Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1199 Blood energy flower blooms when encountering a demon

Chapter 1199 Blood energy flower blooms when encountering a demon
Before coming here, what he was most worried about was Yanhong imprisoning him for investigation. In that case, if he escaped, it would be bad news for Lin Yuxi. Maybe he will do it to himself.

What he gambled on was that Yan Hong was not a pure frontier soldier, able to understand the importance and the trade-offs.

It now appears that he bet right.

Arranging him to go out to investigate the terrain now is probably to let him avoid disaster temporarily, and when he has achievements in the future, this "mistake" will be covered up.As for the so-called reward, he didn't take it seriously.

Straight away from the barracks, Zhang Kun changed into a barbarian costume, and then quietly touched the dangerous peak beside Yuhuguan. This mountain is very high and steep. When Kun didn't use his vitality, if he used his vitality, not to mention Table Mountain, even if the mountain was two or three times higher, he would have the confidence to climb over it.

Because his vitality can't be described as abundant!

After the Boundless Sea of ​​Qi evolved into the Boundless Sea of ​​Qi, although its volume and capacity did not change much, the quality of the vitality within it was worlds apart!
A piece of infinite vitality, converted through the special technique left by the black and white Taoist priests, is at least ten times the vitality!

Is this enough for him to do many things that others can't do at all, to cross mountains?Just want to go to heaven!

The steep stone wall was almost perpendicular to the ground. Zhang Kun took every step carefully. It took him a whole afternoon to climb up to about 200 meters. He found a flat ground less than half a meter wide on the dangerous peak and sat on it to rest.

This crack is very long, Zhang Kun looked carefully, it looks like the plank road left before, but after the passage of time, there is nothing left here.


While Zhang Kun was looking around, he suddenly made some discoveries.

He walked over quickly.

What caught my eye was a bright red flower. Its color was different from the bright safflower, but dark red. Not only the flower, but even the leaves were dark red.

"Bloody grass?"

Zhang Kun looked at the things in front of him suspiciously, feeling a little uncertain.

According to the information he received, the Blood Vitality Grass did indeed look like this, but he had never seen flowers growing on the Blood Vitality Grass.

The blood qi grass that was auctioned at the Han Customs last time can already be called the best among the blood qi grass, but it only grew a small bone.

After thinking for a long time in his mind, Zhang Kun suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen the thing in front of him somewhere.

Zhang Kun took out the book that the barbarian woman gave him from the sea of ​​knowledge, leaned against the stone wall, and searched carefully page by page. After a while, he found: "Blood energy grass can be formed into a bone after a hundred years, and it takes a thousand years." , have the qualifications to bloom, but this blood energy grass has a quirk that it will bloom only when the devil comes in person, so the millennium blood energy grass is also called the flower of the devil."

Zhang Kun had a strange look on his face. Since the Blood Vitality Grass bloomed, it meant that the Mozi was nearby, but he was the only one on this dangerous peak. Could it be that he was still the Mozi?I am not a barbarian.

Glancing at Yuhuguan at his feet, Zhang Kun nodded thoughtfully.

"It must be the devil in this city, and then let this flower bloom."

Coming to this conclusion, Zhang Kun nodded, put the book into the sea of ​​consciousness, and took off the flower of blood energy. It is an excellent medicinal material for condensing blood energy. As long as he uses it properly, he will definitely get a lot of benefits in the cultivation of blood energy. progress.

Since there are blood grass here, it means that after crossing the Yuhu pass, it is the territory of the barbarians, and he can be regarded as stepping into the territory of the barbarians in the true sense.

According to ancient records: On the territory of the barbarians, there are bloody grasses everywhere, as red as fire.

Zhang Kun walked through this narrow path and looked at the scenery behind Yuhu Pass. At that moment, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

Originally, he thought that the interior of the barbarians was a barren land, a symbol of poverty and desolation. This point has been proved in countless ancient books, but when he really saw it, he realized that it was all wrong.

Standing on the 200-meter-high dangerous peak, he looked at the lush forest in the distance, the beasts running through the forest, and the ubiquitous bright red blood grass, a group of barbarians, in the distance farming.

Although their crops are extremely monotonous, except for blood qi grass, they are crops such as sorghum, and they can grow without much care. In the farthest distance that can be seen, two barbarians are climbing their shoulders and raising their hands. flagon.

"The world ridicules the barbarians for their ignorance. Among the barbarians, how can humans not be ignorant and ignorant?"

With a sneer of contempt, Zhang Kun looked at both humans and barbarians.

The two races saw that too many battles broke out, but, without exception, they didn't want to understand each other, and even regarded each other as poison.

Zhang Kun dare not claim to be the first, but he is definitely not the last to discover the countless similarities between humans and barbarians.

"The so-called barbarians are actually humans who live in another way, that's all, but unfortunately, now you are in my way."

Zhang Kun ignored everything he saw in front of him, but carefully stared at the Yuhu Pass below, trying to find out the rules of their patrols and the loopholes in their defense.

But Zhang Kun kept observing the night, which turned into dawn, dusk, and night again, so Zhang Kun rubbed his head helplessly.

"There are no flaws. This Ke Man has a few brushes."

Having come to this conclusion, Zhang Kun decided to go back. He had been here for a whole day, and he was a little tired. Moreover, there was no other way to do this Yuhu Pass except forcibly attacking it.

Looking back at the magical city wall again, the side facing the frontier army is extremely high, but on both sides, it suddenly becomes shorter.Like a low-lying soldier with a shield in his hand.

Under the same starry sky, Daoist Ning Yu stood in front of the Tongmen Gate and looked up at the starry sky. He seemed to have found some clues.

"The long dragon has no head or tail, but it is a sign of being trapped. Seven stars and swords are pointing directly at the heart of the dragon. This is a fierce sign. It either falls on Zhang Kun or Yan Hong. I have to set off to rescue them."

After finishing speaking, he waved his long sleeves and was about to leave when Lin Yuxi went up to the tower to rest. Ning Yu's eyes lit up: "Since I met you at this time, it is our fate, and take care of this bronze gate for me." close."

As he said that, he took a jade pendant from his body and handed it to Lin Yuxi: "This jade pendant can command all the Taoist disciples in the frontier pass, and you enjoy a high reputation among the frontier army. It is a popular wish for you to entrust this bronze gate to your guard." Towards."

Ignoring Lin Yuxi who was still in a daze at all, Daoist Ning Yu stepped into the void and went away with the wind!

After thinking for a long time, Lin Yuxi realized that Daoist Ning Yu had entrusted the safety of the entire Tongmen Gate to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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