Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1197 I'll wait for him

Chapter 1197 I'll wait for him to come back

Zhang Chu shook his head: "Zhou Wu, if you think about it carefully, how many people are there in Tongmenguan? With such a small force, to attack the city where the barbarians are stationed, do you think it can really be defeated? You should go to the Military Intelligence Department to ask, except Nanzhen Pass, the remaining two passes, how much casualties did you pay to take it down, I believe that even General Yan Hong would not deny Zhang Kun's approach."

Zhou Wu was taken aback for a moment, Zhang Chu said this with a bit of bitterness, he was very puzzled: "How many casualties are there?"

Zhang Chu looked at Zhou Wu and patted him on the shoulder: "General Yan Hong is making a dangerous move this time. If he wins, it will naturally be a feat of creation, but if he fails, his head will fall to the ground and the border will not be secured. Otherwise, Why do you think General Yan Hong refuses to ask his superiors for reinforcements? The two cities of Beishan to the east have been captured, and [-]% of the frontier troops have been killed."

Hearing this number, Zhou Wu froze in place, his eyes were slightly moist, he never thought that he would avoid such a bloody battle.

Now it seems that Zhang Kun's move to avoid the battle this time left a glimmer of hope for the frontier army. If the death rate of the three cities is so high, even if the remaining manpower is assembled, it is absolutely impossible to capture Yuhuguan, and these three cities have no danger to defend, they are extremely scattered, so they can only be abandoned and not defended.

Human beings still stop at the Tongmen Gate, and General Yan Hong will be sentenced to death for mobilizing troops without authorization.


Zhou Wu fell into hesitation for a while. No matter what purpose Zhang Kun used to let the barbarians go, judging from the results, he left a spark of victory for the frontier army. After the three armies assembled, the frontier army At least [-]% of the combat personnel can be retained.

This amount is barely enough to attack Yuhu Pass.

However, it is only a battle!
Zhang Chu patted Zhou Wu on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Do you think now is the time to engage in internal strife? I have gathered all the unnecessary people under my command, and you will take them to support General Yanhong later, and charge into battle. You better than me."


Sighing slightly, Zhang Chu then pulled him towards Lin Yuxi: "Look at what you are doing today, even our frontier soldiers have never put hatred on their family members, even if Zhang Kun defected to the barbarians, We must not do anything to Lin Yuxi, this is the bottom line."

"What's more, she is still so selfless to save the dead souls for the frontier army. It's already the tenth day. Take a good look at how tired she is. Do you have the face to come here and accuse her?"

After finishing speaking, he slammed Zhou Wu on the ground: "Apologize to Buddha, or our brotherhood will be over."

Zhou Wu raised his head and looked at Lin Yuxi. Her face was pale. With Qingqing's support, she leaned against her body. Her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. Even her originally ruddy lips began to turn pale. I can't hide my tiredness...

A trace of guilt welled up in his heart, and he slammed on the ground: "I was wrong! You shouldn't doubt Buddha, and you shouldn't doubt General Zhang Kun! I will take someone to apologize to General Zhang Kun now, and I will definitely dissuade Zhong Hui, under the current circumstances, I believe he will understand the painstaking efforts of General Zhang Kun."

Lin Yuxi struggled to leave Qingqing's body, and helped Zhou Wu up from the ground.

There was a slight smile on the pale face: "It's okay, no matter how you look at me, I will also save all the dead souls here. This is my duty. As for Zhang Kun, I am his wife, and his decision is My decision, and I am willing to bear all the consequences with him."

The guilt in Zhou Wu's heart deepened. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Lin Yuxi. After a long time, he said, "If I can come back alive after this battle, I will definitely ask you about Buddhism."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

Lin Yuxi smiled faintly, and didn't take to heart what they wanted to cause trouble for her earlier. The so-called Dharma is not for profit or anything else, let alone for others to believe in her own teachings. Whether you believe me or not, As a member of the Buddhist sect, I take it as my duty to save the souls of the dead and save everyone.

Suddenly, Lin Yuxi remembered what Zhang Kun said to herself when he was parting: "The teaching of the Taoist school is that what the world is like has nothing to do with me. I want to be pure and at ease, while the teaching of Buddhism is that what the world is like has nothing to do with me. But, I am willing to save you."

Although it was just a simple sentence, Lin Yuxi thought about it seriously for a long time, and finally could only nod silently to such a sentence.

Taoism and Buddhism almost run through the three realms, and they must have their reason and meaning of existence.

"Okay, old man, don't do these useless things, pack up your things quickly, and wait for your triumphant song. At that time, I will personally bring fine wine to Yuhuguan to celebrate for you. By the way, the power of Tianlei Dan this time There is some improvement, you remember to bring it all over.”

After Zhang Chu explained everything, he asked his subordinates to follow Zhou Wu to the battlefield. After they all left, he turned around and said to Lin Yuxi with some apology: "I made the Buddha laugh. I am sorry for what the Buddha has done." Zhang Chu understands that as long as I am still here, no one will make things difficult for you at Tongmenguan.”

"Thank you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuxi only felt a burst of drowsiness, and leaned on Qingqing, rubbing her head.

"Buddha, please pay more attention to your body. I have to deal with some things, so I can't accompany you any longer."

Zhang Chu bowed to Lin Yuxi apologetically, and then left.

The people he arranged to leave with Zhou Wu earlier accounted for [-]% of his subordinates, and the tasks of these people will all be on the shoulders of those who stayed behind.

"War together, everywhere is a battlefield."

Zhang Chu knew this very well, and the refining of Tianlei Pill was the most important thing, so he didn't care that he hadn't had a good rest for three days, so he went back to work again.

Qingqing accompanied Lin Yuxi around the tower, and when she was almost recovered, she persuaded her with some distress: "Don't be too tired, he will be sad if he finds out."

"You are the one. If you ignore him again, I'm afraid he will go crazy."

Lin Yuxi laughed and joked with Qingqing.

"No way."

Qingqing blushed immediately, she knew Zhang Kun's apology to her, and her determination to make up for it, but he hadn't figured out how to face him, this former partner, and that day His madness made her very afraid.

She was scared.

"I'll take care of my body. I'll trouble you to make another trip to reassure him. I'll wait here for his return."

Lin Yuxi patted Qingqing's hand. Now the only thing she can think of to do for Zhang Kun is to solve Qingqing's problem so that he has no worries.Just take this opportunity to spread the word and let them have a good chat.

In the deepest part of her heart, she actually still has some concerns about Qingqing's appearance, but after all, what happened has already happened, and she has nothing to do, except to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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