Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040
Outside the Zen room is surrounded by lush ancient trees and purple bamboos. It is located in a secluded place, as if no one has been here for a hundred years!
"I'm going to set up a formation." Zhang Kun said to Qian Shi, walking in the purple bamboo forest, he didn't notice any abnormalities, the spiritual pulse here is weak, maybe the owner of the meditation room dislikes the thin spiritual power here, He changed places to practice early.

"Someone." Qian Shi suddenly grabbed Zhang Kun's clothes and said nervously.


Zhang Kun was startled immediately. His mental power has been covering the entire area, but he didn't see anyone approaching at all, let alone the slightest sense. Holding a walking stick, he walked slowly towards the meditation room.

His appearance is very ordinary, his breath is weak, and he is even on the verge of death. Even Zhang Kun can see the death line gradually revealed on his body. This person seems to die at any time!
However, Zhang Kun felt uneasy at the moment, Qian Shui's spiritual sense was still above her own, her face was as pale as paper at the moment, her hands tightly held Zhang Kun's sleeves, and she looked very nervous.

"Be careful!" Influenced by Li Qingqing's body, she appeared from nowhere, standing in front of Zhang Kun and Qian Shang, her waterfall-like green hair dancing in the wind, a breath rose from her body, as if at any time Get ready.

The crooked old man seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment. No wonder Zhang Kun didn't notice him. If he didn't take the initiative to reveal his breath, Zhang Kun would never have noticed it.

"Who is your Excellency?" Zhang Kun's heart sank, and he asked immediately.

This person must be extremely strong. If he wanted to harm him, he might be able to take his life quietly, but the other party took the initiative to manifest his body, so he had something to say.

"Death." The old man didn't open his eyes. While he was speaking, the purple bamboo forest swayed in the wind and made a rustling sound, as if being pulled by him, and the withered and yellow leaves on the ground were also swept into the air.

Afterwards, the purple bamboo forest that contained a ray of Buddha's charm instantly turned into dead wood, and a surging black tide rushed towards the old man.

After listening to the old man's words, Li Qingqing's delicate body trembled slightly, and there was a look of determination in her eyes.

"You know him?" Zhang Kun asked with a frown.

"He comes from Eternal Tribulation, the killer dynasty that ranks among the three sects. In the past, the Lord of Eternal Tribulation held a killing scepter, descended like an emperor, and all rebels died. With one thought, hundreds of millions of lives were slaughtered!"

Li Qingqing said solemnly.

The Lord of Eternal Calamity has already ascended to Taoism and is no longer in this world, but the killer dynasty he founded is immortal, and it has been among the three sects since its inception until now!

"You are behind everything?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. He knew that there must be someone behind the Twelve Sects who was fueling the flames, but he never thought that it was the Yongjie Dynasty who was manipulating everything behind the scenes!
"No need to say much, but the rule of eternal calamity is that before you die, I will tell you the news of your death, that's all." The old man didn't want to say anything more, and manipulated the wanton black tide beside him, manifesting it into a wave in his hand. Dark Sword.

Blood is dripping from the sword!

whose blood?

Zhang Kun covered his chest, his face was pale, his heart was shattered in an instant, a bright and beautiful blood flower suddenly bloomed, the vitality of his whole body froze, and the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana dried up in an instant, nine The Zhuanjinlun Yuanying also lost its luster, and the foundation of the Five Elements also dimmed, and Zhang Kun's aura plummeted instantly!
Qian Xun and Li Qingqing were so frightened that their faces turned pale, they stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
No wonder Yongjie has such a strange rule, he will remind the deceased before killing people, because they kill people so fast, no one can see exactly how he shot!

The crooked old man slowly and gracefully wiped the blood-dripping blade in his hand, his eyes were extremely indifferent, he didn't seem to have any interest in Qian Shi and Li Qingqing, after killing Zhang Kun, he leaned on crutches and left!


At this moment, there was a loud noise, like Huang Zhong Dalu, deafening.

The hunchbacked old man's face changed drastically, but his movements slowed down, like an insect trapped in amber, struggling to move forward.

"Amitabha, Master Zhang, we meet again."

A gray-clothed monk with a haggard face came out of the forest, followed by two children.

As soon as the little monk came out, he saw Zhang Kun's miserable appearance, and hurried over, his glasses were full of anxiety, and tears couldn't stop falling down.

And the green-clothed girl, who looked like a jade carving, saw the little novice monk crying, her mouth shrunk, and she burst into tears too.

Little Stone looked at the gray-clothed monk with pleading eyes, and the gray-clothed monk knelt down and patted their heads.

"Don't worry, I will save him."

Seeing the gray-clothed monk walking towards Zhang Kun, Qian Xun subconsciously wanted to stop him, but Li Qingqing grabbed his sleeve.

She was also there on that rainy night in the small temple in the wilderness, and she knew that the gray-clothed monk's cultivation was unfathomable. If it was him, maybe he could really save Zhang Kun.

The monk in gray smiled and nodded at Li Qingqing, and walked up to Zhang Kun.

At this moment, Zhang Kun was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his appearance was extremely miserable. All the organs in his body were broken. This is not the most serious injury. What is more deadly is that all the containers containing vitality in his body have been broken, giving him even the chance to start again. nothing.

The current him is like a fish in a dry trough, even if he is given vitality, he can't keep it, it can only delay the time of death.

This kind of injury is the erratic and erratic person with the highest medical skills in Dayan, Yao Lao from Yaohuanggu, who can only shake his head and sigh when he sees it.

Zhang Kun didn't lose consciousness at this time, and he can perceive the changes in the outside world, but at the moment he is trying his best to freeze his body with the Bingxin formula to keep a glimmer of life, but the vitality is still crazily passing into the world, as if Already powerless, he could only watch helplessly as his realm dropped back to Qi training, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

Are you going to die?

In the face of the great fear between life and death, Zhang Kun calmed down more and more, and the world around him turned gray and white, with clusters of distinct colors in it.

The green lotus looming in the mist should be Li Qingqing, and he could feel the strong breath of life in it.

The blue-purple lightning flashing beside her must be Qianshui, and the righteousness of that generation of heavenly punishment can only be found in the thunder method she practiced.

He also saw a cloud of distorted black mist, which kept devouring the colorful old man around him, while the gray-robed monk standing in front of him was a Buddha sitting cross-legged and smiling.

So, what has become of himself?

(End of this chapter)

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