Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1180 I want 3 jars of wine

Chapter 1180 I want three jars of wine

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun's palms were clasped. As long as the old man made any changes, he would be able to take Qianmo or Yuchang out of the mirror field in an instant.

In a prison cell, as long as you have a weapon, you are almost invincible.

But the old man didn't make any moves, but thought carefully for a while, and then sighed softly: "Forget it, I'll give you this thing, the old man has no other request, Amodo has a very thin barbarian, I I hope you can help me kill him."

After finishing speaking, the old man left. Zhang Kun let the thing fall on the ground and did not pick it up with his hands.

Tonight's moonlight is not clear, and this is a backlit side, Zhang Kun is not sure if there is any doorway left by the old man to plot against him.

After the old man walked away, Zhang Kun picked it up from the ground with the Yuchang sword.

"He didn't move, he probably didn't want to harm me."

During the whole process of picking up the things, he kept looking at the old man, and found that he didn't respond, so he calmed down and looked at the things in his hands.

It seems that it is a handkerchief?

Holding a handkerchief, Zhang Kun walked cautiously to the narrow window of the prison cell, and looked at the things in his hands under the moonlight.


A shock rose in Zhang Kun's heart.

This is a very simple picture, not even a map, but more like an abstract painting.

In a large box, there are dense lines inside.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Kun's face gradually became serious.

"I didn't expect the barbarians to like making holes so much."

Those are all tunnels, densely packed, the shortest line just reaches the foot of the city gate, while the longest line is crookedly facing the other direction and extending far away.

These tunnels are the means of the barbarians.

When attacking, they can choose a position that is favorable enough for them to launch a charge quietly.

When defending, these intricate tunnels are the biggest obstacle to the prospects of the frontier army.

"The Taoist priest is interesting."

Zhang Kun just took a look and put away the things. For him, now is not the time to study the handkerchief carefully, because it is almost dawn.

According to the barbarian's thirst for medicinal materials, Amodo will let him go soon, and there will naturally be enough time to explore these secrets.

"Wine! Desert Dust, drink a cup!"

When Amado woke up from a hangover, he shook his drowsy head. The only thing he remembered was the scene of the lonely smoke in the desert. For him, nothing shocked him more than this scene, and it was the first time he experienced to the way humans drink alcohol.

"Then what, how did I come back yesterday? What about that human?"

Although hangover, the wine brewed by the barbarians will not give people a splitting headache, on the contrary, there is a sense of comfort that is transparent all over the body.

"Commander Qi, according to your order, he has been put in the prison cell, waiting to be released."

A barbarian soldier hurried forward and explained to Amado.


He slapped the soldier hard, and Amodo pointed to his nose and said, "Who told you to lock him up? With so many medicinal materials, do you still want to improve the skill of the barbarian's medicine pills? Besides, I Didn't I tell you that drunken orders don't count!"

"You did, but that was years ago."

The soldier defended helplessly.

Among the barbarians, unlike humans, they have strict definitions for some actions, and they move more things as they please.

As long as the two of them don't come to a complete break, a glass of wine is enough to offset all enmity.

"Go, call him here, no, please come here!"

Amoduo seemed to have discovered a new continent, for fear that the soldiers would offend Zhang Kun.

It was also the words of the previous soldier that made him wake up. Since he became the commander of Nanzhenguan, he has rarely drank alcohol, and it is impossible to get drunk.

But yesterday, because of Zhang Kun's words and the magnificent scene, I once again tasted the wonderful taste of drunkenness, and, most importantly, even in the drunken dream, there was that magnificent scene.

Pacing back and forth on the steps in front of the inner city, waiting for news from Zhang Kun, he kicked the stone lion of the town house away with a dull kick.

"It won't be an accident."

He muttered to himself, but shook his head immediately. The people in the cell are all human beings, and they shouldn't have conflicts.

Glancing at the empty streets, Amado felt bored for a while. These humans are troublesome, insisting on making such a long road.Waiting here for someone is torture.

Barbarians don't build cities and houses like human beings. For most barbarians, wandering outside is the ultimate destination.

Only those lucky ones can live in the city built by the barbarians.


Seeing Zhang Kun from a distance, Amado hurried up to meet him.

Zhang Kun just smiled lightly, and didn't take this matter to heart. Even, he was a little bit thankful in his heart. If Amado hadn't been drunk, how could he have been able to get the arrangement of the barbarians in Nanzhenguan so easily? ?

"You are so chic when you are drunk, but I spent the whole night in that place where I couldn't see my fingers."

The moment he saw Amado, Zhang Kun knew that he had gained his trust, so he didn't need to hide his style anymore.

The more he behaves like a barbarian now, the more he can gain Amado's favor.

"Brother has suffered, please come inside, today I have prepared good wine to make amends for you."

Amado greeted him with a silly smile, took Zhang Kun's hand, and walked into the room.This is quite common among the barbarians, but it is also a very formal etiquette.He acted like this because he regarded Zhang Kun as one of his own.

"I want the three altars to take away."

Zhang Kun is not polite now, but he is very face-saving to Amoduo.

To bluntly say that you want to take away the wine is not only an invisible appreciation for Amoduo's fine wine, but also a way to vent your dissatisfaction. More importantly, such a request will not make Amoduo decide to be disgusted and excessive.

"Alright, if you want three altars, I'll send someone to bring them to you."

Amo Duo laughed, took Zhang Kun to sit down, and drank a pot hard.

But without the company of yesterday's beautiful scenery, today's wine is a bit less flavorful.

"Brother, look at today's wine, when is it suitable to drink?"

Amado couldn't help asking, in his eyes, Zhang Kun's understanding of wine was several grades higher than his own, so he was very humble.

Zhang Kun took a sip from the wine glass, and then said lightly: "The quiet aroma of the wine is suitable for tasting slowly on a rainy day. Unfortunately, Nanzhen Pass is located in the desert, so it is difficult for rain to fall."

Amodo sighed again and again, and there was one less way to drink fine wine, which made him very disappointed.

"However, there is a kind of wine that can be tasted right now."

Zhang Kun smiled, and pulled out a jar from a group of wine jars beside him: "This wine has a clear taste, with a unique fragrance that is not stained by silt, it is suitable for tasting when enjoying singing and dancing."

Amoduo heard this, and quickly asked someone to call the girls who were good at singing and dancing among the barbarians. Considering that Zhang Kun was human, he didn't forget to ask some human girls who could sing and dance to be selected from the dungeon.

Not long after, the wine and meat were put on the table first, and then a group of women walked in with the sound of musical instruments.Amodo simply sat next to Zhang Kun and commented on several beautiful women.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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