Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1041 The Tribulation of Small Stones

Chapter 1041 The Tribulation of Small Stones

Zhang Kun was struggling to lower his head, when suddenly a ray of soft colorful light shone on his body, and the gray-white world in front of his eyes melted like snow.

As soon as Zhang Kun opened it, he saw a gray-robed monk holding a white jade bottle in his hand, pouring out a drop of transparent liquid, emitting a soft light, and seemed to have the fragrance of flowers and plants.

Seeing that Zhang Kun was awake, the monk in gray smiled at him and poured the liquid into his mouth. The pores of his whole body stood up, as if the essence of thousands of plants exploded in his mouth, and the milky white light in it exploded. A point, an energy he had never seen before.

The milky white light spots drifted along Zhang Kun's broken meridians, where they passed, the damaged parts were instantly repaired, and went straight to the dantian along the meridians.

The fragmented Daoji and Yuanying were wrapped in a milky white light ball, and the milky white light formed the appearance of Daoji, and the five groups of dim innate spirits merged into Daoji, and the five elements began to flow again, Dao Ji's prototype, a high platform engraved with the symbols of the Dao appeared, and a baby hugging his feet, as if sleeping in the mother's womb, also appeared on the high platform. It seems to coincide with some kind of truth.

This isn't a fix, this is remodeling!
Zhang Kun's face changed drastically. Originally, he thought that this drop of liquid could only bring him back from the dying state, but now it seems that he still underestimated the gray-clothed monk.

He has never heard of this kind of fetish that can reshape Daoji and Yuanying. I am afraid that there is no such thing in the entire Dayan world!

After Dao Ji and Yuan Ying were reshaped, the milky white light fell into the dry sea of ​​Mahayana.There was the sound of turbulent waves, and in the bottomless sea of ​​Mahayana, a milky white liquid emerged out of thin air from the cracks in the land. The sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana was filled, and as the milky white liquid rose higher and higher, its color also continued. It tends to be transparent, and finally turns into a liquid of vitality.

And above the sea of ​​Mahayana, there suddenly came the chanting of fairy voices, mysterious songs and wonderful music, the jade chariot of fairy beasts, and the nine-light treasure cover, as if a fairy came to the dust.

After a long time, these scenes slowly dissipated, and the sea of ​​Mahayana returned to calm.

"I'm fine, I made you worry." As soon as Zhang Kun opened his eyes, he saw Qian Xun and Li Qingqing looking at him worriedly.

Seeing that Zhang Kun seemed to have really recovered, Li Qingqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and unconsciously showed a relieved smile on his face.

"Who's worried about you? It has nothing to do with me whether you die or not. I'm just afraid that I won't be able to explain to my senior sister when I go back." Qian Shui turned his head away, snorted softly, and said proudly.

Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly, this girl is still so venomous.

As soon as Zhang Kun turned his head, he saw the gentle smile of the gray-robed monk, stood up hastily, and bowed deeply to him gratefully.

"Thank you Master for your help."

However, the grey-robed monk's face suddenly changed, and he turned sideways, avoiding his salute.

"You don't have to be like this, Master Zhang. You will have a catastrophe on your road of cultivation, and the poor monk happens to have something to save you. This is just destined." After he bowed, he resumed his gentle smile.

"Brother Zhang!" Seeing that Zhang Kun had recovered, Xiao Shitou hurried over and threw himself into Zhang Kun's arms. The girl in the green skirt followed suit and hugged Zhang Kun's thigh.

Zhang Kun rubbed their heads and asked with a smile, "Did you listen to your master?"

"Of course, the master also taught me a lot of things." Xiao Shitou showed off.

The girl in green was shy, and said in a weak voice: "I, I also learned a lot."

"Little stone has the root of wisdom, and it has a relationship with my Buddha. It is natural to learn the Dharma. The poor monk dare not take credit for it." The gray-robed monk said with a smile.

"Master Lao will take care of Xiaoshi and Xiaoxue." Zhang Kun nodded.

"Don't lie to benefactor Zhang, the poor monk came here today, in addition to counting the calamity of benefactor Zhang today, there is another thing to ask." The gray-robed monk said.

"The master not only helped me take care of the two of them, but also saved the boy's life today, so if there is anything the master can say, the boy will do his best." Zhang Kun agreed without hesitation.

"The poor monk can't say much about this matter. It's just related to this idiot. I, this idiot, will have a catastrophe in the future. If I get through it, I will be able to cultivate a righteous fruit. If I can't get through it, it will be forever. I just hope that Master Zhang will have a great future. After you're done, you can give this idiot some advice." The gray-robed monk pointed to the little stone.

Little Shitou was wiping the tears of the girl in green at this time, when he heard his name, he raised his head in a daze, not understanding what the master and Brother Zhang were talking about.

"The little stone is related to me. Even if the master doesn't say anything, I will help." Although Zhang Kun has many doubts in his heart, he can also see that the gray-robed monk seems to have many restrictions on his words, as if he is scruples No more questions, no more questions.

"In this way, the poor monk will feel at ease." The grey-robed monk's smile was a little more relieved and relieved.

Zhang Kun was taken aback by this, and was about to speak when he heard Qian Shang scream.

"Ah, the bad old man ran away."

Everyone looked at it, and sure enough, the rickety old man had disappeared in place at some point.

"Run away, I'm afraid this person's cultivation base is even higher than that of the holy ancestor, and we can't deal with it now." Zhang Kun thought of the unpredictable methods of the rickety old man, and felt a bit of fear in his heart. With the arrival of the gray-robed monk, I'm afraid that I really want to hold grudges here.

"But if that bad old man hurts Big Brother Zhang again, what should we do?" Xiao Shitou's words made everyone fall into silence.

"Forget it, since you've already broken the precept, it's okay to make another move, and let the poor monk help Master Zhang eliminate this catastrophe." The gray-robed monk shook his head helplessly and smiled.

He stretched out his right hand, which was as long and delicate as white jade, which was far from his haggard face, and slowly spread his right hand.

Everyone felt that there was some kind of hidden change in the surrounding world, as if there was something more in the world.

The gray-robed monk kept staring at his right hand, but his eyes wandered away.

"I found it." The gray-robed monk smiled, and slowly began to close his right hand.

The surrounding forest suddenly approached everyone, as if the whole world was squeezing towards them.

Zhang Kun held back the horror in his heart, and looked at the flickering scenes around him, including the scenery on the road when they came, all of which flashed under his feet, until white snow appeared under his feet, surrounded by ice and snow, obviously With the extreme northern scenery, this world returned to normal.

On the snow in front of him, a person was sitting cross-legged in meditation. That black robe, that stooped body and old face, and the pitch-black dagger on his knee, who else could it be if it wasn’t death!

(End of this chapter)

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