Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1198 Cunning opponent

Chapter 1198 Cunning opponent

It only took Zhang Kun half a day to catch up with Zhong Hui's troops, but Zhong Hui's face was very ugly.

Because they encountered a trap, it was a trap that was simply arranged when the barbarians were retreating to rest, and they were buried so well that even Zhong Hui, who had been on guard all along, didn't notice it.

Originally thought that these frontier soldiers who fell into the pit would have to be taken with them even if they were not dead, so as to reduce their own combat effectiveness, but there were no sharp swords at the bottom of the pit, it was just an empty pit.

He knew that the barbarians had shown mercy, and there were no swords in all the pits.

He knew that he had accepted Zhang Kun's kindness to the barbarians, so these barbarians did not kill him.

He felt very uncomfortable, because he didn't want to see all this. Shouldn't barbarians and humans be opposed to each other? The hands of the barbarians were stained with human blood, but why weren't the hands of humans stained with the blood of the barbarians?

This should be two opposing races, why, there is this scene in front of you.

"What are you looking at? Let's go. Maybe Yanhong has already reached Yuhu Pass. Are you planning to watch a play here?"

Zhang Kun shouted, so that these soldiers who hadn't recovered had a precise goal, which was to rush to Yuhu Pass.

They all buried their heads on the road, no one spoke, and used all their strength to fight the heat and rush on the road.As if in this way, you can get rid of the lingering problems in your mind.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed, and Zhang Kun finally led his troops to Yuhu Pass to join Yan Hong's troops.

As Zhang Kun guessed, Yanhong's offensive location is east, which is also the closest location to Yuhuguan, so they arrived first, and they have already pitched their tents. The barbarians are far away from each other.

"Zhang Kun!"

Seeing Zhang Kun coming with a large army, Yan Hong hurried forward, held Zhang Kun's hand, and looked at the group of completely undamaged troops behind him, feeling agitated inside.

Zhong Hui hurried forward: "General, Zhang Kun persuaded the barbarian defenders to retreat, and we were not injured. However, I personally suggest that Zhang Kun be arrested, at least to confirm his identity."

"What do you know!"

Yan Hong roared angrily, blocking back all Zhong Hui's words.

Seeing that Zhong Hui was still a bit unconvinced, Yan Hong sneered: "If Zhang Kun takes the lead in capturing Yuhu Pass this time, if you are not convinced, then go to my barracks to see, I am not grateful!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Hong dragged Zhang Kun into the barracks, and unfolded the map. The terrain soldiers on it were incomplete, and it was drawn recently.

"Zhang Kun, look at this map. We are facing a big problem. Yuhu Pass is located at a high position, and the city wall is extremely high. It seems that there are traces of new reinforcement. I have visually observed that our soft bow, unless Only at the foot of the city can we shoot the Sky Thunder Pill up."

The situation here did not exceed Zhang Kun's expectations. After seeing the power of Tianlei Dan last time, with Ke Man's temperament, he would definitely take a break at Yuhu Pass with great fanfare.

Because he is cunning and smart, if it was built in Donglinguan, Yan Hong would probably hit it before it was finished.That's what worries him.

It is safest to choose Yuhuguan, which can not only guarantee the construction time, but also guarantee the quality.

It was precisely because of this that Yanhong's attack was greatly hindered. Without the help of Tianlei Pill, it is simply a fantasy for the frontier army to attack Yuhu Pass with their bodies!

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be traps outside Yuhu Pass."

Zhang Kun groped his chin and said in a very flat tone.

After hearing this, Yan Hong gave a wry smile: "You guessed it."

"That would be difficult."

Zhang Kun frowned.

Yuhu Pass, like Han Customs, is a stronghold set up at an important pass. Except for this entrance, there is almost nowhere to enter.

When he tried to enter the barbarian for the first time, his plan was to pretend to be a barbarian and pass through this stronghold, but now that the army is approaching the city, he has no way to pass through quietly. No one can tell what will happen in the world, he must leave a way out for himself.

In other words, Yuhuguan was not only the gate for him to enter the barbarians, but also the guarantee for his own retreat.

"If you can't think of a way, it will be difficult. I estimate that the military order from above will arrive in four days at the most. The only option is to give up. It is estimated that I will also be dealt with by military law."

Yan Hong's smile was somewhat lonely, her plan had reached this point, she never expected that there would be an eyeliner placed by her superiors in the barracks, who knew her motives in advance.The originally reserved ten days, the most conservative estimate, is only three days left.

And this time is not enough for him to deploy his troops. If he attacks by force, he will be defeated!
But the plan has been carried out to the last step, seeing the great achievement in front of him, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up!
"This matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Zhang Kun said lightly, unconsciously, he and Yan Hong became grasshoppers on the same rope.

Everything Yan Hong said was also applicable to her. The military laws of the frontier army were strict, especially for such things as unauthorized deployment of troops.

Zhang Kun understands these decisions very well. After all, the frontier army is the last barrier for humans to resist the barbarians. If this is gone, humans will definitely be slaughtered by the barbarians, so they have to be careful.

Behind this caution, it means that there is no merit at all, but at the same time, it also means that the barbarians will never have an opportunity to take advantage of it!
"In this way, Zhang Kun will trouble you to go to the vicinity of the barbarians to complete this map. I want to stay in the army and organize the troops. Their morale is very low."

Yan Hong suddenly spoke.


Zhang Kun agreed without any hesitation. He had also seen before that most of the soldiers under Yanhong's account were wounded, and the number of them was small. It is not difficult to imagine what kind of hard battle they have gone through. It is normal for their morale to be low. To make such a request It is also reasonable.

"By the way, Zhang Kun, although what you did at Nanzhenguan is beneficial to us, I think you know what kind of people the frontier army is. They have a blood feud with the barbarians, so there is no way to reward you. But I will keep this credit in my heart, and I will make it up for you later."

Yan Hong looked at Zhang Kun and said lightly.


Zhang Kun didn't mind anything, and Yan Hong didn't care about it, which was already the best news for him.

(End of this chapter)

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