Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1190 It has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1190 It has nothing to do with me
It was already late at night when he returned to the camp. Zhong Hui carefully sorted out his battle plan, and read it step by step from the beginning. After he felt that there was nothing wrong, he looked at Zhang Kun: "The battle plan has been formulated. If It is a huge advantage for us that you can open a city gate for us, and it is inevitable to win Nanzhen Pass."

With the opponent's most sophisticated map and deployment in his hand, if he still can't win Nanzhen Pass, Zhong will feel that he can die sooner.

"Okay, I'll leave tomorrow morning, and the time is set at midnight tomorrow evening."

"Okay, then trouble the general."

Zhang Kun returned to the barracks. Although he was not in the barracks these few days, his tent was set up on time, because he had a very high status in the hearts of the frontier army.

Pushing open the door, what I saw was a clean and tidy house.

Zhang Kun didn't think too much, and sat directly on the bed, ready to take a good rest to relieve the mental burnout he had left in the past few days.

But as soon as he sat down, there was something strange in his eyes.

Reaching out to touch the quilt, there was still a faint sense of warmth on it, and taking the quilt to smell it, there was still this lingering fragrance on it.

Looking at the table, there is a teapot and a cup of tea.

Touching the remaining half of the tea, with a warm breath, it was obvious that someone had lived in his house, but he left after he came back.

"who is it?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhang Kun's heart. Lin Yuxi was still at the Tongmen Gate, and it was absolutely impossible to appear here. Being able to live in the house prepared for him under the nose of the frontier army obviously had a very close relationship with him.


The name suddenly appeared in Zhang Kun's mind.

"Qingqing, come out, let's talk, shall we?"

Zhang Kun spoke to the room, but there was no response.

But he believes that Qingqing is nearby at this moment, watching his every move, he knows that this is an opportunity to explain.

"It was indeed my fault that day, and it was also an accident, but you have to trust me, I will be responsible for you, and I can swear with my life."

"You may not know, I thought a lot after that day, and I will definitely protect you, please don't hide from me anymore, okay?"


Facing the room, he finished all the words in his heart, but there was still no movement. Zhang Kun sighed helplessly: "I respect your decision. If you think it over, come out and see me, okay?"


An almost inaudible response made Zhang Kun's heart tremble violently.

Very good!
The time spent with Qingqing is not too short. The two of them walked on the edge of life and death several times. To be honest, he doesn't want to lose such a partner, but he will respect her choice. No matter what the future result is, he will insist on respecting her. Qingqing's decision.

"Then I'll rest first, I have work to do tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun lay down on the bed with all his clothes on.

In the dream was the green forest, in which there was a beautiful figure, she was so pure and beautiful, she hid in the forest and refused to show her face, but through the sparse leaves, Zhang Kun knew that she had not left.

Early in the morning, Zhang Kun left the barracks and went to Nanzhen Pass again.

He needs to get rid of this fate.

Fate and cause and effect are all things he doesn't want to get involved in. His own affairs are already messy enough. If he is related to the barbarians, if he has any marriage relationship with the barbarians, I'm afraid it will really be enough for him.

Barbarians and humans are originally two races with hatred. If they are put together, some conflicts will inevitably arise. God knows what will happen then!

With a light cough, Zhang Kun's face was a little embarrassed. If that time really came, he was not sure whether Lin Yuxi would leave him, and whether Qingqing would leave him. He didn't want to have too much involvement with the barbarians, so he wanted Break this bond!

And the way to break this fate is to let the more important barbarians in Nanzhen Pass leave, but in the same way, this will still cause fate and karma with these barbarians, but this is better than following the plan of the person behind the scenes. To come better.

"Stop, check!"

Still in front of the city tower, barbarian soldiers blocked Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun was still dressed as a businessman a few days ago, carrying a sling with medicinal materials inside.

"This is the medicinal material for Amoduo, are you sure you want to stop me?"

Zhang Kun said lightly that he was very clear about his identity now, and it would be absolutely impossible for these barbarians to check themselves as they did a few days ago.

"you are?"

After hesitating for a while, the barbarian suddenly came to his senses, and quickly stepped forward to salute Zhang Kun: "You have invited Commander Amado to wait for you for a long time."

Zhang Kun was not surprised by such a result. The medicinal materials on his body were what Amodo wanted. More importantly, he had a good relationship with Amodo now. These barbarians would naturally want Zhang Kun and these Merchants are treated differently.


The barbarian soldiers led the way for Zhang Kun, and entered Nanzhen Pass from the other side.

When the businessmen on the side saw it, they immediately became dissatisfied. The most frightening thing was not how they were treated, but that someone enjoyed some kind of different privilege in front of them, which was enough to make them a little unhappy.

"Why can he go in directly?"

"Hmph, a little boy, maybe he's Amodo's running dog. It's really embarrassing for humans to go to bed."

"This kind of person is a scum."


There was a lot of discussion behind him, but Zhang Kun's heart was so calm that there were no waves.

He knew what these people were thinking, and he also knew what kind of smoky situation the frontier army was defending to the death in the interior. Fighting for a little bit of profit and separatist regimes, these are the bad roots of human nature, and they didn't care about the use of frontier troops The peaceful life in exchange for life, enjoy all this with peace of mind.

The frontier army is worthy of praise. They are just a group of people with not outstanding talents, but they have contributed the most to the safety of the entire inner land. Most of those people with outstanding talents have joined the sect and have been admired by thousands of people since then, at least few Some of them will join the frontier army and make contributions to the frontier army.

And the reason why Yan Hong has such a high reputation in the frontier army, even his indifference and ruthlessness on the battlefield can be tolerated, more because he is from the inner land, but he dedicated himself to the frontier army.

Yan Hong used her own actions to acknowledge the contribution of the frontier army and their existence and value.

"A bunch of fools."

Lightly throwing down these four words, Zhang Kun left without looking back.

He doesn't bother to guard and defend such people. If it wasn't because he needed Yan Hong's power to enter the barbarians, he wouldn't even have the slightest thought of arguing with the barbarians, as long as they don't make trouble in front of him, as long as they don't hurt His own people, he can even help the barbarians when necessary.

Because these humans are not worth paying for.

Compared with humans, the barbarians are much better. Every member of the barbarians yearns for the battlefield and makes their own contributions to the war. It is precisely because of this that they can resist the frontier army.

The barbarian who led the way heard this, and quietly winked at another barbarian beside him, who understood and left directly.

"You don't mind?"

Seeing Zhang Kun's indifferent face, the barbarian asked.

"It has nothing to do with me."

How could he not understand what the barbarians did, but he was a little tired of what these ignorant people did.

(End of this chapter)

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