Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042

Shigao seemed to have sensed something too, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a gray-robed monk smiling at him, and then spread his palms.

The next moment, the wind and snow covering the sky and the icy peaks piercing into the sky disappeared, and the warm sunlight shone on him, surrounded by lush trees, and the sound of insects could be heard faintly.

From the wilderness of the extreme north to the hills of the south of the Yangtze River, view rivers and mountains in the palm of your hand!

Across half of the Dayan Realm, all in the palm of your hand!

What kind of supernatural power is this?This is almost a fairy method!

Zhang Kun found that he still underestimated the realm of the gray-robed monk. Even if he was a god, he definitely didn't have such means. Could it be that he was crossing the catastrophe, or maybe he was really a banished immortal!

Sigao only felt his scalp numb, and his eyes showed despair. The moment he saw the gray-robed monk, he had no desire to fight, and there was only one thought in his mind, escape!
Even if he looked at the gray-robed monk one more time, he felt that his Dao heart would be broken.

So he shattered one of his natal treasures at any cost, escaped from the bondage, and fled without the slightest hesitation by burning his essence and blood.

After seeing that the gray-robed monk didn't chase after him, or even glanced at him, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the gray-robed monk was too lazy to bother with him. As for the idea of ​​revenge afterwards, he even dared not even think about it. Even if the entire dynasty was mobilized, in front of such people, it would be nothing more than crushing an ant and crushing it. The difference between killing a group of ants is nothing more than that.

Moreover, fearing that the gray-robed monk would repent, he used the teleportation array hidden in various places, frantically opened up the distance, and even finally used an extremely precious boundary-breaking talisman, which was transmitted thousands of miles away, because he was afraid of being grayed out. The robed monk sensed it.

Unexpectedly, even though he ran for more than half of the Dayan Realm, he still did not escape from the monk's grasp.

Death sighed, and took a deep look at Zhang Kun. Everything happened because of this young man. He knew all the things Zhang Kun did, but he still thought it was just the last struggle of an ant. , It wasn't until he killed the holy ancestor that he really jumped out of his plan.

It forced him to do it himself, but he didn't expect that he would die here in the end.

"Fatality tricks people, that's all, the old man lost."

Shigao sighed, tilted his head and died.

"There is great terror between life and death, and there is also great opportunity, benefactor Zhang should cherish it." Before leaving, the gray-robed monk said.

Zhang Kun was thinking about what the gray-robed monk said, when Qian Shi suddenly asked, "Zhang Kun, where are we going next?"

Zhang Kun thought for a moment, pointed to the west, and said with a smile: "It is said that there is a desert in the far west called Hanhai, so let's go there and have a look."

In the thirteen realms of Dayan, the Jialan realm is located in the extreme west, and further west of the Jialan realm is the vast sea that the monks talk about.

Although the vast sea is called a sea, it is actually a boundless desert that lies west of the Garan Realm.

Although there are countless dangers hidden in the vast sea, it also provides an excellent hiding place for monks who are hunted down by enemies or sects. Over time, apart from the dangers of the vast sea itself, sand bandits are also a danger to the vast sea. Although each Han Customs guard would regularly send monk troops to encircle and suppress the sand bandits, the effect was minimal, and even those monks would sometimes be killed by the sand bandits and suffer serious injuries.

At the gate of Hanhaiguan, there are no monks stationed there, and this is also a characteristic of Hanhaiguan. According to the words of the old gatekeeper, if you step out of this gate, life and death will follow, let them go.

So no matter you are committing a heinous crime to avoid being chased or killed, or you just want to fight for your life in the vast sea, looking for opportunities, the vast customs will not stop you.

In the pass, fighting is strictly prohibited. Offenders will have their cultivation level abolished, or they will be sentenced to death. The corpse will be hung at the city gate for seven days. The strict rules make those high-level monks dare not easily violate the prohibition by force, but after stepping out After Han Customs, even if he was killed by sand bandits in the next second, it has nothing to do with Han Customs.

But today's Han Pass seems to be different, there is actually a team of monks stationed at the pass.

The aborigines who came and went turned their attention to this group of monks. They also noticed that the atmosphere in the customs was not right recently. The number of people leaving the customs has decreased, but there are more and more monks coming and going, which makes them feel a little uneasy.

"You two are going out?"

A baby-faced monk in silver-white armor frowned, looking at the two people in front of him.

These two wore worn-out cloaks, and their faces were hidden under wide hoods. They looked just like those down-and-out monks who went to the vast sea to find opportunities.

The two stopped and stood there silently.

The baby-faced monk scratched his head. He saw that these two people were only at the early stage of Mahayana. With this kind of cultivation, even if they went to the vast sea on weekdays, they would basically never return, let alone the current situation. No difference.

"There have been some changes in the vast sea. Our people in the Guanguan army are still investigating, but what is certain is that the vast sea is very dangerous now. Even the monks in the fit state dare not say that they can escape unscathed." The baby-faced monk is careful After thinking about it, he wanted to persuade the two of them to leave.

"Oh." The black robe on the left raised his head, revealing a pale young face, and the young man just responded lightly and asked, "So, can we go there?"


The baby-faced monk was at a loss for words for a moment, and now he feels more and more that these two people should be the kind of young people who are young and ambitious, and they don't know the horror of the vast sea.This reminded him of himself involuntarily, which made him even more reluctant to send the two of them to their deaths.

"Do you know how dangerous the vast sea is now! Even those sand bandits don't dare to show their heads, you know it's pretty..." the baby-faced monk began to speak indiscriminately in a hurry.

"Shocking Feather!"

A stern voice interrupted the baby-faced monk's words suddenly.

A pitch-black soldier in full armor with only his eyes exposed came over. The baby-faced monk shrank his head involuntarily when he saw him, and he closed his mouth tightly knowing that he had made a fool of himself.

"That's enough, Jing Yu, don't persuade the damn ghost with good words, let the two of them pass." Hei Jia took a deep look at the two of them and said.


The baby-faced monk still wanted to argue, but seeing Hei Jia's unquestionable gaze, he finally got out of the way and watched the two figures disappear into the sky full of yellow sand with a look of frustration.

The two men in black gradually moved away until Hanhaiguan behind them became a black spot in the field of vision. The petite man in black reached out and took off his hood, revealing a delicate and lovely face.

Qian Xun patted his chest lightly, his small face was full of undecided shock, he let out a long sigh of relief and said, "I was scared to death, I thought that scary uncle would attack us."

(End of this chapter)

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