhi Courtyard and Jialan City for a hundred thousand miles.

After he woke up, he found that he and Li Qingqing appeared in a wasteland. In the end, it was Qian Shang who rescued him. He had made an agreement with Qian Shang before, and they met in Jialan Realm, and learned that Zhang Kun participated in the Bodhi Day as a guardian. After trying, they kept hiding their identities and hid in Jialan City. The attention of the Twelve Sects was all on Zhang Kun, and they ignored her.

Qian Xun has been paying attention to the battle between Zhang Kun and the Twelve Factions. Before that, she wanted to stand up and help Zhang Kun fight the Twelve Factions, but she did not expect Zhang Kun to kill all the people who came to besieged by the Twelve Factions. Killed.

After Zhang Kun woke up, his condition was not too bad, but the Taoism he had worked so hard to comprehend was completely forgotten. He tried to recall, but found that he could not sense thunder and lightning and ice, and his realm also stopped. At the first level of Mahayana.

Li Qingqing's condition is even worse than Zhang Kun's. She can't show up and can only hide between heaven and earth.

Zhang Kun maintained a state of vigilance at all times, and his mental power enveloped everything within a hundred miles, not letting go of any clues.

"Finally got rid of their pursuers." Zhang Kun nodded after carefully confirming that the surrounding environment was not in any danger.

The Bodhi ancestor died, and the murderer was Zhang Kun. This shocking news will soon spread throughout the entire Garan Realm and even the Dayan Realm. The whereabouts of Zhang Kun and Qian Shi have been lost.

At this moment, both of them have completely changed their appearance and figure. Unless they use the pupil technique or the technique of detection, no one will recognize that the young man who looks like a weak young man in front of him is the big devil who cut down the bodhi tree with his sword and made a big fuss in the bodhi courtyard Zhang Kun!

Qian Xun blinked lightly, pulled Zhang Kun's clothes and said, "There seems to be a place to stay in front, let's go in and rest for a while, shall we?"

Zhang Kun pondered for a moment, then nodded.

After running for a long distance, Qian Shui must be tired too. Not everyone has a huge supply of vitality like Zhang Kun. It is common for monks to stop and rest for a few days after flying for half a month without eating or drinking. thing.

"An abandoned Zen room?" Zhang Kun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know if he was too sensitive. He was a little wary of these things related to Buddhism.

After all, at this moment, he has already been announced by the Bodhi Court as the enemy of the Buddha, and even Lin Yuxi, a Buddhist disciple, can do nothing. Although she can command the world to cultivate Buddhists, the catastrophe that Zhang Kun caused this time has exceeded the tolerance of the Bodhi Court At the limit, it is not easy for Lin Yuxi to provide help to Zhang Kun publicly.

However, Lin Yuxi still privately left a ray of Liuli Medicine Buddha's spiritual light for Zhang Kun, which can be used at critical moments. If Lin Yuxi makes a shot in person, he can light seven bright lamps and extend Zhang Kun's life seven times.

"Maybe I'm too nervous. This kind of meditation room can be seen everywhere in the Jialan realm." Zhang Kun shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly. The Jialan realm is extremely wide, and a hundred thousand miles is not enough to leave this realm.

(End of this chapter)

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