Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144
Thinking of this, Zhang Kun yawned. Now that he is in the dark, and he can't use his vitality, he might as well practice the barbarian's cultivation skills.

The cultivation methods of the barbarians are quite different from those of humans. Humans pay attention to the use of vitality and then use it to nourish the body, but the methods of barbarians are completely different.

First temper the physical body, wait until the blood qi is condensed, and then use blood qi to hurt people, but blood qi and vitality are different, they use the body as the sea of ​​dantian qi.

To put it simply, the barbarians are body refiners, while humans are Qi refiners.


With a low shout, Zhang Kun kept swinging his fists, launching a counterattack at the imaginary enemy.Looking at his footsteps for a while, it was impossible to understand where the next step was going to fall.

"No, this Tai Chi step I just comprehend the appearance, not the spirit yet."

Zhang Kun simply stopped and recalled his previous actions. In the morality left by the black and white Taoist priests, this Tai Chi step is divided into three stages. The first stage is Zhang Kun's current state, which is confusing his whereabouts.

The second stage is fusion, which can be used with other footwork.

The third stage is Dacheng, with gestures and gestures, like flying swallows passing by, without a trace.

Although this Tai Chi step is difficult to play a role in human battles. After all, they rely on powerful exercises to fight against each other, and body skills have little effect, but it is different among barbarians. In the hands of Zhang Kun, this footwork will be a big life-saving card after entering the barbarian territory.

Thinking hard to no avail, Zhang Kun simply stopped thinking, washed his body, and was about to go to sleep when someone knocked on the door.

Dong dong dong

Three short clicks, and then there was no movement.

Looking at the figure outside the door, Zhang Kun subconsciously took out the Qianmo Sword.

In case someone from the Twelve Sects came here, Qian Mojian's Tianxia as his teacher would be his trump card to save his life without using his vitality. Anyone who sees his opponent using his own moves will inevitably be a little bit surprised. It was time for Zhang Kun to escape.

"It's me, brother Zhang Kun opened the door."

Hearing that it was not a member of the Twelve Sects, but a middle-aged uncle who asked him a lot of questions at night, countless doubts flashed in Zhang Kun's heart, and he opened the door: "What's the matter?"

With three simple words, he directly asked his purpose, and a domineering air was quietly revealed.

"Excuse me for your rest. I want to go into the house and talk to you about some things that I can't talk about during the day."

The middle-aged man quickly answered with a smile on his face. In his eyes, this piece of Kun was like a lump of gold that could walk, and he couldn't be allowed to run away.

"Something you can't talk about during the day?"

Zhang Kun looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with great interest, and then moved his fingers, and the Yuchang sword had been taken out from the mirror field. As if it was just a flash in front of his eyes, the middle-aged man saw the Yuchang sword already on his neck above.

"Who asked you to come."

"This... good man, put down the knife first, this matter is not as simple as you think, please listen to my advice."

The middle-aged man took a step back. Unexpectedly, the fish intestine sword in Zhang Kun's hand followed his neck closely, not lagging behind.

"Answer me, who asked you to come."

Zhang Kun asked, even if this person is not one of the twelve sects, he may be bought. The most important thing is that he firmly believes that if this person really has a suitable reason to come to him, he will never be scared off by him .

"Aren't I here to give you some news? Do you know what Huayang Mountain is for? Do you know why the people there look so ghostly?"

Zhang Kun was stunned for a moment, as if he really didn't know, and he didn't say it before.

Seeing Zhang Kun's reaction, the middle-aged man felt relieved and coughed lightly: "This is actually a test, can I go in and talk about it? It's not good to be seen."

"it is good."

Zhang Kun put away the Yuchang Sword, then entered the room, lit a candle, sat at the table, and waited for the middle-aged man's next words.

The middle-aged man sat down and poked his hand: "Well, I feel a little nervous in my hands recently, can you..."

Jingle bell

Looking at the Yuan Essence on the table, he took a deep breath, this is the Yuan Essence, even if it is half the size, it is much more comfortable to look at than the mountain of gold and silver!

"Tell me all the news you know, otherwise, this is your coffin capital."

Zhang Kun took out the Fish Intestine Sword from the Mirror Field. The slender blade didn't reflect light at all even if it was so close to the candle flame. Even if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't find the sword in his hand.


After the middle-aged man explained, he left happily with the essence of Yuan. After Zhang Kun made such a big contribution, he couldn't wait to reveal all the news he knew.

But Zhang Kun watched him leave, but he sighed helplessly: "Indulging in the mortal world will never achieve great things."

But this is also a helpless move. Unlike alchemists and formation masters, they have been wooed by major families since they chose this path. As long as they are willing, it is easy to achieve food and clothing. Most of them can cultivate, and their status is relatively high.

But craftsmen are different. Many of them don't know how to use vitality, but rely on their exquisite craftsmanship to make a living. It is inevitable that there are all kinds of people.

"It turned out to be a test."

Thinking of what the middle-aged man said to himself earlier, he couldn't help shaking his head.

The craftsman of Huayang Mountain has some skills. Not to mention moving Huayang Mountain, he still set up a magic formation nearby. If he didn't find a way to break the magic formation, he would never even think about setting foot on Huayang Mountain for the rest of his life.

If you can perform well enough in the test, you can directly meet the head of the Huayang Mountain Craftsman Sect, who is the person Zhang Kun wants to find.

"Although it's just a test, there must be some different performance, right? Otherwise, why should I ask him to help me solve the current problem?"

Zhang Kun is very clear in his heart that he has no time to learn the methods of a craftsman. One is that the barbarians are about to attack Hanhaiguan, and the other is because of the existence of the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness. He has to find a way to get rid of him. avoid.

If I can't get into his sect, I can only rely on my outstanding performance to get his old man's attention.

Now that he had made up his mind, Zhang Kun began to think about a lamp.How to be considered out of line, but in line with the assessment method.

Earlier, the middle-aged man told him that the only thing he needs to do is to make this world reasonable, and those who look like humans are just machines.

He still told Zhang Kun a little trick to break through the level very caringly. As long as he thinks hard in it for ten years, it can be regarded as the way to solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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