Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1084 Slapped in the face

Chapter 1084 Slapped in the face
However, the old man was not affected by the words of the great alchemist, and just chuckled: "Jing Ping, you still want to sell this medicine at a high price of 100 taels? In order to reduce costs, the most important Qinglingcao is used by you with Qingmiancao Instead, although the tastes of these two herbs are similar, the spicy taste of Qingmiancao cannot be removed, even though you have successfully formed a pill, it is still a useless pill."

His words were sonorous and forceful. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be teaching an ignorant junior in his capacity as an elder.With a bit of hatred and regret.

"You're a good old man, you can refine it if you have the ability!" Jing Ping shouted angrily.

He just saw that the old man was just a alchemist, completely incapable of refining Qingxin Pill, and deliberately made things difficult for him. As for what the old man said, he had already made cold sweat on his back. Thinking that even an old man can't hide it!

"It's true that I can't refine it, it's such a elixir to fool people!" The old man ruthlessly dropped this sentence, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Jing Ping was still angry, and looked around, only Zhang Kun was sitting upright, completely unaffected by his alchemy, it was this plain appearance that made him angrier the more he looked at it, and his heart was always It seemed to be blocked by something, and I felt uncomfortable all over without breathing.

"Hey, that kid over there, I see that you and I are destined, and I sold this pill to you for 80 taels of silver."

Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, he never thought that things would turn out like this, he obviously didn't say anything, did he even provoke him?

You still want me to buy a waste pill for 80 taels of silver?Has this guy got water in his head?
Ignoring Jing Ping's words, Zhang Kunquan thought he was farting.His purpose is just to buy some medicinal materials, and go back to temper the body of the life-defying common people, not to fight this guy here.

Seeing that Zhang Kun didn't pay attention to him, Jing Ping was even more furious. He walked up to Zhang Kun, took out the pill, and put it in front of Zhang Kun's eyes: "I sold it to you at a low price because I saw that you were destined. , don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

Zhang Kun was a little helpless. There are always people in this world who are like that annoying fly. Even if it is clear that he will not pay attention to him, he still has to come forward, and he will not know where he is wrong until he is beaten to pieces by the fly swatter.

"I didn't kill you, I already gave enough face, don't make fun of yourself."

Replying faintly, Zhang Kun twisted the Qingxin Pill with two fingers, and chuckled: "If I refined this kind of rubbish, I would have committed suicide a long time ago."

"What did you say."

Jing Ping clenched his teeth, wishing to tear Zhang Kun into pieces right now, but this is the alchemist branch, and any fighting is forbidden, so he can only vent his anger and dissatisfaction with his tongue.

"This elixir, not only is the material chosen wrong, the elixir fragrance is too leaked, the efficacy is very low, and as a great alchemist, you can't even condense the elixir pattern, it is really waste, and your Is the Star Picker specially used for performances?"

The words pointed out all Jing Ping's loopholes, and Jing Ping's legs went limp in an instant, and he almost knelt on the ground.

He did use the Star Reacher before, but he didn't grasp the essence of it, but bullied others who couldn't understand the mystery. He just made some typical movements, but in fact he still used the traditional refining method.

As for what the old man said earlier, why the alchemy can still be formed after changing the medicinal materials, it is just because the medicinal materials are not completely purified, there are many impurities, and the difficulty of melting the alchemy is naturally reduced.

The alchemists who had praised Jingping noticed his strangeness, and immediately murmured in their hearts.

Is what this man said true?
Otherwise, how could Jingping be so afraid?
Just when everyone wanted to find out the truth of the matter, an old voice came: "Who is causing trouble?"

"It's the president of the branch."

"Great, when he comes, he will be able to know whether Jing Ping is fooling us or not."

"Yes, the president has always been able to distinguish right from wrong."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Zhang Kun also nodded slightly. Since the president can tell right from wrong, then he doesn't need to explain himself any more.However, things didn't go the way people expected.

The president was wearing a fine attire, and his beard and hair had completely turned silvery white.With a cane inlaid with gold and silver, it has never been easy to decorate a wooden staff with so much gold and silver.

In fact, he already knew what happened outside, so he walked up to Ning Cheng directly: "But you are causing trouble?"

Zhang Kun sneered, but he didn't expect that the president would target him. He frowned slightly: "Oh? If you're being provocative to be honest, then I think it might be because your brain is not working well."


The president sternly shouted, leaning on crutches without getting angry!
But Zhang Kun doesn't take this kind of thing at all, he is just a great alchemist, at most he is on an equal footing with himself, what's more, these alchemists don't have as much time and energy as him. It can also keep the cultivation unaffected. In other words, none of the people here is Zhang Kun's opponent.

The only mental strength these alchemists could display was a joke in front of him.

"It's still uncertain who is being presumptuous."

Zhang Kun sneered, and stretched his hands to his waist. He didn't have to do anything to deal with these matters, as long as he showed his identity.

"Come on, get this guy out of here!"

The president didn't explain it to Zhang Kun, and shouted directly. Suddenly, several guards in the middle stage of the fit state came up with grinning smiles.

Due to the geographical environment of Hanhaiguan, refining pills is much more difficult than in the inner land. Except for a few kinds of pills, they can hardly obtain fresh medicinal materials, and the quantity is scarce.In the entire alchemist branch, there are very few high-level alchemists, only the president and Jing Ping in front of him.

But it's not useless here, alchemists of the same level, their guards are much better than those in Neitu.

"Boy, I advise you to go obediently and don't let us do anything."

A strong man squeezed his fist. It seemed that he was just trying to persuade Zhang Kun with good words, but in fact, his fist had already waved when the words just fell.

Wandering Dragon Bahuang Fist!
With this punch, countless shadows of fists seemed to rush out in an instant, making it hard for people to see the direction he really wanted to attack.Moreover, the majestic vitality is like a sea, like a swimming dragon, trying to swallow up this piece of heaven and earth!

After a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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