Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1145 One Piece of Nonsense

Chapter 1145
It's just that Zhang Kun doesn't have so much time to spend here now. Wait ten years?I am afraid that the barbarians have already razed the human world to the ground.

To make these originally irrational mixtures of machinery and flesh reasonable, there is a very simple solution, that is to destroy these things, but this trick has already been used, if it is used again, It is difficult to achieve the effect Zhang Kun wants.

Thinking about Tianming all the time, Zhang Kun decided to go down and have a look. Apart from himself, there are many people waiting for the assessment, maybe he can get some news from them.

"Fresh and hot steamed stuffed buns! Two cents each!"

Previously, Zhang Kun thought this was just a deserted path, but he never thought that in the morning, it would be very lively here, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that there are crowds of people.

There was a lot of chatter, but they all discussed only one issue, that is, how to pass the test.

Zhang Kun took the opportunity to eavesdrop for a while, and found that they didn't know as much as he did, so he immediately gave up: "It seems that these people are still groping, and haven't found the way."

In this case, he simply stopped listening and walked into Huayang Mountain again.

As soon as the front foot stepped in, the whole world suddenly became clean, and there was no more hustle and bustle. Zhang Kun knew that this was a formation to isolate him from the outside world.Everyone's space is different.

Zhang Kun will not ask them again this time like last time, it is just a marionette, and there is no way to gain anything.

"Boy, what are you doing sitting here?"

An old woman came over with a tea bowl, brought him a bowl of tea, and handed it to Zhang Kun.

And Zhang Kun looked at her, just stared at her blankly, she didn't notice anything unusual, after a long time, she packed up her things as if nothing had happened: "It's going to rain in this damn weather."

After speaking, he left just like that.

Zhang Kun was thoughtful, but he still lacked something to prove his thoughts.

"Is it reasonable to make this world?"

Zhang Kun stood up and walked slowly in this world. He looked at everyone, even though he knew that they were no longer human, he was doing human actions.

Zhang Kun glanced at the barely digested food in the cesspit, and came to a conclusion in his mind.

They don't actually need to eat or drink.

Seeing a woman holding a crying child in her arms, walking hurriedly, from the beginning to the end, he didn't care about the emotions of the child in her arms. Seeing this scene, Zhang Kun was thoughtful.

They don't actually have feelings.

Just these two things are enough, they are not human, never will be, and will never be able to live like human beings.

To make such a world reasonable, it seems that the only two ways are to completely destroy the world, or concentrate on learning the artisan's methods to make these unreasonable things reasonable.

But Zhang Kun would not choose either of these two methods. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he shouted towards the sky: "I have passed the test, let me go."

Suddenly, a figure slowly appeared in the sky. He looked at Zhang Kun on the ground, then at the world without any changes, shook his head and sighed: "Do you know that those who talk nonsense are not allowed to step into Huayang Mountain again? There are no tests."

But Zhang Kun was not affected by his words: "I am not talking nonsense, I have unlocked the secrets in the illusion and passed this test."

"It's nonsense! There is clearly no change in this world, I think you are just here to mess around!"

With a sharp shout, Zhang Kun felt that the world in front of him changed for a while, and his heart was in a bad mood: "As long as I leave..."

However, his voice never reached the man's ears, and the man gave Zhang Kun a look of disdain: "Just you and other clever people, I can meet hundreds of them every day!"

Looking at the environment around him in astonishment, this place is already nearly a hundred miles away from Huayang.

"Damn! It was really tricked by a pig's brain!"

He didn't have time to think so much, he immediately rushed to Huayang Mountain, hoping to arrive before dark.

With a curse, Zhang Kun quickened his pace. If he could use his vitality, it would take only 10 minutes. This is good, and he will be exhausted again.

Even if it is defined as nonsense, even if it is expelled, Zhang Kun has a solution!

When we got back outside Huayang Mountain, it was almost late at night. When we walked back to the hotel, Zhang Kun said directly, "Where's the shop owner? Come out!"

The surrounding area was very quiet, and no one answered, "I can't come out, right?"

After finishing speaking with a sneer, Zhang Kun stretched out his hand, and the Yuan Essence in his hand fell on the table, making a jingle-like sound: "If you don't come out, I'll go find someone else. I don't believe that the entire Huayang Mountain is except you. Your master will have no other apprentices."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a while, then ran out quickly and grabbed the Yuan Essence on the table, but Zhang Kun reacted faster and directly grabbed his hand: "You can do it if you want, but you have to help me Do one thing."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "Rules are rules. As long as you break the rules, there is absolutely no possibility of giving you convenience. You should give up. If you offend the master, both of us will feel bad."

"It's not as difficult as you think, you just need to help me say a word in front of your master, I believe the old man can understand."

The man was completely in hesitation now, if he talked nonsense in front of the master, the consequences would be very serious.If you make the master angry, the end will be very serious.

"I'll try my best, what do you want me to say to the master?"

Seeing the middle-aged man let go, Zhang Kun felt relieved. He knew he had guessed right.

How can a shop owner know so much about the content of the trial?The whole trial process is completely closed, and no one will know who did what in it, but this man can speak clearly and logically. The biggest flaw is that he provided Zhang Kun with two different ways to break the situation .

Apart from being that person's apprentice, Zhang Kun couldn't think of any possible explanation.

"You just say that I got the real cracking method, but the person in charge of supervision couldn't understand it, so I was expelled and came back to complain to you."

After thinking about it carefully, the middle-aged man agreed. If he just said such words, it wouldn't arouse the master's disgust. However, this person in front of him has only been here for two days, how could he find a way to crack it?

"Are you really sure you can convince the master?"

Zhang Kun didn't speak, and took out another element essence in his hand and weighed it: "If this is done, it will be yours too."

(End of this chapter)

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