Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1178 Should I Run Away?

Chapter 1178 Should I Run Away?
Although Zhang Kun looked very worried on the surface, he was very determined in his heart. The barbarians were in short supply of medicinal materials. Except for the blood qi grass, they couldn't produce any medicinal materials that made people look good.

Zhang Kun knew this very well, so he was sure that Amado would not kill himself at this time, so these necessary vigilances were omitted.

After reading it, Zhang Kun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "Then please lead the way."

In fact, the content of the letter is very simple. It just said that I think it is not good to take Zhang Kun's things for nothing, and I want to invite him back to drink some wine, and I will go back tomorrow.

Such a poor excuse, but Zhang Kun believed it on the surface.

"It's just to find out my old background."

Zhang Kun sneered in his heart, as if he came here after learning some information about Amodo from Yan Hong. Now, Amodo wants to find out about Zai's background and life experience. In this way, To be able to trade with peace of mind.

Previously in Nanzhenguan, it seemed that the two had reached an agreement, but in fact, this was just the beginning of various trials.

The only difference is that Zhang Kun no longer needs to obtain more information from Amodo, but Amodo needs to carefully deduce every action of Zhang Kun.

"Commander, we have brought him back."

The barbarian soldiers saluted Amado and said respectfully.

As soon as Amoduo heard the sound, he quickly stood up from his seat and welcomed Zhang Kun into the room.

Zhang Kun probably walked two steps faster. From that appearance, Zhang Kun seemed to be the owner of this place, and Amado was just a guest.

Seeing such a rude move, Amado felt less vigilant in his heart.

"I've got the wine ready, and I'll have it delivered right away."

Amado still has that enthusiastic appearance, and no one can find any faults, but occasionally when he looks at Zhang Kun, a trace of doubt flashes in his eyes.

Because Zhang Kun's appearance was too coincidental, Zhang Kun appeared just after the Tongmen Gate was broken, and he appeared in such a high-profile manner.

He had to be cautious about such a coincidence.

In the past, when Yanhong was guarding the Tongmen Pass, she wandered outside with a large army several times, obviously she had been looking forward to this place for a long time.

However, what he didn't know was that Yan Hong not only wandered around his place, but even wandered to the vicinity of Yuhuguan at one point.

The wine was served.

Amado took the initiative to pick up the wine glass and said to Zhang Kun: "Brother, since you and I have made an agreement, then naturally we have to drink this glass to witness the friendship between our barbarians and humans."

Zhang Kun looked around, looking frightened. As for the wine glass, he didn't even dare to touch it.

"Brother, are you worried that my wine is poisonous?" Amodo said with a smile, then stood up, holding two glasses of wine in his hands, and suddenly threw them upwards.

The two glasses of wine were all mixed together, but they were firmly caught by the glass in his hand. After doing all this, he looked at Zhang Kun: "Don't worry now?"

Zhang Kun nodded repeatedly, not daring to say no, and without waiting for Amado to speak, he drank the wine in one gulp.

As if a flame was burning in his stomach, Zhang Kun subconsciously operated the barbarian's exercises to drive away the intense alcohol.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Kun couldn't help but sighed: "Such strong wine is really as clear as the wind in this desert, blazing and unforgettable."

Nothing pleases the mind of a barbarian more than the admiration of their wine.

"I didn't expect that you are also a person who drinks wine, so let's serve fine wine!"

When it came to wine, even Amado couldn't help it, and wanted to bring out the best wine for Zhang Kun to taste, even throwing away his doubts about Zhang Kun's identity.

For the barbarians, wine has such a huge temptation, it is the best means for the barbarians to resolve all internal disputes.

Even when Ke Man went to the A KS tribe to plead guilty, he left behind two jars of spirits.

"Come on, try this again."

Amado filled another glass for Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun smelled the quiet wine first this time, and the familiar smell reminded him of the fine wine he tasted at Tongmenguan.

"This wine has an incomparable fragrance and leaves a lingering fragrance on the lips and teeth. Most importantly, it has a strong aftertaste. It's like a sponge, soaking people in it without knowing it."

Zhang Kun took a sip slowly, and then sighed softly: "The wine of the barbarians is indeed a must."

The barbarians are good at drinking and making wine, and each kind of wine has a different taste.

"Okay, well said."

The most important reason why the barbarians are rich in fine wine is that the wine brewed by the barbarians only needs to be sealed and buried in the sand. In just a few months, it can have the taste of fine wine that humans have stored for decades.

Zhang Kun and Amodo drank one glass after another, Zhang Kun pretended to be drunk, stood up, held the wine glass and said to Amodo: "There is only wine, no scenery, it is really boring, you will Make wine, but don’t know how to appreciate wine.”

Hearing Zhang Kun's call, Amado also became curious. Among the barbarians, drinking has always been like this. The only difference is whether to drink a glass or a pot.

No one ever said they were drinking the wrong way.

"Then what are you talking about?"

Zhang Kun brought up a jar of spirits and looked at Amoduo: "Would you like to go to the gate of Nanzhenguan with me, Commander, to see the afterglow of the setting sun?"

"If you do this, the wine will taste better?"

Amado was a little puzzled.

"No, it will let you taste a different beauty. Since ancient times, there has been love when there is wine. What's the point of only drinking?"

After pondering for a while, Amado also stood up, imitating Zhang Kun, holding a jar of strong wine: "Then make an exception and take you there once."

Zhang Kun saw that his goal had been achieved, but he didn't express anything. Instead, he followed closely behind Amado, his eyes not even looking at the sides of the road.

Because he knew that if he looked at these things from below, he would not only attract the attention of others, but he would also not be able to understand them clearly, so he might as well go to the city wall and take a look at them while drinking.

After reaching the top of the city tower and looking at the battlements from a distance, Zhang Kun picked up the strong wine in his hand and took a sip.

"The desert is solitary and the smoke is straight, and the long river is setting in the sun. This is probably such a magnificent scene."

Zhang Kun's heroic roar attracted the attention of countless barbarians, but he didn't care at all, and took another sip from the wine jar.

On the contrary, Amado is much more sensible. Seeing Zhang Kun's heroic appearance, he did not slack off because of it, but rather appreciated it.

"Drinking like this has a different taste, and it's refreshing enough!"

Amoduo almost drank most of the spirits in one gulp, a blush flooded his face.

Regardless of that much, he stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Kun's shoulder: "Brother, you have seen what you should have seen, do you want to escape?"

(End of this chapter)

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