Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044
After Zhang Kun thought for a while, he also agreed. Along the way, the escaped young man relieved them of a lot of boredom and pressure.

"Okay, let's part now." Zhang Kun nodded.

The young man seemed a little unhappy, but he also knew that he had something important to do. After waving goodbye to the two, he followed the old man into the oasis.

"Then let's go first."

"Let's find a place to take a bath first!" Qian Shui raised his hand and shouted.

Although it is said that only a small spell is needed to clean the body, as a girl, running around for several days without a place to take a bath is simply unbearable for Qianshang, which makes her always think about it. This matter is almost becoming a resentment.

Getan Oasis, a hidden deep forest, Zhang Kun was playing with a golden bead in his hand, and there was a faint sound of water flowing not far away.

After the two found a clean water source, Zhang Kun was driven here by Qian Lai to guard it.

"Do you want to wash it too?" Zhang Kun asked suddenly with his head down, but there was no one around him.

Only the rustling sound from the wind blowing through the treetops made it even more eerie.

"No need." A cold voice could not tell where it came from.

A cyan figure flashed away on the big tree next to Zhang Kun.

"Okay!" Zhang Kun showed a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth, knowing her temperament, he didn't say more, patted his buttocks, stood up, and shouted loudly towards the river in the distance.

"Okay, okay, no one told you that girls can't be urged when they take a bath?" Qian Shang's voice sounded from behind Zhang Kun, sounding a little dissatisfied.

Zhang Kun turned his head and saw Qian Lai walking out of the forest with wet hair shaking. Zhang Kun walked over with a smile and gave her a chestnut unexpectedly.

"No one told you all this nonsense." Zhang Kun smiled as he saw Qian Xiang scratching his head in pain.

Qian Xun raised her head and wanted to argue, but Zhang Kun pressed the hood on her head again.

"Take it, we should go."

Zhang Kun glanced at the woodland not far away, where a woman wearing a red turban walked by. The woman was very tall and seemed to be an aborigine here. Her skin was a vibrant wheat color, and her light-colored deep pupils contained a kind of Wild style.

Holding a basin in her hand, the woman seemed to be planning to fetch water. She glanced at Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun sideways, showing an exotic smile.

Zhang Kun nodded in response, watching the woman disappear into the depths of the forest.

"Hmph, I must tell my senior sister when I go back that you are promiscuous outside!" Qian Xun looked at Zhang Kun, then at the woman, and muttered softly with his head lowered.

"Ouch, you hit me again!"

Then the two bought some medicinal materials that are only available here at the square market in the oasis.

And there is no shortage of ancient relics in the square market that claim to be unearthed from the ancient ruins in the vast sea. They are all kinds of strange and fragmented. It is really possible to find great opportunities from these ancient relics that have no aura and look like waste.

Just strolling around, Zhang Kun found some of the strange things among them, but when he went up to ask about the price, Zhang Kun was secretly dumbfounded. These ancient objects, those stall owners have checked how many times before they put them out. For sale, these few items that are most likely to contain opportunities have been marked with sky-high prices, even Zhang Kun can only give up.

And they also discovered a strange thing. In this oasis, there are actually many sand bandits stationed, and the number is extremely large. He looked at the passers-by with all his eyes, but none of the sand bandits shot at them, as if they were afraid of something.

Zhang Kun suddenly realized, no wonder he hadn't seen any shadow bandits in the past few days, so they all stayed here.

But then he wondered, these sand bandits did not go out to rob the road, but gathered in this oasis, are they planning something?
However, none of this had anything to do with Zhang Kun. After making some adjustments in the oasis, the two left the oasis that day without staying, and continued to head west.

After Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun left the oasis, the guard at the gate of the oasis suddenly gestured toward the dark place, and the dense bushes shook slightly, as if something had left.

"Where are we going next?" Qian Lai asked, turning around was still a steaming yellow, and the oasis could no longer be seen.

"There is an ancient ruin near the oasis. Although it has been explored, some of these places are still restricted and cannot be entered. Let's go there and have a look. It's an experience." Zhang Kun took out a sheepskin map and confirmed Look at the direction.

"But before that, I think we should deal with these guests first." Zhang Kun turned his head and looked at a sand dune tens of meters away.

Qian Lai's face changed slightly, the black robe covering his petite body swayed, and the tiny electric lights flickered in the air, making a crackling sound, and he was ready to fight in an instant.

The surroundings were still peaceful, as if it was just Zhang Kun's illusion.

Qian Lai turned his puzzled eyes to Zhang Kun, but found that his eyes were still fixed on the sand dune.

"It seems that you want me to invite you out." Zhang Kun frowned, and the hot yellow sand under his feet suddenly condensed into ice, and the low temperature quickly spread towards the sand dune.

When the cold current was about to touch the sand dune, the sand dune suddenly twisted, and suddenly appeared, revealing dozens of figures.

These people were all dressed in black, with a blood-colored butterfly embroidered on their chest, which seemed to be stamped by some kind of secret method, and it was lifelike.

And the ferocious aura they showed invisibly has already shown their identities, and they are undoubtedly the rumored sand bandits in the vast sea.

Zhang Kun's expression was calm, but he was a little surprised in his heart. He only noticed this dune after receiving Li Qingqing's warning just now. Weapons are the only way to perfectly shield the breath of these sand bandits.

If it wasn't for Li Qingqing who was hidden in the world and was particularly sensitive to everything between the world, I'm afraid the three of them would have been successfully ambushed by these sand bandits just now.

"Tsk, I was discovered." A huge man in black touched his bare head, his expression was full of annoyance, he put away the music box that was spinning in his hand, and the sand dune disappeared completely.

"Heizi, your stuff is unreliable, and you even said that you can hide it from the spiritual detection of a cultivator who refines the void, but why did you get discovered by a boy who is not good at Mahayana? Could it be that you bought a fake product?

(End of this chapter)

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