Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

"Yeah, I'm just a pervert."

Zhang Kun stretched out his hand to stop Lin Yuxi's waist, and kissed her on the cheek: "Then do you like such a pervert?"

"No seriousness, wait for me to take a shower first, and then accompany you."

With that said, Lin Yuxi took off her coat, got into the bucket, and washed away the dust from the journey these days.

Zhang Kun looked at the scene of the beauty bathing in front of him, and the reproachful eyes she looked at him from time to time, not to mention how beautiful she was.

As soon as Lin Yuxi finished washing, Zhang Kun carried her out of the barrel, threw her on the bed, and kissed every inch of her body...

After a few moments of joy, the sky gradually darkened. Zhang Kun pulled Lin Yuxi up from the bed: "Let's go, I'll treat you. I heard from Qian Shang that the barbecue here is very classic. I must take you to try it."

Lin Yuxi happily agreed, but after looking at her dirty clothes, she really didn't want to wear them anymore.

"Zhang Kun, do you have any clean clothes, lend me one, and I'll buy it later."

Zhang Kun took out his coat from the mirror field and put it on Lin Yuxi, then took her hand and left the hotel.

Shopping is a fatal temptation for girls, even if they are practitioners, even if they are Buddhists, they can't change this.Even though her stomach had been protesting for a long time, it still couldn't stop Lin Yuxi from shopping.

I have been picking and choosing, and finally I chose a common dress in Hanhaiguan. For the people here, this dress is very common. Compared with the clothes in Nei Tu, there is an extra white headscarf, and the whole dress is looser. Very comfortable to wear.

"I'm starving to death, it's all your fault, take me shopping, I'm hungry."

After choosing the clothes, Lin Yuxi threw herself into Zhang Kun's arms and acted coquettishly.

"You were arguing to come here earlier, why are you blaming me again?"

Zhang Kun pinched Lin Yuxi angrily, and the depression in his heart dissipated a lot. Sure enough, women are unreasonable creatures.

Lin Yuxi, on the other hand, blushed and gave him a hard look, then took his arm and started towards the delicious food.

The gourmet food that Qian Shang told Zhang Kun was Laiyun Tavern, where besides wine, special barbecues are also provided. According to Qian Shang, he has eaten here no less than ten times.A place where this gluttonous ghost can come several times is naturally a good place.

The entire tavern was decorated in a simple and simple way. At the door, a waiter saw Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi approaching, and immediately greeted him: "Please, two guest officers, your luck is really good. Yesterday, a cow was killed in the store. You can make our special drunken roast beef, do you want to try it?"

Just as he was talking, a shout came from the back kitchen: "Drunken roast beef is ready to order!"

For a while, many guests shouted, wanting to eat this beef.

In just a few seconds, I ordered dozens of points to go out. The shop waiter smiled and looked at Zhang Kun: "If you don't order, there will be nothing later."

Lin Yuxi suddenly became curious: "The cook is in the back kitchen, all the ingredients can be selected and re-made."

"This guest officer is new here, right? This cook is top-notch, but he just has a bad temper. He only cooks one dish a day, and he doesn't do it when it's sold out. Even if the boss wants to make money, no matter whether he threatens or lures him, he hasn't changed his mind." .”

The waiter explained patiently.

Zhang Kun thought for a while, then looked at Lin Yuxi: "Why don't we order one and let's try it."

Seeing Zhang Kun asking about her thoughts, Lin Yuxi felt extremely happy, and nodded, "Then let's have a taste."

"Good! A drunken roast beef!"

“A Drunken Roast Beef!”

Another voice sounded almost at the same time as Xiao Er.

"Only one copy."

A grumpy voice came from the store, Xiaoer explained to Zhang Kun and the two in a low voice: "This is the chef I was talking about, very grumpy."

"I see who dares to rob me!"

A bald man stood up, looked in the direction of the voice, and found Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi, his eyes greedily swept over Lin Yuxi, and said with a lewd smile: "Little girl, what are you eating drunk roast beef for? Uncle's stick! Haha!"

Zhang Kun's face gradually became gloomy, and he stood up slowly. He looked at the big man, even if he used all his cards today, he would make this bastard regret being born in this world!
"Hey, there is still a little boy, why, even you want to eat the stick of the uncle?"

The bald man was full of foul words, but he made countless guests laugh.

"Who is this little boy? How dare he even provoke a desert wolf?"

A diner asked a companion.

"It's probably a newcomer. In the Han Customs, the name of this desert wolf is resounding. Apart from the frontier army, he can be said to be the biggest. If that little boy obediently handed over the woman, he might even save his life." .”

"Isn't that right? Any prettier woman in Hanhaiguan has to hide quickly when they see this desert wolf."


There was a lot of discussion for a while, and it also let Zhang Kun know who he was facing. A few days ago, Yan Hong told himself that this desert wolf was alone, intercepting traders outside the Han Customs, and collecting benefits. A few days ago, the barbarians invaded Sometimes, seeing that the situation was not good, he ran fast, otherwise, if the barbarians didn't kill him, Yan Hong would find a way to create an accident and kill this person.

He didn't listen to anyone's command at all, disrupted the order everywhere, practiced for many years, and even reached the middle stage of the Fusion state, and the general frontier army couldn't do anything to him.

Zhang Kun had already thought through all the information of Gu Cheng in his mind, and the cold light in his eyes became heavier.

"Boy, look at the uncle again, and the uncle will dig out your eyeballs!"

Gu Cheng stared at Zhang Kun viciously, his clothes were so fierce that his clothes were about to tear him into pieces.

But Zhang Kun didn't waver at all, because Lin Yuxi was beside him, and she didn't know anyone in Hanhaiguan except herself, so Zhang Kun was the only one to rely on.

"I'll help you!" Lin Yuxi was also so angry that she was about to stand up and use her supernatural powers to help him, but unexpectedly, Zhang Kun gave her an indifferent look.

"sit down."

"But, I..." Lin Yuxi wanted to explain something, but Zhang Kun's next words asked her to sit quietly.

"I, Zhang Kun, if I can't even protect my own woman, then I might as well die!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun took out the Qianmo sword from the mirror field, looked at Gu Cheng, with a cold light in his eyes: "How do you want to die."

Just five words, without any emotion, without hearing any sorrow or joy, calm as if he was narrating an established fact.

"Boy, you are so arrogant! Do you think that my name as Desert Wolf is for nothing!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Cheng tore off his shirt, and there were various wounds all over his strong muscles, and there was even a sword wound visible to the naked eye at the position of the heart!

This is a person who crawled out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood!At the same level, people like him often have stronger fighting power!

(End of this chapter)

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