Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1211 The Familiar Flame

Chapter 1211 The Familiar Flame

"If he doesn't lay hands on me."

Zhang Kun said lightly, now that Daoist Ning Yu has appeared, breaking Yuhu Pass is just around the corner, and this victory is mostly due to Daoist Ning Yu.

In terms of emotion and reason, he would listen to Taoist Ning Yu's advice, but only if Ke Man didn't take the initiative to send it to his door.

He is also very afraid of this opponent. If he really makes a move, he will not show mercy. Once he makes a move, it will definitely be a killer move.

"That's good."

After Daoist Ning Yu finished speaking, he stood with his hands behind his back, stood where he was, and looked at his figure in the sky.

Countless thunder and lightning fell from the nine heavens with dazzling light, and an extremely complicated magic circle gathered at the feet of Daoist Ning Yu. The white light instantly became the only dazzling existence in the dark world.

"go with!"

Daoist Ning Yu's avatar pointed at Yuhu Pass, and said a word lightly.

At this moment, the thunder and lightning was restrained by the formation, and did not show any power. It just fell from the air lightly, and its volume became bigger and bigger, and finally it was almost the same as the entire Yuhuguan!
Ke Man had already jumped off the city wall, and the knife in his hand slashed on the trajectory of the lightning, but it had no effect, and the lightning from the knife made his arm numb for a moment.

Even Ke Man couldn't do anything about it, let alone those barbarian soldiers. They could only look at the magic circle on the ground in despair, waiting for an unknown fate.


Following Daoist Ning Yu's words, the thunder and lightning that had been running quietly suddenly rose from the ground!They wove into a huge cage, and thunder and lightning thicker than a human ran rampant in the magic circle!

"Get out!"

"Help, help!"


The originally orderly barbarians cried and hissed in an instant!

Their bodies couldn't resist such power. Facing an existence like Daoist Ning Yu who completely crushed their combat power, they couldn't think of any solution except to escape.

And Ke Man knew this very well. If he continued to fight here, even if everyone died in battle, he would not be hurt. He didn't want to bear this kind of meaningless loss, so he gave the order to retreat without hesitation.

As for the honor of the barbarian, the dignity of the barbarian, he never thought about it.

All of these can only be possessed by the living.


Ke Man looked at the fire gradually rising in Yuhu Pass, and the thunder like divine punishment, fire light, thunder light, imprinted on his face, time seemed to go back to the past, at that time, he was just a An insignificant barbarian, one, the target of bullying by countless people.


"Ke Man, you boy, hand over the blood energy grass, otherwise, I want you to look good today!"

It was Ke Cheng who spoke. He was the strongest kid in the village. He could defeat countless people of his age by himself. He was also the most promising person in the barbarian village to succeed the village chief.

What Ke Man held tightly in his hands was an inconspicuous blood qi grass. Even its leaves were a little curled and torn, and it looked like a low-grade plant.

This was received by Ke Man in the village. Every month, the village will distribute such a blood qi grass to these children to let them practice. As the weakest child in the village, Ke Man always ranks first. Finally, take what others don't want as a treasure.

"No! It's mine!"

Ke Man persisted, even if countless fists fell on him, he never gave up the blood grass in his hand, because it was the only cultivation resource he could get. Orphans like him can be seen everywhere among the barbarians, because their Once a parent enters the barbarian army, there is no telling how long it will take to return, perhaps never.

The most unlucky thing about Ke Man is that he doesn't have any brothers and sisters to rely on.

The dignity of the barbarian also reminded him all the time that he should not give up the blood energy grass in his hand. This is the only resource for his cultivation, and he must take good care of it.

"Damn it, you brat!"

Ke Cheng's fists kept hitting Ke Man. After a long time, he was also tired, so he sat on the side and directed a group of people to beat him in turn.

This is very common among the barbarians who respect strength. They can argue over anything, fight over anything, or settle their differences over a glass of wine.

In the end, Ke Man was unable to hold on to his blood and vitality. He lay on the ground weakly covered with scars, his swollen eyes could no longer see clearly, and there were only a few blurred figures dangling in front of him, gradually moving away. go.

In the buzzing ears, Ke Cheng laughed and cursed: "This brat, the kid has a long memory, but this time I must go and have a good time."

Among the barbarians, there is an unwritten rule that those thin and weak barbarian women who can't cultivate must serve any barbarian who uses the blood energy grass to satisfy their desire for the opposite sex after training.

Even if the children in front of them are teenagers younger than them, they have to do this.

Ke Cheng just fell in love with one of the women, and wanted to take the blood grass in Ke Man's hand, and go there to be cool again, that's all.

And Ke Man is not his only target, he is just the one that seems to be the easiest to get.

"Father, mother..."

Ke Man was already unconscious, until the night was dark, when a barbarian woman with a haggard look and an extremely thin body walked over quietly.

"Hey, wake up."

Seeing that Ke Man didn't respond, she sat next to Ke Man. The stones on the ground hurt her knees, but she didn't care. She reached out to shake the person in front of her, but hesitated for a long time. He didn't even put his hands on Ke Man.

Because he is just a plaything for entertainment after the barbarians practiced. In her concept, a person like herself is not qualified to touch the body of any barbarian. No matter what the reason is, her identity is The low and noble bodies of the barbarian warriors are not allowed to touch them actively.

"Wake up, you will catch a cold if you sleep here."

With a soft call, Ke Man's consciousness was brought back.

The world appeared in front of him again, but Ke Man was not at all happy, and even felt a bit of resentment and resentment in his heart.

Without blood qi grass and no resources for cultivation, his strength can only be improved by daily exercise. However, his body is not strong, and it is undoubtedly impossible for him to rely on this method to improve his strength. Night Tale.

After what happened today, it was also the first time that he doubted everything he insisted on. They did not bring him the rewards he deserved, and they were not able to save his life at a critical moment as the teacher said.

"Why live, die is better..."

(End of this chapter)

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