Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1179 7 days left

Chapter 1179
The sudden words made Zhang Kun's hairs stand up. In such a scene, such an abrupt sentence, was it Amodo's temptation to him, or did he really discover a flaw that he hadn't noticed? ?

There is no time to think. Once you fall into silence at this time, it means that you have acquiesced to the fact that you have evil intentions. Zhang Kun subconsciously began to pretend to be innocent: "Brother, what are you talking about? I have not seen enough of such beautiful scenery. The desert scenery Compared with the inner soil, it has a different flavor."

Zhang Kun seemed to be talking casually, but he had to be vigilant against Amado's surprise attack. As long as he was inattentive, it might be the end of death.

"Are you still pretending to be me? Come, take it down!"

With a roar, Amodo threw Zhang Kun to the ground directly, but Zhang Kun did not resist, but the power of this blow made him understand one thing, Amodo was probably drunk.

Although it was meant to be taken down by others, the strength used was not strong at all, at most it would overthrow an unprepared person.

Several soldiers came forward to grab Zhang Kun, but Zhang Kun was not in a hurry. As long as he didn't have any accidents in the prison, he would definitely come and release him when he sobered up.

But he still struggled a few times to cooperate: "Let go of me, don't you see that the commander is drunk and talking nonsense?"

Hearing Zhang Kun's shout, several soldiers subconsciously looked at Amodo. At this moment, he was lying on the city wall, sound asleep.

The barbarian soldiers glanced at each other and felt that Zhang Kun's words were not unreasonable.

But they didn't dare to disobey the commander's order, and still escorted Zhang Kun to the cell.

When they were in the cell, these barbarian soldiers did not dare to do too much to Zhang Kun. In case the commander woke up and regretted what he said after drinking, he came to the cell to pick him up and found that Zhang Kun had been beaten half to death. , can't escape punishment?
Locking Zhang Kun with several prisoners, the soldiers did not forget to reprimand those who made mistakes, and they were not allowed to do anything to Zhang Kun, otherwise, they would be whipped.

Zhang Kun looked at the other people in the cell, and became interested in an instant.

These are all human beings, and, judging from their attire, many of them are craftsmen.

Zhang Kun didn't show his motive immediately, but waited until these barbarian soldiers left, and then asked like a person next to him: "Why are you locked up?"

An old man raised his eyelids, glanced at Zhang Kun, and then lowered his head again, obviously not wanting to communicate with a stunned young boy like Zhang Kun.

On the other hand, a middle-aged man on the side was very talkative, and chatted with Zhang Kun: "When we were helping the barbarians to build, we made some mistakes and were arrested. I don't think you look like a worker. How could you be locked up here?"

Zhang Kun laughed helplessly: "I'm a businessman, and I wanted to sell some goods to treat my father's illness, but I didn't expect to be targeted by this Amado, who insisted on calling me a spy. What can I do?"

The two young people chatted gradually, and the old man at the side heard the word spy, opened his eyes subtly, looked at Zhang Kun carefully, shook his head again, and fell silent again.

"Don't you want to let the human frontier army fight over and live a better life?"

Zhang Kun saw that the young man had no hatred towards the barbarians at all, so he immediately became interested.

"What a good life. An ordinary person like me lives the same life everywhere. I like to communicate with barbarians. No matter how big the problem is, there is nothing that cannot be solved with a drink."

Seeing what the young man said, Zhang Kun also nodded with deep emotion. Wine does have a different meaning within the barbarians.

The barbarian woman at the Tongmen Pass used wine to express her respect and respect for Zhang Kun.

And in Nanzhenguan, because of the wine tasting, Amodo even threw out the possibility that Zhang Kun might be a spy.

Compared with the intrigues and intrigues in the human world, getting along with the barbarians is indeed much more enjoyable.

"Then, if one day humans attack and Nanzhen Pass falls, what will you do?"

Zhang Kun now has a learning and awe-inspiring attitude towards the opinions of different people. Whether it is the humble ink sword or the consciousness of black and white Taoist priests, they are all telling Zhang Kun a truth, that is, listening to different opinions can always be unexpected discovery and progress.

"Of course you welcome with a sign. No matter who comes in, it has nothing to do with ordinary people like me. As long as they don't kill me, I can welcome anyone."

The young man grinned, and didn't take the so-called racial honor to heart.

This is the wisdom of little people to survive in this world. They know that those big people are too lazy to care about things like them.

As long as I didn't take the initiative to find trouble, no matter whether it was a barbarian or a human, they would not kill him for no reason.

As for those who are really bored and happen to meet someone who wants to kill someone, that can only be called fate, they have no choice but are too lazy to resist.

"It's pretty good."

Zhang Kun came to this conclusion with a smile. During the seemingly casual chat, he kept saying what the young man said, wanting to know what the barbarians asked them to do in Nanzhen Pass.

It's a pity that this young man obviously just came here not long ago, and he doesn't know the situation of Nanzhenguan, only that there is a big project under construction here.

After chatting until late at night, Zhang Kun did not get any substantive news, but there was a lot of ambiguous news.

However, with these news, there is no news from the headquarters.

Zhang Kun thought so.

At around four o'clock in the morning, Zhang Kun suddenly noticed a change in the cell.

"Someone is approaching me, is he an enemy or a friend?"

This question suddenly came to mind, and now he dare not reveal the fact that he is a cultivator, not to mention what Amodo thinks of him, even these ordinary people probably would not be willing to provide him with useful information.

Because for them, if the frontier army attacked Nanzhen Pass, it would be a disaster rather than a rescue.

After the war, who can guess whether he can survive or not.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, boy, it's impossible for a person like you to fall asleep here."

What came into his ears was the extremely low old voice, and Zhang Kun immediately thought of the only old man in the cell.

"He sees through his disguise?"

Zhang Kun was a little surprised. His performance has always been quite satisfactory, and he should not be discovered at all. But why is this old man so determined?

However, after thinking about it, Zhang Kun also found a reason. Although those old people can't catch up with the young people in terms of physique, they can't catch up with the young people in terms of experience and knowledge.

When I talked to that young man earlier, I might have revealed different information, which was overheard by the old man.

"Young man, just tell me the truth, when will the frontier army attack Nanzhenguan?"

Old people will not waste time and light in meaningless exchanges like young people.

Zhang Kun pondered for a while. He knew that this was an opportunity, but he was not sure if he should seize it, or maybe it was just a trap set by the barbarians. After all, no one could tell whether the barbarians were here Arrange manpower in the cell?
But after some hesitation, Zhang Kun decided to give it a try. After all, there are not many such opportunities. If he can seize them, the biggest goal of this trip will be achieved for him: "Add today, there are still seven days left , I need the arrangement and means of the barbarians at Nanzhenguan."

(End of this chapter)

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