Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1116 Survival by luck

Chapter 1116 Survival by luck
The stone python hasn't become a demon yet, it's just a wild beast, unable to stop the power of the Thunder Pill, its hard head was directly blown into stones, and the body behind the stone head was full of flesh and blood. The remaining large pieces of meat were also completely scorched, leaving no trace of the previous stone python.

"Not yet."

Zhang Kun's heart sank, who was staring at him and putting him under so much pressure, and he was very vigilant, leaving no useful clues for Zhang Kun.

In this regard, Zhang Kun is also helpless. He is not afraid of a strong opponent, but at the same time, he is cautious and does not leave any chance of a comeback.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent tremor in the air!

Zhang Kun dodged, narrowly dodging a cold arrow shot from behind.The arrow completely sank into the stone, leaving only a small piece of tail feathers, piercing straight on the stone.

"so close!"

Zhang Kun took a deep breath in his heart, and then settled down. If it wasn't for the long distance, the arrow just now should have been behind him before he realized it. In that way, he would have no way to avoid it. time.

The moment he saw the arrow, Zhang Kun also understood that his opponent was not a so-called monster, but a barbarian, an archer proficient in barbarian skills!
When Zhang Kun turned his head, the archer could no longer be seen, and the solemnity in his heart increased a bit.If he was entangled by such an opponent, Zhang Kun even doubted whether he would be able to walk thirty miles outside the Tongmen Pass.

"I know you are responsible for guarding this small road, but the mountain road here is rugged, and only one or two people are needed to keep watch, so there are not many of you."

Zhang Kun calmly talked about his own analysis. He did this to find a suitable escape route for himself, and the other was to disrupt the opponent's plans and plans.

If such a hunter is allowed to continue according to his own way of thinking and way, Zhang Kun knows that he has absolutely no chance of surviving.

The power of that arrow was comparable to a full-strength blow in the late stage of the Fusion Realm. Zhang Kun was not sure that he would be able to survive the power of this arrow without using his vitality.

"So, if you don't plan to show up, then I'm leaving."

After saying a word, Zhang Kun made a gesture to run away.Sure enough, as soon as he turned his head, an arrow flew out from the darkness and shot towards a place two steps ahead of him. If he ran straight forward at Zhang Kun's speed, he would definitely not be able to escape the arrow, but , Zhang Kun didn't intend to keep this tail.

If you let him follow you, how can you sneak into the barbarian holy land?As long as he arrived near a barbarian town or even a village, he would probably be captured by a large group of helpers before he took two steps.

Turning around, Zhang Kun directly ran into the archer!
In the horrified eyes of the barbarians, Zhang Kun's sudden burst of speed far exceeded his prediction.

The longbow in his hand was drawn again, aiming at Zhang Kun's position.

Although this arrow was hasty, its power is not diminished!And the distance is so short, he believes that Zhang Kun has no way to escape the arrow.

Although he has full confidence in his own arrows, human beings are always a cunning race. Therefore, after shooting an arrow, he drew the bow again, aiming at Zhang Kun's position, intending to shoot another arrow!
Zhang Kun completely ignored the arrows that suddenly enlarged in front of him. He needed to solve this trouble completely and use the fastest speed.

I have already spent a lot of time here before, and I am afraid that those barbarians have already got the news. Once the border of the barbarians is under martial law, I am afraid that my actions will be greatly hindered!

"Shadow Dies Twice!"

Suddenly there was no figure of Zhang Kun in the world, and the barbarian's archer was also slightly surprised, but most of the human's moves were extremely weird, and they didn't follow the barbarian's routine. !Therefore, his gaze has swept away to a position far away from him.

However, Zhang Kun's figure appeared in front of him in the next moment, and the Dongyue epee in his hand stood in front of him and shot down directly at the barbarians!

This accident happened too suddenly, and the barbarians shot arrows again in panic, but, is the name of Dongyue epee called for nothing?The mere arrow, without leaving any trace on Dongyue's body, was thrown far away!

The dull sound echoed in the deep valley!
Zhang Kun looked at the deep valley below with a gloomy expression, thought for a while, and then continued to rush out.

The commotion here is too great to hide anymore. His plan to bypass the Tongmen Pass has been discovered. According to common sense, he should immediately retreat now and look for opportunities to enter the barbarian land.

It's just that he didn't want to wait any longer, he had to try this time no matter what, to enter the territory of the barbarians and look for the holy land of the barbarians!

As soon as he turned around, Zhang Kun picked up his full speed and headed towards the barbarian territory.

In the barbarian camp, Ke Xing reported to Ke Man that Zhang Kun had disappeared, and explained to Ke Man that Zhang Kun had saved her life. If possible, please let him go when necessary. Passing Zhang Kun once is repaying the favor.

"Send someone to chase!"

Almost as soon as Ke Man gave the order, the sentry sent the news that Zhang Kun had entered the barbarian tribe from the trail.The four-striped barbarian who blocked Zhang Kun earlier was also covered in blood at the moment. He was specialized in bows and arrows, and his body polishing was only a little better than those three-striped barbarians.

He resisted Zhang Kun's sword and fell from the high cliff again. He felt a little lucky that he didn't die.

Ke Man quickly had someone inform the barbarians that there were human infiltrations, and then he comforted the archer.The status of archers within the barbarians is lofty, not only when they are hunting, they have a greater role, but also because their bows and arrows are the only long-range support for the barbarians when confronting humans.

The training of archers is time-consuming and labor-intensive, so they are different from those barbarians who are proud of dying in battle. Their purpose is to stay alive and kill as many enemies as possible.

Until the next day, when the sky was bright, Zhang Kun had already crossed the Tongmen Pass and entered the hinterland of the barbarians.

After eating something casually, he opened the second map Yan Hong gave him.

The first map helped him bypass the Tongmen Pass,

The Chapter 2 map did not exceed Zhang Kun's expectations. It was a map of the internal distribution of the barbarians, but a sentence was specially marked on it: Ten years ago, the distribution of the barbarians changed a lot, so it can only be used as a map.

(End of this chapter)

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