Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1115 Shadow Hunter

Chapter 1115 Shadow Hunter

Why did he come to die?

This question couldn't get out of Ke Xing's mind, but now she wanted to go to him and ask him face to face.

Is it being excluded?
When this idea flashed through her mind, Ke Xing stepped a little faster. If so, as long as he agrees, she can be his guarantor, let him join the barbarians, and ensure that he is treated courteously among the barbarians.

However, after finally leaving Han Pass and walking to the still burning bonfire, no one saw him. There was only a half-eaten roasted vulture on the ground.

"Where are you!"

Ke Xing shouted anxiously, the night in the desert is always dangerous, besides the sandy abyss, there are countless terrifying creatures hiding in it, as long as it is alone, no matter whether it is a barbarian or a human, it is hard to escape.

Could it be that he was eaten by those creatures?

Ke Xing was anxious, lit a torch, and chased after the row of unobvious footprints.

"Where are you! Answer me!"

On the empty desert, there was nothing, even her voice was swallowed by the boundless darkness.

Until there was a desert, the footprints were interrupted, Ke Xing fell helplessly on the ground, the torch in his hand illuminated the road ahead, but there was no trace of him anymore.

Back in time, after the barbarians retreated, Zhang Kun lit a bonfire with the wood from the barbarian weapons, thinking about how to deal with it tomorrow. It was wishful thinking to pass through the bronze gate with only one person's strength.

The ones fighting today were only the barbarians with three stripes, and the barbarians with four or even five stripes had never appeared before. With them, the idea of ​​breaking through the Tongmen Pass by themselves can only be nullified.

However, he has already obtained what he wants, the confidence to fight against the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Why don't we make plans after Yanhong takes back the Tongmen Pass?"

As soon as this thought came up, Zhang Kun couldn't help shaking his head, he couldn't wait.

Thinking of Yan Hong, he suddenly remembered the luggage that Yan Hong entrusted to him last night. He remembered that the soldier had specially explained that there was a surprise in it, and Zhang Kun was very curious about this surprise now.

When I opened the package, I saw that the barbarian clothes were thrown away, and there were two maps in the package.One of them was the map of Tongmen Pass, on which a winding path was marked with a red line. It avoided the soldiers at Tongmen Pass and pointed straight to the barbarian territory!

This is the surprise that Yanhong gave Zhang Kun, a way to reach the barbarian territory without having to compete with the barbarians at Tongmen Pass.

For Zhang Kun now, this is more than a surprise, it is a timely help!

"This time I owe you a favor."

Muttering to himself, Zhang Kun quickly packed up his things, followed the directions on the map, and walked towards the dangerous peak on the other side of the Tongmen Pass.

Whenever a large army marches, they generally will not choose such a remote path. One is that the road is rough and the food and grass are not convenient to transport. The second is that if the enemy discovers that the troops are divided into two by this path, then, The ending of being annihilated.

Therefore, the barbarians did not dare to enter from here at first, and now Yan Hong also dare not enter the hinterland of the barbarians from here to surround these barbarians.

However, for Zhang Kun, this is an excellent road. He is alone, and the rugged mountain road here can help him hide his whereabouts.

The moonlight was just right tonight, and it was a good day for traveling. Zhang Kun simply dropped the torch in his hand and ran directly on the mountain.Zhang Kun, who had been trotting all the time, noticed something strange, and there was always an illusion in his heart that someone was watching him.

"No, someone is following me."

This is the consensus of practitioners. As long as you stare at a person for a long time, you can find something strange. Now, Zhang Kun is feeling this way, so he feels more dangerous around him.

Immediately stopped, Zhang Kun was in good spirits, and the Qianmo sword was already in his hand.

Under the moonlight, it was pitch black all around, but Zhang Kun could imagine what kind of monsters were hiding behind those dark stones, and they were looking forward to the moment when he relaxed his vigilance.Then give a fatal blow.

This is a common hunting tactic used by wild animals.

"Anyone who doesn't know the location of the beast, but finds that the beast is staring at him, remember not to get close to the trees or rocks, return to the plain, follow the guidance of instinct, and retreat to a suitable position."

This is the hunting experience gained from the golden-masked barbarians. For Zhang Kun, it is now a guide for his own actions.

After quietly looking around, Zhang Kun retreated to an open area, so that even if he was attacked by a wild beast, he would have enough time to escape.

However, Zhang Kun is not a wild beast, and he has no experience in fighting wild beasts, especially wild beasts in the desert. He is completely uncertain about the habits of these creatures. If he retreats according to his instinct, he may retreat into the mouth of the wild beast.

So, he stood where he was, secretly took out a Sky Thunder Pill, and felt a little relieved.

"This guy is really difficult."

Zhang Kun stared at the surrounding vigilantly. After a full 10 minutes, the opponent did not show up until now. Zhang Kun had to concentrate on staring at the surroundings, not daring to relax in the slightest. He didn't even know what the opponent was. If he was careless, he might die.

poop puff!
An unknown bird flapped its wings and flew out from behind a stone.

After Zhang Kun saw clearly that the bird was only running away, he stared around cautiously. The beast must have noticed something strange before it fled in a hurry. This showed that there was indeed something secretly staring at him.

It's just that Zhang Kun couldn't figure out what kind of creature was ambushing him on the wilderness.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There was silence all around, and Zhang Kun could even hear the beating of his heart, as well as the sound of heavy breathing.

Zhang Kun was vigilant all around, but there was a sudden movement under his feet. Fortunately, he had been watching the movements around him all the time. When there was a movement under his feet, he had already found the other party's trace.

It is a snake, but its head is composed of neat stones.

"Stone python?"

Zhang Kun looked at the ruthless killer in front of him, but countless questions flashed in his heart.

Stone pythons are like boa constrictors. Before they cultivated to become demons, they had no wisdom. They just followed the guidance of their bodies and hunted around.But, how could the stone python follow him all the time and make such an outrageous move?

After a brief adjustment, the stone python opened its hard head and bit Zhang Kun.

"Hmph, I don't know whether to live or die!"

Raising his hand, he threw the Sky Thunder Pill into the stone python's mouth.

A roar that shook the sky and the earth spread from the top of the mountain!

This is the Sky Thunder Pill refined by Zhang Kun himself. It was prepared to deal with the barbarians of the four stripes, but now it is used to kill a small stone python. It is a waste of resources.However, he didn't feel bad.

With such a loud noise, it is easy to scare away the beast, which is his purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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