Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1212 I stole it

Chapter 1212 I stole it
After leaving these words, Ke Man dragged his tired and heavy body, got up from the ground with difficulty, and walked towards his dilapidated hut.

Back home, looking at the empty room, Ke Man only felt that the bitterness in his heart was getting heavier.

"Well, can I come in?"

The previous barbarian woman stood at the door with her hands on her chest. He was a little scared, a little timid, and a little at a loss.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. In the life of being abused all year round, she had already developed a bit of burnout. She thought about it more than once, so she gave up everything and committed suicide.

But whenever she holds the knife in her hand, she always refuses to let it go. In the dark, there is always a voice telling her, stick to it, live another day, maybe you can wait for everything you want.

With such hope day after day, in a blink of an eye, she was already fourteen.

Today, after being ravaged by those crazy barbarians, her hopes were shattered. She couldn't persist in such a life. On the way to commit suicide, she met Ke Man and this thin barbarian.

Somehow, she forgot her original purpose and gave her care to a barbarian whom she had never met.Even, she didn't know what kind of mood she was following here.

"I don't want sympathy!"

With a wave of Ke Man's hand, the sharp short knife drew an arc in the air and stabbed at the door.His dignity pricked his heart again and again. He was a barbarian, a race that lived on honor.If he had to choose between sympathy and death, he would definitely choose death rather than sympathy from others.

"I... I don't mean anything malicious, I just... worry about you..."

The woman grabbed her thin clothes, lowered her head, tears rolled in her eyes.

"To shut up!"

Ke Man saw the tears in the corners of her eyes, but he didn't touch anything. What he harbored in his heart was disappointment with himself and everything about himself.

Taking a deep breath, he snarled and closed the door: "Get out! No matter how useless I am, Ke Man, even if someone robs the blood grass, I will never accept any mercy! Get out!"

Turning back and lying on the bed, Ke Man's tears rolled down his face.

"I'm just a piece of trash, get out!"

"Even if I, Ke Man, give up everything, I won't accept other people's sympathy. I don't need it. Your opinions have nothing to do with me! Don't use those fake tears to cover up your purpose!"

"It doesn't matter if they are trash, I, Ke Man, will definitely trample them down in the future!"


His voice became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a mutter that only he could hear: "What am I?"

There was no movement outside the door, maybe he left.

No one can bear such rants and catharsis, so it is right to leave.

Ke Man stood up, looking at the door full of holes, a bit of bitterness suddenly flashed in his heart.Walking to the door, he pressed on the door, but he didn't push it open, and finally sat down slowly.

Leaning against the door, he raised his head, looked at the dark room, and muttered to himself.

Until the drowsiness hit, Ke Man buried his head on his knees and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Ke Man was woken up by the noise.

"It's this bastard who stole the Vitality Grass, hand it over, or I'll kill you today!"

"Blood Qi Grass is a must for cultivation, but you are just a waste, you can't even meet the most basic requirements, let's say, who ordered you!"

"Don't tell me? Call me!"

Ke Man pushed open the door, only to see a group of barbarians surrounding the door, even the village chief came, and he commanded a group of people angrily.

Through the gap between the crowd, he saw that somewhat familiar figure.

"Get out of the way! What do you guys do to bully women? Come towards me!"

Ke Man picked up the stick casually and hit the barbarian in front of him.

Except for his parents who have long since left, Ke Man has never been cared for by anyone. What happened yesterday has passed, and his anger has long since disappeared from the bottom of his heart, and he feels a little guilty in his heart for this woman who came back with him.

"Yo, it's the trash Ke Man."

"What, is this your concubine?"

"Sure enough, trash is a perfect match if you want to be with trash."

Those barbarians laughed and let Ke Man's stick hit him. With Ke Man's strength, even with a knife, he might not be able to cut these barbarians.

A strong man turned his head sharply and gave Ke Man a vicious look.

Ke Man was taken aback for a moment, because this man had two golden lines on his face, he was a warrior with two lines, and he could easily crush an ant like him to death.

The village chief took the initiative to step forward and let a group of people get out of the way. He looked down at Ke Man and said, "Tell me, why did you instruct her to steal the blood qi grass? Do you know what a crime it is to steal and rob the blood qi grass."

"Of course I know!"

Ke Man glared at the village head angrily. The village head had the strength close to that of a Sanwen warrior, and he was also the strongest in the whole village.In the past, Ke Man looked at him with admiration and reverence in his eyes.

But today, all he has left is anger.

"Where were you when Ke Cheng snatched my Vitality Grass! For a whole afternoon, I don't believe that you were all deaf and blind! I just want to take back what belongs to me!"

Ke Man roared hoarsely.

" has nothing to do with him..."

The barbarian woman on the ground was already covered in blood, a huge gash was cut on her forehead, hot blood was slipping down from her forehead, staining half of her cheeks red, half of her body was paralyzed on the ground, she could still use her strength. Moving half of the body, crawling forward little by little.

Her body overwhelmed a patch of fragrant grass, and behind her was a long crawling trail.

"I... did it..."

Her eyes have gradually become hollow, but she has been facing Ke Man for a long time, moving her body little by little.

"Yo yo, it's true."

The village head sneered. In the village, there are not a few people with the status of women. They are all very peaceful and have never caused any trouble. For major events, he must be severely punished. Once a precedent is set, no one knows what will happen in the future.

He raised his foot, stepped on the woman's palm fiercely, and crushed it hard.

But there was no cry as she imagined, she just watched Ke Man's eyes become more and more firm, and she didn't respond to the piercing pain, even if it was pain, it couldn't make her let go, once she let go , the Blood Vitality Grass in his hand will be trampled into a puddle of mud.

"Yo, Ke is pretty good, when did this bitch treat you so hard?"

The village chief looked at Ke Man, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He has already risen to kill people who disobey his own thoughts and rules like this, otherwise, he would no longer have the same honor as before in the village.Countless people will poke him in the back and say that he is incompetent.

(End of this chapter)

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