Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1192 Appearance and Essence

Chapter 1192 Appearance and Essence

Zhang Kun said lightly, completely ignoring Amado's expression, and said to himself: "The purpose of my first visit to the border was to avoid disaster. Many people in human beings want my head. The most critical That time, here, I was pierced by someone, and it was an expert who saved my life."

He pointed to his chest, and the sword in that temple was still fresh in his memory.

"The first time I fought against the barbarians, it was because Yan Hong gave me a pair of armor, which is the black dragon armor you wanted to destroy, and saved Zhu Shen at that time."

"After that, I fell into the sandy abyss. When I escaped, I went to Hanhaiguan to meet my friends. It happened that you attacked Hanhaiguan. In order not to be separated from your friends, that's why you blocked you."

"Then, I learned that there was something I wanted in your barbarians, so I sneaked in secretly, but I was discovered by you. Without giving me any chance to explain, I chased all the way to Dianjiangtai, on the dead end, I There is no way but to struggle.”

"As for why you are fighting against your barbarians now, it's just trying to get into the barbarians, that's all."

"You and I have a certain fate, so I tell you these words to give you a choice. The frontier army will call tonight. Your best choice is to retreat, not to resist. If you don't believe me , you can find a place to test the power of these two Sky Thunder Pills."

As he spoke, Zhang Kun threw the elixir in his hand to Amado, and he did not forget to tell him: "Handle with care."

Hearing Zhang Kun's words, Amado originally intended to reach out to grab it, but suddenly turned into a palm, dragged two pills, put them on the table, and looked at them carefully.

After a long time, he sighed slightly: "Brother Zhang Kun revealed such important military information to me, I don't know how to show it, but don't worry, I, Amado, always keep my word, you are still my brother of Amado , regardless of our position."

Hearing these words, Zhang Kun breathed a sigh of relief. The emotions of the barbarians are so simple and pure, and they are much easier to communicate than the intrigues of human beings.

"You mean, one of these pills is much more powerful than the other one?"

Looking at the Sky Thunder Pill, Amodo also fell into deep thought. The Sky Thunder Pill is dangerous enough, and even Ke Man specially ordered that if humans attack, if the opponent shoots a round of arrows, he will shoot a round of arrows, so as to avoid the sky. Redan inflicted great damage on the barbarians.

But this method is aimed at which one is weaker. If it is more powerful, they can use this day's Lei Dan to smash the city gate!
"Yes, if you still trust me, I can show you."

Zhang Kun said lightly, now the matter is halfway through, and his purpose now is to dispel Amoduo's fighting spirit and prevent him from confronting the frontier army head-on.

Let yourself take down Nanzhen Pass easily, and then rush to Yuhu Pass and Yanhong round to open the last pass.

"Then trouble brother."

Amado carefully placed the two pills on the table in front of Zhang Kun, looked around, pointed to the open space in front of the door and said, "Or just here."

"it is good."

Zhang Kun raised his hand and threw one of the pills out.

A huge sound sounded outside the door, and the two stone slabs were blasted apart, causing countless dust to rise.

"It's powerful."

Amoduo said lightly that such power is not enough to hurt him, so his performance is still calm.

"Look at this one again."

With that said, Zhang Kun threw out another pill in his hand.


After the deafening sound, countless stone slabs that were blown into pieces flew around, and even smashed the wooden windows. Even the solid door was full of holes, and countless stone slabs were stuck on it.

After the dust that covered the sky and the sun dissipated, a pit with the height of half a person appeared on the ground!
Amado swallowed hard, then turned his head and looked at Zhang Kun in shock.

The power of this Sky Thunder Pill is enough to hurt him, if three or five are thrown together, it can even seriously injure him, there is no doubt about it!
"Brother Zhang Kun, is Tianlei really ready for mass production?"

He was still in shock, but he pointed out a very important problem. The more powerful it is, the more difficult it is to mass-produce it. He has stayed in Nanzhenguan for so long, and he is responsible for the medicinal materials closely related to the pill, so it is very clear at this point.

"It has been mass-produced. Although the quantity is not large, it is no problem to have one in hand."

Zhang Kun said lightly, in fact, there are only dozens of Tianlei Pills in his hand, which he took the time to refine, and it is impossible to realize mass production in the frontier army, but the fact that soldiers are not tired of cheating has never changed since ancient times Truth, Zhang Kun is using this tactic at the moment to break up Amodo's plan to fight the frontier army.

He knew very well that even without Lei Dan today, he could easily capture Nanzhen Pass.

Because he has the closest map to Nanzhenguan, and has all the deployments. Under such circumstances, if he still can't win a level, he can simply wave a knife to apologize.

Hearing Zhang Kun's words, Amodo was in a trance. He knew that if every frontier soldier held such a pill, it would be a disaster and catastrophe for the barbarians!

"Here, based on Brother Zhang Kun's remarks, what should I do?"

Seeing the power of this elixir, Amoduo didn't immediately think about retreating, but hesitated.

Among the barbarians, especially as Ah KS's subordinate, he has never been afraid or timid. This is their glory. Now that he is asked to let go of this glory, he cannot accept it. Sending troops to attack without hesitation, this is his consciousness.

Moreover, bearing the name of a deserter, he didn't even dare to imagine what his future life would be like, being cast aside by everyone?It was worse than killing him.

"I know what you're worried about. It's nothing more than reputation."

Zhang Kun said lightly, picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine. Based on his understanding of the barbarians, these people regard honor as more important than their own lives. Therefore, after he showed the true power of Tianlei Pill, he This is the only reason for hesitation.

"Please advise, thank you very much."

Amado walked up to Zhang Kun, knelt on the ground and bowed deeply.

Zhang Kun knew that his plan had succeeded, and the only obstacle now was the hurdle that Amado couldn't overcome in his heart. As long as he could help him overcome this hurdle, his plan would be considered a success.

"Come on, you drink this glass of wine with me first, after I finish speaking, you may not recognize me as a brother."

However, just to be on the safe side, he still played a hand of emotional cards first to show his worry about him, so that he could subconsciously think that he was thinking about him. Although this was the case, Zhang Kun had more in his heart, But it was because he wanted to cut off this fate. He knew his motive very well, so he knew that even if he was really thinking about him, it was not for him, but for himself.

"Brother, don't worry, we barbarians have never broken brothers."

Amado drank the wine in one gulp.

After Zhang Kun finished drinking, he asked suddenly: "Based on your knowledge, do you think honor is more important than life? Why?"

"Of course honor is more important, because each of our barbarians is born for glory and working hard to defeat those powerful enemies. That's why our barbarians are so brave and good at fighting."

Amado said these words without hesitation. This is his perception for many years, and it is also the thought that the barbarians have instilled in his mind long ago.


For such words, Zhang Kun only gave these two words, tapped his fingers on the table, thought for a while, and then said: "Then you know Ke Man."

"I know that one of the leaders of the Jiuli tribe is cunning and cunning. Even if he wins the battle, it is by means of disgrace. In satisfaction, he is the object of disgust for all of us."

Amoduo's understanding of the barbarians is obviously better than that of Zhang Kun, and as one of the leaders of the Jiuli tribe, Ke Man is naturally very clear.

"Wrong, you only saw the surface, but didn't know the essence."

Zhang Kun stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Amado, and then slowly said: "You should know better than me that Ke Man's tribe was so weak 20 years ago. It was originally a tribe that was about to fall apart, but it Since Ke Man took office, everything has changed, and now, the tribe he belongs to has become the fifth tribe in the Jiuli tribe, and its strength is even higher than your KS tribe."

(End of this chapter)

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