Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1043 The Land of Immortal Burials

Chapter 1043 The Land of Immortal Burials
Zhang Kun also heaved a sigh of relief. The strength of the black armored soldier just now was definitely above that of refining the void. Just by being glanced at by him, all the muscles in his body tensed up. He was even secretly ready to forcibly break through. , but luckily he didn't embarrass himself and the two of them, he was not confident that his little trick of disguise could fool a strong Void Refiner.

His identity must have been exposed, but it doesn't matter, now that the two of them have entered the vast sea, in this desperate situation, as long as he is willing to hide, even if the twelve factions come out, they will not be able to find him.

Zhang Kun glanced at the sky full of yellow sand and the boundless vast desert, and he couldn't help feeling a bit heroic in his heart.

"Let's go." Zhang Kun said loudly.Regardless of Qian Shui's dissatisfied eyes, he put the hood on her head again, and strode forward.

"Treat me like a child again!" Qian Xun stroked his messy hair and followed angrily.

In the next few days, the two encountered various spirit beasts in the vast sea. The spirit beasts here have very special hunting methods. For example, under a seemingly calm sandy land, there may be countless The sandworms are quietly waiting for their prey.

Even when Zhang Kun met him for the first time, he was almost taken aback, and after a while of panic, he fled out in embarrassment with Qian Shang.

However, what surprised Zhang Kun was that he and others continued to go deep into the vast sea, but they did not encounter the rumored ubiquitous sand bandits in the vast sea.

And at noon on the third day, Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun saw a living person in the vast sea for the first time.

It was a young man, followed by an old man, who seemed to be master and servant. The young man was wearing a fine attire, and there was a bit of innocence on his face. One could tell at a glance that he must be of extraordinary background.The old man looked tired and his eyes were cloudy, but Zhang Kun found that the old man walked all the way without leaving any trace behind him!

The master and servant also discovered Zhang Kun early on, but they didn't come up to ask and talk, showing great wariness. In a place like Hanhai, it is commonplace to suddenly kill people and seize treasures, and there is no need for them at all. For any reason, even though the two teams are traveling in the same direction, there is a long distance between them.

"Zhang Kun, why haven't you arrived yet?" Qian Shi asked weakly, clutching Zhang Kun's sleeve.

When she first entered the vast sea, she was very excited even though she had never seen a desert before. However, after several days with the endless desert in front of her eyes, Qian Lu gradually became irritable.

She even felt like she was going to vomit after looking at the sand one more time now, and what cheered her up a little was the oasis that Zhang Kun mentioned.

"It shouldn't be far away." Zhang Kun glanced at the master and servant in the distance, thinking that the two of them should also be heading for that oasis, where some monks would sell the rare treasures they got in the vast sea. If you have good eyesight, you can really get a chance, and this kind of thing is not uncommon.

"Zhang Kun!" Qian Lai's face suddenly changed slightly, his lazy expression disappeared, and he turned to look seriously at the boundless desert in front of him.

Zhang Kun nodded with the same solemn expression. He had already noticed the moment when the vitality of the world changed just now.

It was as if water was added to the frying pan, and the vitality of the heaven and earth, which was disturbed by unknown sources, began to riot, and there was even a faint tendency to form a vitality storm.

Wisps of crimson, orange, dark blue, and emerald green rays of light appeared out of thin air in the sky and the earth, as if they were rejected by the sky and the earth.

The ice core in Zhang Kun's body trembled violently, and his soul throbbed. A primitive instinct drove Zhang Kun to devour these inches of light.

This is, the way of heaven and earth!
Zhang Kun's eyes were confused for a moment, and he woke up in an instant, and at the same time knew the true colors of these inch lights.

But it made his soul tremble.

The Tao is inherently invisible. This is common sense recognized by all monks. To comprehend the Tao, to realize it is to realize it. Except for some heaven and earth spirit treasures that can carry the Tao, they can directly instill insights, and the heaven and earth spirit treasures that can carry the Tao, For thousands of years, there may not be a thing in this world, so there is no shortcut to comprehend the Tao, it all depends on understanding and chance.

So no matter whether you have a cultivation level as high as the sky, or you are as rich as an enemy, you can't affect other people's perception of the principles of Taoism.

But here, a mysterious force enveloped this world, making this world have to realize the Dao!

Zhang Kun has no doubt that as long as he contacts and absorbs the inch light transformed by these Taoisms, his perception of Taoisms will directly reach a perfect state.

This was undoubtedly a huge temptation, but Zhang Kun was not excited at all, but his expression became more and more serious.

In the desert shrouded in mysterious power in front of him, the yellow sand began to roll and flow like waves in the sea.

On this golden sand sea, there are various Taoisms, which is very dreamy.


Suddenly there was an anxious shout in the distance.

The immature boy in the fancy dress was yelling at Zhang Kun and the two of them, and ran over in a hurry, while the old man followed him helplessly.

At this time, looking at it again, the flowing sand sea has become a huge vortex, and the endless yellow sand flows towards the middle, and gradually the depression in the middle becomes bigger and bigger, as if the bottom of the yellow sand is empty, swallowing countless people. After the yellow sand, a dark abyss appeared in front of everyone.

The abyss is constantly devouring everything around, yellow sand, vitality, Taoism, and even light cannot escape.

The deep darkness in the abyss is so thick that it will overflow, as if it is connected to the darkest and most filthy place.

After devouring it greedily for a long time, the abyss gradually shrank again, coming in silence and leaving in silence.The golden desert appeared in front of everyone again, as if nothing had happened, but the shock it brought to them was indescribable.

"This is the biggest danger in the vast sea, the sandy abyss in the vast sea, the place where immortals are buried." The young man said out of breath, his eyes full of fear.

Although the environment in the vast sea is very harsh, there are several oases in it, and the largest of them is this Getan oasis.

Getan Oasis is located in the middle of the vast sea, with a radius of hundreds of miles, surrounded by a kind of green plant called holly.

Amidst the yellow sand that filled his eyes, the sudden appearance of this touch of green made Qian Shang quicken his pace, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"Mr. Zhang, since we have all arrived at our destination, the old servant and the young master will take our leave." The old man walked to Zhang Kun's side and said with cupped hands.

After the disappearance of the sandy abyss in the vast sea, and after learning that he was going to the oasis, the boy proposed to go with him.

(End of this chapter)

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