Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1081

Chapter 1081
"By the way, the good wine that has been buried in my yard for 30 years, it's time to take it out as a respect to benefactors."

After speaking, the old man leaned on a cane and left in a hurry.

Qingqing saw that these people were so enthusiastic, so she couldn't say anything, so she could only sit quietly beside Zhang Kun, hoping that the cook's skills were still the same as before, if Zhang Kun was not satisfied with the food, hum!
Zhang Kun smiled slightly, looked at the menu, and didn't know what was delicious, so he said to the young man, "Please help me order, I haven't eaten food for a long time, and I don't know what to order."

"Benefactor, your vision is really poisonous. How do you know that I am a regular customer of this restaurant and which dishes are delicious?"

The young man asked while writing on the menu.

"When you go to the counter to get the menu." Zhang Kun explained.

"Awesome! You can see it all."

After a few greetings, the young man took the menu and walked into the back kitchen. After a while, Cui Tou walked out dejectedly, and said to the people who were eating: "Half of the dishes on this menu can't be cooked, and there are no ingredients. See where it's available, go buy some, and I'll be the one to blame."

"You can't let you do such a good thing alone, I will buy it."

"I'll go as well."

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of people ran away until only a few remained.

Qingqing glanced at Zhang Kun secretly: "It was very lively here a few days ago."

"I know."

Zhang Kun picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, then sighed slightly: "War is never a good thing."

It was just an invasion by the barbarians. Most of the barbarians died in the fight with Yan Hong and others, and they didn't have time to destroy the shops in the city. If Zhang Kun and Yan Hong didn't keep the Han Pass, what kind of hell would it be inside? common scene?No one dared to imagine.

That's why they respected Zhang Kun as a benefactor, and they presented good wine and food to entertain him.

Walking through the edge of death, suddenly many things become unimportant, the most important thing is at this moment, the person who is with you and wants to be with you.The benefactor who saved him was hungry, so he naturally took out the things he was reluctant to part with in the past to treat him well.

The old man came back first, holding a wine jar in his arms, the mouth of the jar sealed with mud was a little damaged, and the quiet fragrance of wine wafted out.

"I was digging in a hurry just now, and when I came across the sealing mud, you can tell by smelling it that there is definitely good wine inside!"

The old man patted his chest to ensure that the wine was not newly bought, but Zhang Kun smiled slightly and didn't care. He opened the mud seal, smelled it, and couldn't help feeling: "Good wine!"

The wine that has been aged for many years has a special aroma. Except for the initial fishy and spicy taste of the baijiu, what remains is pure and sweet.

Zhang Kun hadn't had a drink for a long time, so he immediately filled a bowl and drank it all in one gulp: "Old man, I'm not welcome."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

The old man grinned.

When the young people bought the food, they set up a full table and looked at Zhang Kun with bright eyes, and Zhang Kun lived up to expectations, and wiped out all the food and wine, leaving money for the food, saying that he wanted the shop to be repaired. come again.

As soon as he walked out of the restaurant, Zhang Kun noticed something. He seemed to have underestimated the simplicity of these Hanguan people. Some of them were holding boiled eggs, and some were holding a piece of freshly steamed bacon and rice wine. , vegetables, and various snacks, all of them looked at him expectantly.

It turned out that when a group of young people went to buy ingredients, they couldn't help bragging to others that they had met a great benefactor. Many people knew Zhang Kun's whereabouts, so they quickly packed up the best food at home and sent it over.

"Everyone, I'm already full of wine and food today, and now I'm going to General Yan Hong to discuss military affairs, so, with your kindness, please come back."

After finishing speaking, she jumped onto the roof with Qingqing and disappeared from the sight of the crowd.

"Zhang Kun, what happened to you today?"

Qingqing asked, since Zhang Kun insisted on stepping into that store, his behavior was very abnormal. As for what was wrong, she couldn't tell, but she just felt a little weird.

"What do you think, except for the few people who were really grateful at the beginning, what kind of mentality do most of the later people have?"

Zhang Kun didn't reveal the answer directly, but deliberately kept it a secret.

"I think it's similar. Don't they all do the same thing?"

Qingqing thought for a long time but couldn't find a suitable answer, so she had to give this answer.

"They want to rely on what they have in hand in exchange for my chance to protect Hanhaiguan. People's hearts will change. At first they will be grateful to me for repelling the barbarians, but they can't feel at ease after seeing the brutal behavior of the barbarians, so , wanting to please me like this, in the Taoist sect, this is a bond."

"As for why we have to eat that meal in the store, it is the fate of the Taoist sect. Since I saved them, they are considered to have a fate with me. Fate, there will always be some changes and developments. I don't want to be contaminated. There is a relationship here, so I want to eat this meal to solve this relationship.”

Qingqing pouted, and whispered softly: "What are these, I don't understand at all."

Zhang Kun was not surprised by her reaction. If a person could easily understand the word "Fate" in Taoism, he would have been taken away by Taoism as a treasure.

These things are still one of the morals contained in those two obsessions, and they are only a very small part.The truths in it are enough for ordinary people to comprehend for a lifetime. Zhang Kun only understands these truths now, and has not had time to carefully examine the arguments in it.

"This is the way to General Yan Hong's tent. Is it true that General Yan Hong is looking for us?"

Qingqing's eyes widened, a little unbelievable, when did Zhang Kun have such powerful supernatural powers?Can you even figure out what others want to find him?
"I'm just guessing. If Yan Hong wakes up, the first thing she will do is look for me. Why don't I go look for him, so as not to disturb my sleep in the middle of the night."

Qingqing blushed and pinched Zhang Kun.

"You came."

To Zhang Kun's surprise, Yan Hong stood outside the military tent, holding an umbrella, greeting him like an old friend whom he had known for many years, and his arrival was not unexpected.

"I guessed that you would find me, so I came here."

"That's a coincidence. I was talking to them about you just now, and I received a message from the soldiers saying that you are coming. Let's go in and talk about it."


Inside the military tent, coals were flickering on and off in the stove, and the whole tent was very warm.

In the desert, the temperature difference between day and night is huge. Even if the temperature during the day is enough to roast a person, a fire must be prepared at night to welcome the arrival of the severe cold. Now that it is night, the temperature gradually drops, and the fire is naturally lit.

"Then I won't play around with you any more, let's just talk about the business."

(End of this chapter)

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