Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1095 Egg Broken

Chapter 1095 Egg Broken
Zhang Kun just watched him show off and didn't speak.

If Gu Cheng was proud of climbing out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood, then such an achievement was worthless in Zhang Kun's eyes!
Because of Zhang Kun, in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, he is king and hegemony!
Although his own strength has fallen to the middle stage of the fit state, he has absolute confidence to kill the bastard in front of him, even if he doesn't know the vitality!

"Little thief, I think you are tired of working!"

As expected of a desert wolf, Gu Cheng saw that Zhang Kun had no intention of backing down, so he immediately drew the knife from his waist and slashed at Zhang Kun first!
It's not that he underestimated Zhang Kun's strength, but because Zhang Kun is too young. At this age, even if he can practice to the late stage of Mahayana, he can already be worthy of the word genius!

And such an opponent, he is confident that he can kill him without relying on any vitality and skills!

The long knife came oncoming, but Zhang Kun just chuckled: "Idiot."

All swords are only an extension of boxing, the so-called practice boxing, a hundred soldiers are proficient.In the past two days, Zhang Kun has concentrated on comprehending close combat, and his use of swordsmanship and swordsmanship has improved to a higher level.

Gu Cheng's knife looks extremely powerful and menacing, but in fact, in Zhang Kun's eyes, he is a clown with no redeeming qualities!

There is neither room for a hidden turning point, nor a way to defend and counterattack. If Zhang Kun is so underestimated and such a random move, if he doesn't teach him a lesson, I'm afraid he will even forget his last name!


With a low shout, Zhang Kun walked towards Gu Cheng, with Qian Mo in his hand lying beside him, and when he got close, Shadow Die Twice suddenly activated!

Zhang Kun's figure disappeared into the air, and Gu Cheng's knife slashed in the empty space!
The next moment, Zhang Kun appeared on the right side of Gucheng, kicked the egg directly between Gucheng's legs, and before the severe pain could spread to the brain, he was stabbed by Qian Mo in the throat!

This sword could have killed Gu Cheng, but because of Lin Yuxi's presence, Zhang Kun did not do it. She is a disciple of the Buddha after all. If he committed a murder in front of her, he would inevitably leave some grudges in his heart. .


Gu Cheng clutched his throat and wailed with unknown meaning. He couldn't think about why he was defeated at the moment. The severe pain swept through his brain, and he kept wailing.

Zhang Kun put away Qian Mo, and kicked Gu Cheng to the door of the tavern: "Xiao Er, see off the guests!"

After doing this, Zhang Kun returned to Lin Yuxi and sat down. The development of the matter was much simpler than he expected. A person whose eyes were blinded by past victories would not cause any trouble or trouble to Zhang Kun at all. .

"You could just kill him."

Lin Yuxi suddenly said that she knew Zhang Kun's strength, and under such an opportunity, she could completely avoid future troubles.

Zhang Kun glanced at Lin Yuxi in surprise, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Lin Yuxi suddenly understood that Zhang Kun was worried that she would not like it.

A pretty face instantly turned red to the ears, and Zhang Kun stepped on Zhang Kun under the table. Although it was a step, it did not use force, and it was more like flirting.

"When I came out, the master said that I need to bring a Jiedao on this trip to kill all the demons in the world."

After explaining to herself, Lin Yuxi lowered her head and refused to continue the topic.

The drunken roast beef was quickly put on the table, and the strong aroma instantly filled the nostrils, which whetted the appetite.

Lin Yuxi hadn't eaten for several days, and now she was completely fasted, and she didn't need to eat any more to satisfy her body's needs, but today, looking at this delicious food, she couldn't bear it any longer, picked up the chopsticks and picked up the food. Looking at the cut meat, I ate several pieces deliciously.

After eating, Zhang Kun looked at her and didn't eat.He glared at him somewhat reproachfully, picked up a piece of meat, and said "ah" as if feeding a child.

Zhang Kun chuckled, ate the meat, and simply sat beside Lin Yuxi, holding her slender waist: "I want it."

"Pfft, no!"

Lin Yuxi patted Zhang Kun's dishonest hand symbolically, and leaned against him.

At this moment, a group of soldiers suddenly poured in from outside the tavern, and the leader glanced coldly at all the diners: "Someone made trouble just now? Stand up!"

All of a sudden, those diners lowered their heads. It was less than a few days since the barbarian invasion, and many people took the opportunity to make trouble. The soldiers of Han Customs, led by Yan Hong, were eliminating bandits and improving the law and order of Han Customs.

Those who cause trouble at the cusp of this storm will definitely not be able to please.In order to avoid misfortune, several daring diners quietly pointed at Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi.

At this time, Gu Cheng also gradually recovered from the severe pain, and the severe pain between his legs reminded him all the time that he no longer had the capital to be a man!Therefore, he looked at Zhang Kun with more vicious eyes.

"It's these two people who took the initiative to pick things up!"

Gu Cheng pointed at Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi, and roared angrily, "It's them, and everyone here can give me proof! They were the ones who made the first move!"

Those diners lowered their heads and refused to speak. If they deny Gu Cheng's statement at this time, with his personality, they will definitely seek revenge in the future, but if they agree with him, not only Zhang Kun in front of him is not easy to mess with, but Moreover, the price of fooling the frontier army is very serious!In this somewhat dangerous time, maybe the head will fall to the ground!

Seeing that the diners did not speak, Gu Cheng pointed to his still red and swollen neck and the blood that was dripping between his legs in disbelief.

"You don't believe me? I was beaten into such a state. Could it be that I couldn't do it myself? Let me tell you, you must give me an explanation for today's matter. Why can they beat people in the tavern!"

Gu Cheng roared mournfully, the soldier glanced at him, thought about it in his head, and then remembered the desert wolf, his eyelids twitched slightly, no one can offend this person!
Immediately walked to Zhang Kun's desk, coughed lightly: "Please come with me, there are some things we need to investigate clearly, and please understand."

Although the soldier acquiesced that Zhang Kun did it first due to Gucheng's lust, but he was not without brains. Since Zhang Kun was able to beat Gucheng like this, but he was unscathed, it shows that his strength is at least as strong as Gucheng's. similar.

Therefore, he can only choose this method, first invite Zhang Kun to leave, to show Gu Gu face, and then patiently explain his difficulties to Zhang Kun, and give some money gifts, hoping that he can forgive himself for being caught in the cracks Survival is a choice that has to be made.

As for the words of persuasion, he had already thought about it. Zhang Kun looked kinder and could understand other people's difficulties, unlike Gu Cheng, who was simple-minded.This can be regarded as flattering.

(End of this chapter)

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