Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1191 I'm Not That Malicious To The Barbarians

Chapter 1191 I'm Not That Malicious To The Barbarians

Crying and shouting sounded in front of the city gate in an instant, and they shouted in panic, but they failed to get any sympathy.

What greeted them was the savage butcher's knife of the barbarians.

"You barbarians are so treacherous!"

"I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

"Forgive me, I didn't do anything."


However, nothing they did changed the behavior of these barbarians. After just a few minutes, the ground was full of messy corpses.

A barbarian spat: "I really don't know what you are thinking, you have no sense of awe!"

Among the barbarians, obedience and respect for the strong is almost an innate talent and instinct. They only obey and protect the strong.

And these so-called strong men are the barbarians who have made great achievements on this battlefield.

If human beings had such awareness, I am afraid that the barbarians would have been completely captured long ago. How could they have waited until today?
"Brother, you are here, let's go, let's go drink."

After Amodo knew the news of Zhang Kun's arrival, he rushed out of the house immediately, and waited at the door until Zhang Kun appeared. He immediately greeted him, took Zhang Kun's hand enthusiastically, and walked into the house.

"Don't worry, take a look at the goods first."

Zhang Kun put down the back sash, removed the cloth covering it, and the medicinal materials piled up on the entire back sash appeared in front of his eyes. The difference from last time was that these medicinal materials were more crisp and eye-catching, and it was obvious at a glance that they were not ordinary goods.


Amado's eyes widened, and he picked up the medicinal material and looked at it carefully for a long time, before he looked at Zhang Kun in disbelief: "Where did you get it? This kind of medicinal material is top-grade!"

Zhang Kun smiled lightly: "Seeing that you and I have a good relationship, brother, I sent the better medicinal materials from home, and only this time."

Amoduo smiled and pulled Zhang Kun into the room. As for the medicinal materials, he casually asked one of his subordinates to collect them.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for a few days, but I miss you very much."

Amoduo directly took out a jar of wine, served it to Zhang Kunman, and then said: "The method you taught me last time, brother, is really good, and this wine finally has some taste after drinking."

"Since you like it, it's not in vain that I gave you this method at that time."

Zhang Kun replied lightly, but he began to speculate in his heart, how to transfer the fate given to him by the barbarians to Amoduo.

The most basic point is to protect his safety and let him leave safely when the frontier army attacks this time. Once occupied, the impact on the barbarians was minimized.

"Does Commander Amado know the news that humans are about to capture Nanzhen Pass?"

Zhang Kun said lightly, this is Amado's house, and there is no one else except the two, so he said it so brazenly.

"Human? How dare a group of cowards attack Nanzhen Pass."

Amo Duo laughed, and didn't take Zhang Kun's words to heart.

You must know that since he entered the battlefield, human beings have been hiding and defending. Except for Yan Hong who occasionally brought people out to investigate, no one dared to walk on the land of the barbarians.

"Believe it or not, humans captured the Tongmen Pass a few days ago. I think you should know about it."

Zhang Kun changed the topic. He wanted to induce Amodo step by step to let Amodo know that humans are about to attack Nanzhenguan, but at the same time, he must also make him lose his fighting spirit. Otherwise, a prepared barbarian, even if humans have detailed It is also difficult to capture him on the map.

"Yes, I heard that humans invented a weapon called sky thunder. Although the power of a single one is not enough, it is a fatal threat to the two-striped warriors, and the three-striped warriors are only slightly injured. This This kind of thing is all heresy, brother, don't follow him and learn badly."

Amoduo didn't hide his meaning of knowing the news at all. It's not hard to see that in his heart, he already regarded Zhang Kun as one of his own.

"No, no, the main purpose of my coming this time is to tell you about it."

Zhang Kun stopped his movements and looked at Amodo seriously. He knew that if he could complete his plan, this marriage with the barbarians would be broken. At least in the future, his intersection with the barbarians would be to a large extent reduce.

"You may not know that human beings actually have two kinds of Sky Thunder Pills. Coincidentally, I have them here."

Zhang Kun stretched out his hand, and held two Sky Thunder Pills in his hands respectively. From the color alone, he could detect the difference between the two. One of them was green in color, while the other was dull in color.

"This is!"

Amado stood up from his seat at once, looked at Zhang Kun suspiciously, and when Zhang Kun took out two pills, he guessed Zhang Kun's identity.

Because as an ordinary businessman, it is absolutely impossible to get such a thing. It is a military secret, and no matter whether it is a barbarian or an ordinary human being, they don’t know it, but this Zhang Kun can take it out and say The doorway, even if you don't think about it, you know that he has an inseparable relationship with the human frontier army.

But now Zhang Kun appeared in front of him and handed over this secret. What is his intention?
"Brother, I don't care what your identity is, but among the barbarians, as long as I, Amado, are still alive, no barbarians will embarrass you. I have nothing to hide from you. I wonder if you can tell me your purpose. "

Amado didn't think about so many fancy things at all, and asked directly.

"I'm Zhang Kun, who you encircled and suppressed half a month ago. I think you should have some impression."

When the word Zhang Kun appeared, cold sweat broke out on Amodo's forehead. He knew what a fierce character Zhang Kun was. There are countless warriors with three stripes and four stripes!This record caused an uproar among the barbarians at the beginning.It even overwhelmed the secret technique Yan Hong used at that time.

But now, Zhang Kun in front of him showed no hostility at all, and even drank and laughed with him, and got along very happily, not as vicious as he imagined.

"Actually, I don't have as much hostility towards the barbarians as they do."

(End of this chapter)

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