Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1045 Blood Butterfly

Chapter 1045 Blood Butterfly
"A young man with a gloomy temperament and a pale face patted the bald man on the shoulder, his tone full of ridicule.

"You know what a fart, this kid is definitely not simple, maybe he is pregnant with some treasure, we'd better be careful." The bald man jumped up immediately, his face flushed, and he argued in a rough voice, his worried eyes kept wandering A woman in a black dress stood quietly beside her.

Such an obvious move naturally couldn't be concealed from these men in black, so it caused a burst of laughter, as if they didn't care whether they were discovered or not.

But they do have this kind of confidence. Among these dozens of people, the lowest level of cultivation is also in the late stage of Mahayana, and there are as many as three monks in the state of integration, and the opponents are just two young people with only Mahayana cultivation.

The woman in the black dress who had been silent all this time took a step forward, and the men in black immediately stopped laughing and focused their eyes on her.

"Little girl, we meet again." There was a smile in the dark pupils of the woman in the black skirt, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curled up, charming and captivating.

Qian Xun wrinkled his nose, and also recognized that the woman in the black dress was the woman fetching water that he encountered in the oasis.

"You spent so much effort following the two of us, did you see something on us?" Zhang Kun asked, a little puzzled in his heart. With the cultivation base of these people, they should be the best even among those sand bandits. The two didn't reveal anything, so how could they be targeted? Could it be that the minions of the Twelve Sect have reached here?

"Of course there is nothing on you that is worth our hands, but I like this little girl very much. I don't know if I can bear the pain to part with you?" Although the woman in the black skirt was talking to Zhang Kun, her eyes were always looking at her. Looking at the thousand sapphires, she nodded with satisfaction from time to time, as if looking at a favorite treasure.

Zhang Kun felt his arms tightened, and Qian Shi was holding onto him tightly, as if he had heard something unbelievable, and looked at the woman in the black dress with a very terrified look.

"Little girl, your appearance really makes my sister and I feel uncomfortable. I, Blood Butterfly, is famous for being sympathetic, especially for a pure little girl like you. I can't bear to hurt you with a single hair." The woman in black skirt He covered his chest, frowned lightly, and pretended to be heartbroken.

Zhang Kun was stunned, but those men in black seemed to be used to it, and turned their heads away, pretending not to see it.

However, after hearing this woman's claim, he suddenly believed that what this woman said was true. If this woman was a blood butterfly, then the group of Sand Bandits was probably the famous Blood Butterfly Group. Among the many sand bandits in the vast sea, it can also be ranked in the top three.

And the head of the group, Blood Butterfly, is rumored to be a woman with mysterious strength, at least in the middle stage of the Composite Realm, but Blood Butterfly is more famous for the fact that this person likes your women, especially innocent girls, and is even so courageous that he once The girl was kidnapped in Han Customs, leaving Han Customs guard helpless.

"Zhang Kun, this woman is so scary, I'll leave it to you." Qian Xun shuddered, his brows frowned even tighter, and he curled his lips and said.

"It seems that you don't believe in my sister's strength, little girl? Then let my sister defeat your little lover first." Blood Butterfly smiled charmingly, and as she waved her plain hand, several bloody butterflies made of vitality were on her wrist. flying between.

Zhang Kun also slowly pulled out a pitch-black dagger from his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

Although this woman hides her cultivation with a secret method, Zhang Kun can still tell at a glance that she is not the middle stage of the fusion as rumored, but the late stage of the fusion!

There seems to be only a small gap between the two, but a monk in the late stage of fusion can easily beat three mid-stages of fusion, and the gap between them is even larger than the gap between the state of harmony and the state of Mahayana!

"Damn it!" Blood Butterfly cursed suddenly, then turned to look west.

At the same time, Zhang Kun and the others also felt something, and turned their heads to look.

On the extremely distant horizon, billows of yellow dust suddenly appeared, approaching them quickly from far to near.

"It seems that we have to deal with these things first."

Blood Butterfly said to Zhang Kun with a smile, suddenly with a serious expression, and the men in black commanding the Blood Butterfly regiment formed an formation.

Zhang Kun looked at the appearance of these people as if facing a formidable enemy, and was a little puzzled about what it was, even with such a strong lineup of the Blood Butterfly Group, he was so afraid.

Finally, in the dust flying all over the sky, Zhang Kun saw clearly the true colors of "these things" that Blood Butterfly said.

These are three humanoid creatures with dark skin and wearing leather clothes woven by some kind of beast, which only cover the key parts.

And their faces were engraved with three dark golden stripes, winding and extending from the forehead to the chin.And the most unusual thing is that they all have two horns on their heads, with intricate patterns engraved on them, which contain astonishing blood.

They ran barefoot on the ground, and every step made the ground tremble slightly, stirring up the yellow sand that covered the sky and the sun, and came engulfing the yellow sand with an astonishing momentum.

"What is this?" Qian Shang's voice was full of doubts.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. He had never seen this kind of creature before, and this kind of creature had a different cultivation method from all the creatures in the Great Evolution Realm.
This is also very different from the body refining method passed down in the Dayan world.The body training exercises in Dayan Realm, whether they are peerless exercises or basic exercises that can be seen everywhere, are all about drawing the energy of the heavens and the earth into the body and converging to temper the muscles and bones.

And these two-horned creatures, with their terrifying speed, did not cause the slightest fluctuation of vitality, and the vitality in the world was also calm. They seemed to support this speed only with their own blood and physique.

Don't realize the meaning of the Tao, don't draw vitality, just cultivate yourself!

This is somewhat similar to the martial arts of those warriors in the secular world when Zhang Kun was in the lower realm.

"This is the barbarian." Xue Diesu fluttered his hands up and down, changing the formula constantly, as if he was brewing some kind of big move, and said without turning his head.

"Don't watch the show, run away quickly. These three barbarians have already reached the three stripes, which is equivalent to our fusion state. Even I may not be able to stop them."

Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun looked at each other and stood still, watching the three approaching barbarians.

As the three barbarians approached, the Blood Butterfly's expression became more and more focused, and the blood-colored butterflies flying around her outlined mysterious blood-colored traces in the air.

She noticed that Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun did not leave, but at this time she could not be distracted, nor could she care about the two of them. When the war broke out, the two of them would inevitably be affected, and they could only ask for their own blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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