Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1143 Entering the Trial by Mistake

Chapter 1143 Entering the Trial by Mistake
Looking around, Zhang Kun took out the envelope and looked at it carefully. There was only Huayangshan old man accepting it. Other than that, there was no word at all, and there was no address of Huayangshan. .

"Brother, may I ask how to get to Huayang Mountain?"

Zhang Kun played the traditional style of asking questions when he didn't know, and asked the middle-aged people who were busy in the fields.

"Huayang Mountain? Why are you going to Huayang Mountain?"

The middle-aged man leaned on a hoe, wiped his face with the handkerchief on his shoulder, and looked at Zhang Kun curiously.

Zhang Kun raised the letter in Yang's hand: "Send a letter to a friend."

"Didn't he tell you?"

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Kun curiously.


Now it's Zhang Kun's turn to be confused and at a loss. Why does this person in front of him always have the illusion of meaning when he speaks?

Seeing the middle-aged man's smile getting stronger and stronger, Zhang Kun suddenly had a bad feeling. Sure enough, the middle-aged man said slowly: "The place under your feet is Huayang Mountain."

Zhang Kun looked at the endless surroundings, how could it feel like a mountain?It was clearly a plain, and if someone hadn't shown the way before, he would never have come to this plain.

"This is really Huayang Mountain?"

Zhang Kun asked again with some uncertainty.

The middle-aged man just nodded, and continued to work on the farm work in his hands. No matter how much Zhang Kun asked and chatted, he just ignored him.

Zhang Kun did the same thing, since this is Huayang Mountain, at least it proved that he was in the right place.The next thing to do is to find the owner of this letter, and then ask him to help make a drawing of the craftsman.

Boom boom boom!
Knocking on the door of the first family, Zhang Kun took the envelope and asked, "Excuse me, do you know if there is an old man living nearby?"


"Sorry for disturbing you."

... Following Zhang Kun's family and asked them one by one, but in the end they didn't get any news, and they were a little annoyed. They sat in the field, frowning and thinking about what went wrong.

Huayang Mountain is not a mountain, and the people living here have never seen the old man, let alone handing over the envelope.

"Why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

Zhang Kun's subconscious kept reminding him, but he just couldn't grasp the key points, and even didn't know where this feeling came from.

There was a strange aura about the whole thing, and even the actions of these people looked a little weird.

Zhang Kun didn't notice this before, and just buried himself in looking for someone, but now when he stopped, he felt a chill down his spine.

The movements of these people are very skilled, but they are very blunt, and they don't look like a living person at all. Although they also wipe their sweat and rest, they lack the emotions necessary for being a human being. Like a marionette carried by a person.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, first go to the nearby area to inquire about the news."

Thinking about it, Zhang Kun left this place. He remembered that when he came here, he met many hotels. They lived here all year round, so they must know something.

After ordering a table of food, Zhang Kun took advantage of the lack of people and pulled the boss over: "Can you tell me about Huayang Mountain?"

The shop owner was not surprised by Zhang Kun's words at all, but asked instead: "You also want to worship under the gate of Huayang Mountain? I advise you to spend less time thinking about it. Every year there are so many people who don't know what to do. It is lucky to come out alive, the selection and assessment of Huayang Mountain are extremely strict, it is not as simple as you think."

As soon as Zhang Kun heard that there was something interesting, he quickly stuffed a piece of silver into the shopkeeper's hand: "Thanks to the shopkeeper for taking care of me, these drinks and food won my heart."

The owner of the shop was not polite either, he took the silver and weighed it, and then slowly said: "Huayang Mountain was originally here, but after the appearance of the craftsman, he used the craftsman's means, and in just five months Within, the entire Huayang Mountain will be razed to the ground..."

From the boss's narrative, Zhang Kun also gradually learned some truths about Huayang Mountain.It's just that I feel in my heart that the power of the craftsman is far more powerful than what I first guessed. Forging the alchemy furnace for the alchemist is actually just the most insignificant part of all their things.

Now the entire collective of craftsmen is moving towards a brand new field, that is, robots that operate completely autonomously.With them, sufficient food sources can be guaranteed, and human beings can also be freed from agricultural work and join the army of cultivation.

After spending two pieces of gold, Zhang Kun finally got what he wanted. What he saw on the plain before was indeed part of the test. As for the content and how to do it, there was no news at all.

Back in the bedroom, Zhang Kun looked at the candle and thought about everything he had encountered. He needed to sort out the clues, otherwise, tomorrow would just be the same as today, running around like a headless chicken.

After watching Zhang Kun leave, a woman with a bit of a farmer's atmosphere came out. Her strong and thick arms made her completely incompatible with the word soft, but it was a bit more rough and unkempt. Most people can't appreciate the beauty.

"Senior brother, who were you lying to just now? Seeing that you are so red, you must have reaped a lot of benefits."

The woman sat down directly at the table, not disliking that it was Zhang Kun's leftover meal, and ate it as soon as she picked it up.

"A stupid young boy. I saw him break into the trial level during the day. He should have come to find the master, but you also know that the master has never liked juniors other than master craftsmen. I did it for his own good."

If it weren't for the middle-aged man counting the money he got cheated today, and the movement of swallowing his saliva, I'm afraid the woman would believe it.

"He made it out of the level alive? What do you think of the kid?"

The woman seemed to be used to the man's behavior for a long time, and asked instead.

"This kid is very rich."

After saying this, the man put all the things on the table into his pocket, and then clapped his hands in satisfaction: "Haha, let's see how I can squeeze out this kid's wallet, I, Liu Si, will finally get rich this time." Already!"

It wasn't until late at night that Zhang Kun watched the candles burn out in front of him, and then he suddenly woke up.

There is no place to find feelings, and it takes no effort to get them. I have spent so much time looking for them, but I never thought that they are by my side.

Thinking about it carefully, I feel something is wrong.

Since this is a gathering place for craftsmen, how can Huayang Mountain be an inaccessible scene?But there are surprisingly many taverns in the vicinity.Why not live in a place with a better location in Huayang Mountain, but squeezed here with so many people?
This in itself is worthy of scrutiny.

"It's interesting, it's interesting."

Zhang Kun stood up and paced back and forth in the room. He had already grasped some clues, but it was not enough. What he needed to do was to meet the old man and hand out the envelope.Then ask the old man to come forward and answer his doubts.Or, give yourself brand new drawings.

"Since this is the case, you can no longer be mediocre."

After making this decision, Zhang Kun smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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