Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1083 Only got its shape, not its spirit

Chapter 1083 Only got its shape, not its spirit

As one of his cards, Zhang Kun had reason to believe that the life-defying body had definitely been tampered with secretly.

Changing places, if he changed himself to that consciousness, he would definitely tamper with the body of the life-defying common people as his escape route. In case a more powerful person finds out, he can also use this life-defying common life body to escape. It won't be out of your wits.

Zhang Kun didn't know what methods that consciousness had left on the life-defying common life body, but he knew that as long as the life-defying common people body was tempered again, these methods could be eliminated. Since the beginning of the day, he has been moving forward according to his ideas, so this is enough to make him careless, and he will not check whether the means left on the body of the rebels are still there.

After finding a way to send Qing Qing away, Zhang Kun didn't just step into the alchemy branch, but walked into a hotel, disguised as a middle-aged man, and then entered the alchemy branch.

The less people know about the things I do, the better.

"Hello, this is one of the alchemist branch of Hanguan, how can I help you?"

The person in charge of receiving Zhang Kun was a beautiful woman, wearing a gorgeous cheongsam, tightly covering her slender waist. It is estimated that this woman is about eighteen years old, her face is still a bit immature, and her body is not fully grown. .

"I want medicinal materials. I have listed the details on the list. I want two copies." After finishing speaking, he took out the banknote from his pocket and put it on the table: "The money should be enough, if you can buy it in half an hour Find it, and the rest will be rewarded to you."

"Let me see."

The woman smiled slightly, but sat down next to Zhang Kun. Although her eyes looked at the herbs on the list, her body gradually leaned towards Zhang Kun, and finally their legs were stuck together.

Zhang Kun was still thinking about how to deal with the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he didn't realize the woman's small movements until their legs were close together.

With a sneer, she lifted the woman's chin: "Is there anything on the list?"


The woman didn't mind Zhang Kun's rude behavior. The medicinal materials listed on this list are very precious. From the moment she saw the first medicinal material, she knew that this person is not simple, and now Hanhaiguan is in disaster again. , if she can't find a backer as soon as possible, it will be difficult for her to sleep peacefully.

And the man in front of him, apart from being much older than himself, is also an alchemist, and his grade is not low, he is exactly the kind of person he is looking for, so he made these little tricks.

"If I don't see these herbs after an hour, I'll break your neck."

A bloodthirsty expression flashed in Zhang Kun's eyes, that kind of thirst for blood immediately made the woman feel like falling into an ice bank.

"Yes, I'll go right now."

He quickly stood up from Zhang Kun's side and left in a hurry.

In addition to Zhang Kun, there are four or five people waiting in the hall. When the medicinal materials are ready, they will be taken to the compartment to get the medicinal materials.

This group of people did not whisper to each other, but stretched their necks one by one, watching an alchemist refining medicine.

"See, this method is absolutely perfect."

A middle-aged man lowered his voice and explained to another person beside him.

"Yeah, this star picker has been used by him, and I can't find any faults at all."

An old man said with emotion, as if he was the most powerful of these people.

"You still want to find faults? He is a third-level great alchemist, and the alchemy he refines can be taken even by practitioners in the middle of the fusion stage. Only you, an alchemist, can find faults?"

I don't know who got this sentence, all the alchemists in the hall laughed out loud.

The old man blushed immediately, and quibbled: "Although I am only an alchemist, I know a lot about you. I have eaten more salt than you have eaten."

"That's because you have a strong taste, haha."

The continuous laughter made the old man's blush turn into a monkey's ass.

Where is the nonsense of constantly sophistrying, talking about something, the older you are, the more knowledgeable you are, and the young people don't respect their teachers, which makes those alchemists laugh.

Zhang Kun didn't care about these ridicules, and his eyes fell on the alchemist who made alchemy. Compared with his own, his technique was very clumsy, and there was nothing worth seeing at all.

"Alas, it is true that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings."

With a chuckle, Zhang Kun closed his eyes and stopped looking.

Having comprehended a lot of morals in the world of Taiji, this gave him a deeper understanding of alchemy, at least he had reached the fifth rank of a great alchemist.

Alchemy is originally a method of Taoism, and many of the exquisite elixirs are also from the hands of Taoism.

Yin and Yang seem simple, but they include everything in the world. It is not only the philosophy of life, the distinction between black and white, but also the power of alchemy, so that different medicinal juices are mixed together. The final process of making alchemy is to reconcile the medicines in it. effect, not to let any one of them show too strong medicinal power, but to complement each other.

Although Zhang Kun's words were very light, they were still heard.

"Dan Cheng!"

The great alchemist who made alchemy let out a low shout, raised his hand and patted the hot pill stove, a green pill flew out of the stove, and a quiet fragrance filled the hall immediately.

Seeing this scene, the great alchemist raised his head proudly, looked at the two faint pill patterns on the pill, chuckled, deliberately raised the pill in his hand, and placed it on a plate beside him.

The plate was made of pure gold, covered with a brocade, with a red background, and a golden dragon seemed to take off from it.

"Take it back and put it away. This Qingxin Pill can sell for hundreds of silver, so be careful."

With a scolding, he looked at the alchemists in the hall, and raised his head proudly: "To tell you the truth, I have gained some experience in alchemy recently, and I have made another step forward in alchemy. I am already a fourth-rank great alchemist."

Amidst the flattery and flattery of countless people, the great alchemist felt a little smug, and it was not his fault. Originally, his two strongest competitors were killed during the barbarian invasion last night. Only myself is the fourth rank of the great alchemist, so to speak, I can firmly sit on the title of the number one alchemist in Hanhaiguan.

Although he was not as good as those old monsters who devoted themselves to alchemy, he was still young, and it was only a matter of time before he surpassed them.

The old man stopped the girl, looked at the pill carefully, but shook his head and sighed softly: "Unfortunately, I only got the shape, but not the spirit."

The Great Alchemist was enjoying other people's praise, when he suddenly heard this belittling, how could he hold his breath, and immediately scolded: "What did you say, old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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