Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080
Han Customs was guarded, and Qian Lu and Qing Qing were also found. Moreover, because of this incident, he also had a powerful ally, Yan Hong.Now is the critical moment of the barbarian invasion. Presumably no sect would dare to take action against the heroes who resisted the barbarians at this time, otherwise they would be cast aside and cursed by the people of the world.

"It's easy to hide a hidden arrow, but it's hard to defend against it. These big sects still have to be on guard."

Zhang Kun is very aware of the styles of those sects. There is a saying that says that the one who knows himself better than himself is his opponent.Zhang Kun knew people from those sects, because he was not strong enough at the beginning, and if he wanted to survive in the cracks, he had to find a way to find the opponent's weaknesses and understand their methods.

Although they won't do anything to themselves on the surface, in fact, they must have a lot of little tricks behind their backs.

"Zhang Kun, you're awake."

A familiar voice came from the door, and Qingqing walked in with a basket, but she didn't find Zhang Kun on the bed, and looked around nervously, until she saw Zhang Kun sitting at the window, staring at the scenery outside in a daze, then she was relieved .

Quickly took out a porcelain pot from the basket: "This is the ginger soup that General Yan Hong ordered just now, come and drink some."

While speaking, he poured the soup in the porcelain pot into a bowl, filled the bowl, put it near his mouth and choked on a small mouthful, then handed it to Zhang Kun: "The temperature is just right, come and taste."

"Just drink here."

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and placed the table by the window.

Qingqing glared at Zhang Kun angrily, but followed his request, put the ginger soup on the table, took out the food from the basket, and put them on the table next to each other: "General Yanhong said, you just woke up He must be hungry, so let’s eat something first, and then we’ll go to the small shop outside the barracks to eat our fill.”

Picking up the ginger soup and taking a sip, the warm feeling spread in the abdomen. Although he has already fasted, he can replenish his body's consumption by absorbing vitality, but after such a strenuous exercise, if he doesn't have a good meal, he will always feel Something is missing.

After wolfing down the food, Zhang Kun wiped out the food on the table, leaned against the wall comfortably, glanced at the uninterrupted rain outside, and thought of Lin Yuxi again. He didn't know how she was doing now, as a Buddhist , and got involved with the devil himself, I don't know if those people made things difficult for her.

Seeing that Zhang Kun didn't speak, Qingqing secretly took a look at him. The two of them had gone through life and death many times, and only she knew how deep the relationship was in her heart.

In the Buddhist courtyard, in order to help Zhang Kun, she used her hole card just to block the opponent's attack, although it was only three times.It is conceivable that if Zhang Kun failed to perform the return round and repel the strong enemy at that time, the fate of the two of them can be imagined.

Qingqing herself didn't even realize how much she trusted Zhang Kun deep in her heart. She stretched out her white hand, grabbed Zhang Kun's hand, and smiled slightly: "What are you thinking? So engrossed?"

In her opinion, there was nothing inappropriate about such an action. Zhang Kun looked at her and smiled lightly: "It's nothing, I'm thinking about someone."

He didn't want to hide what he was thinking at the time, because there was no need for it.

"It's Lin Yuxi, don't worry, you will meet soon, this barbarian invasion is not easy, all sects will send people here sooner or later, and Buddhism, as one of the major sects, will definitely take the lead in expressing their views. Send Buddha, Almost a certainty. Take it easy."

Qingqing comforted Zhang Kun. Although she didn't know what they experienced together, she saw the tenderness in Zhang Kun's eyes.

"I'm in no hurry."

Zhang Kun explained with a smile. He just suddenly remembered that he didn't have too much expectation. As long as the news about him in Hanhaiguan got out, the Buddhist sect would definitely not agree to let Lin Yuxi come over.

"You're just in a hurry, I can see that."

Qingqing stared at Zhang Kun, pouted, turned her head, and ignored him.

"Can I have you in a hurry?"

Zhang Kun didn't explain, but asked back with a smile.

Standing under the eaves, Zhang Kun held up an umbrella, walked out of the house first, and then turned around and urged: "If you are late, you will not be able to catch dinner."

"Eat, eat, eat, why are you thinking about it every day like that guy Qian Shang?" Qingqing tidied up her clothes, and then ran under Zhang Kun's umbrella: "Let's go!"

"Where to eat? You stayed longer than me, and you follow that gluttonous Qian Shang, you should know where the food is delicious?"

"There is a source of family customers. Qian Shui has been there several times, and I will take you there."

When she got outside the customer's source, she found that there were only three tables inside. Qingqing looked at it several times in doubt before she was sure that she didn't find the wrong place.

Unexpectedly, the originally luxuriously decorated guest source would become like this during the barbarian invasion.

I remember that when I came here the day before yesterday, there were at least [-] chapters of tables inside. The three tables that are left now can be seen to be pieced together. It was a pile of wood, a broken table top, and the handrail of the stairs...

Qingqing's face was a bit ugly, and she wanted to take Zhang Kun to try something new, but unexpectedly, what she saw was such a desolate scene. If it wasn't because of her close relationship with Zhang Kun, she might be mistaken for deliberate targeting.

Zhang Kun didn't mind, and pulled Qingqing into the shop: "Xiaoer, what else do you eat here? Come to the next table."

Hearing the shout, a man dressed as a cook came out from behind: "Guest officer, please take care of me. There has just been an accident and there is a shortage of manpower. If you want any dishes, just say hello and bring them to you when they are ready."

Qingqing held Zhang Kun back, not wanting him to eat here. As a late-stage practitioner of the Body Fit Realm, no matter how bad he is, he can't eat in such a dilapidated place. In this dilapidated place, even the roof is leaking, so it's not eating at all. The place!

Seeing that Qingqing was showing dissatisfaction on his face, Zhang Kun didn't insist anymore. At worst, he would switch to another family when he was hungry. Anyway, he is a bigu person, and eating is more to satisfy his body after a lot of consumption.

"Hey, Zhang Kun!"

A middle-aged man looked at it carefully, and suddenly called out: "Everyone, this is Zhang Kun, and the portrait on the city gate is his!"

"Really? He is the one who single-handedly resisted the barbarians at the gate of Hanguan City?"

"You can't make a mistake about this. Go and ask for me."

An old man came up with a cane, first saluted Zhang Kun, and then asked: "Excuse me, are you the benefactor of Han Customs, Zhang Kun?"

After receiving Zhang Kun's affirmative answer, the people at the two tables eating in the store couldn't sit still.

A big man quickly wiped the stool under his buttocks and put it in front of Ning Cheng: "Please sit down, we can just stand and eat."

Another young man ran to the counter, searched for a menu, and put it on the table in front of Zhang Kun: "What do you want to eat, I will send a message for you later."

 I have something to do today, I met a friend, the chapters are posted regularly

(End of this chapter)

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