Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1082: Barbarian Holy Land

Chapter 1082: Barbarian Holy Land
Yan Hong sorted out her thoughts in her mind, and said: "I basically know all the things you did, and now the Twelve Sects are still looking for your traces, I have two suggestions, first, you join us and guard the At the border, according to the law, no one can tamper with the border troops. In this way, you will not have any worries and you can practice safely, but I guess you will not accept it."

Zhang Kun smiled lightly: "You are right."

Although the first suggestion is good and can completely subdue these hidden dangers, he is not willing to stay here. He is not a passionate young man like Yan Hong, who is willing to throw his head and blood for the country behind him.

What's more, Zhang Kun still has a time bomb in his body now, which may take his life away at any time. Guarding Hanguan is tantamount to waiting for death. This is not his style.

"Then listen to the second suggestion. In addition to the official establishment, the frontier army also has non-staff personnel. Although there is no guarantee, but with this status, I can use my personal reputation to guarantee to my superiors that the entire frontier army will stand on your side. Here, as your backer, even if the Twelve Sects want to make a move, they have to weigh the anger of our frontier army first."

In the last sentence, Yan Hong said it loudly!
This is the pride of the frontier army. They are not those sects who rely on one-on-one competitions to determine their strength. Once the frontier army is dispatched, it is definitely not a lone wolf, but a pack of wolves!Well-trained wolves!Relying on mutual cooperation, as well as military formation skills, although it is difficult to destroy the entire sect, they can completely raze their hills to the ground!

Zhang Kun was satisfied with the second suggestion, but he did not agree to it.

"What's your condition for guaranteeing me? I remember that guaranteeing such a thing seems like a heavy punishment."

As for the rules of the frontier army, Zhang Kun inquired clearly on the way to the desert. It seemed that if something happened to the guarantor, the whole family of the guarantor would suffer the same punishment as the guarantor!

It is this terrifying system of consecutive sittings that makes the issue of guarantees rarely mentioned.Changing places, who would be willing to risk the lives of their entire family to bet on the quality of one person?
"Don't worry, I'm alone, even if you make trouble, what do they really dare to do to me?"

Yan Hong is not worried at all. Everyone has witnessed his numerous achievements in the frontier army. Even if the higher-ups are really disregarding sympathy, if they want to send him out, they have to carefully weigh the soldiers under him. Fight!
"Then what do I need to pay?"

Zhang Kun asked, Yan Hong dared to pay so much, even at the expense of challenging the upper echelons of the frontier army, she must be asking for something.

"You just need to promise me that if necessary, you can do something for me. Don't worry, it's probably just a long trip and a few words for me."

After receiving Zhang Kun's affirmative answer, Yan Hong nodded and sighed helplessly: "My manpower has suffered a heavy loss this time, and almost all those outside the establishment have been drawn into the team for training. By the way, two days later, there will be a It’s a memorial service, you can come and see it if you’re in the mood.”

Zhang Kun thought for a while, stretched out his hand, and wrote on the sand: Is there any place that can suppress mental power.

While writing, he said: "A group of old men are crying, what's so interesting?"

"They are all brothers, go see them off, so as not to be lonely on the road."

How shrewd Yan Hong is, she immediately understood what Zhang Kun meant, and countless guesses flashed in her mind, but this was just a guess, and he didn't know how to ask in detail. The exchange of benefits brought back to Zhushen, a cooperation by mistake, has kept Hanhaiguan.

After thinking about it in my mind, I finally wrote three words on the ground: Lost Valley.

Seeing this answer as expected, Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly. Luoba Valley is the secret treasure of the twelve sects, and it is the best way to cultivate the spiritual power of the younger generation. It is guarded by heavy soldiers all year round.Naturally, he couldn't force his way in, but Zhang Kun's identity also meant that he couldn't enter there through legitimate channels.

"Go and cry, I won't go."

Zhang Kun replied casually, writing on the ground: Is there any more?
Now it's difficult for Yan Hong, if you say that in the entire human force, only Luopo Valley has the function of suppressing consciousness and soul, and there is absolutely no second one in the entire human force.

After thinking about it, he thought Zhang Kun was worried about his identity, and the Twelve Sects would refuse to let him in to practice: "Don't worry, with my relationship, it's okay to let you in."

Zhang Kun understood what he said, but still shook his head slightly.

He wanted to find a place where he could suppress his consciousness and reduce his opponent's strength. Otherwise, even if he had a hole card, it would be a futile struggle. In the face of absolute power, all schemes would be futile.

Even if he could enter Luobo Valley, even if the twelve sects didn't care about his own affairs, he still didn't want to go, because there is a strict time limit in Luobo Valley, as long as the time is exceeded, he will be carried out to recover his spirit. This is to protect the practitioners His consciousness was not damaged, but this was bad news for Zhang Kun, because he didn't know how long the battle for his body would last.

If I am dragged out of my body at a critical moment, wouldn't it be a waste of all my previous efforts?Naturally, the more secure these things are, the better.

Yan Hong fell into deep thought. After a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he wrote a line on the ground: The Barbarian Holy Land, the Wild Valley, also has the effect of suppressing the soul.

Zhang Kun's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't expect that apart from humans, even barbarians had such a place!
What surprised him even more was that Yan Hong knew so clearly and definitely that the barbarian holy land, these four words alone had revealed too much confidence.

"I'll leave if I have nothing else to do, and I won't disturb your business."

Zhang Kun glanced at the layers of documents on the table, and took the opportunity to leave.

Seeing that the sky had darkened and the rain in the sky was much lighter, only some raindrops were flying in the air. On the side of the street, torches were lit to illuminate the muddy road.

Zhang Kun was not in a hurry to go home, but asked around, and then walked to the Alchemy Association in Hanhaiguan.

The Taoist priest in black and white robes helped him transform Qihai, and gave him a reminder that as long as Wuji Qihai is activated according to the method left by the Taoist priest, it can completely break away from the control of that consciousness and become his trump card.He naturally wanted to grab everything he could hold in his hands now.

One by one, we must disrupt the situation that the consciousness has set up on us.

(End of this chapter)

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