Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1213 Living Grave

Chapter 1213 Living Grave

"Get your feet off!"

Ke Man let out a roar, and threw the stick in his hand at the head of the village chief.


A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the village chief. The reason why he insisted that this woman stole the blood qi grass was to give Ke Man some leeway. Women can be compared.

But Ke Man was so ungrateful that he still wanted to do something to him?
With a hard punch, Ke Man was knocked out directly.

When Ke Man opened his eyes again, he found himself locked in a cellar, beside him, a barbarian woman was crawling towards him with difficulty.

"Are you OK."

Ke Man shook his still somewhat drowsy head, and looked around. The place has been sealed up, and even the light from the candle is negligible.

"Living grave."

After reading these three words, Ke Man's face was very ugly. Even if he stole the blood vigor grass, according to the rules, he would only be fined fifty sticks. The barbarian's stick punishment is much heavier than that of humans, thanks to their The great strength of each stick is not comparable to human beings.

Even if he does not die, he will inevitably be disabled, and the broken body cannot practice according to the records of the barbarian's exercises. This is a huge punishment for every barbarian.

But compared to the living grave, he is not even a fart.

The living grave is to lock the living people in a closed space and slowly suffocate them. After half a month, their decomposed and smelly corpses will be taken out and thrown in the wilderness to be eaten by wild animals.

In addition to these punishments, once a person decides to be placed in a living grave, he will be completely removed from the barbarian tribe and will no longer be considered a member of the barbarian tribe.

This is a fatal blow to the barbarians who value honor. What many people are afraid of is not suffocation, but the removal from the barbarians.

"are you OK?"

The extremely weak voice came, and Ke Man recovered from his own thoughts. It is not only him who is trapped here, but also the barbarian woman.

Thinking of her stealing the blood qi grass for him, Ke Man felt a little moved in his heart, and even felt guilty for his rant that night.

"I'm fine, why are you so stupid."

Ke Man hugged the woman distressedly, her whole body was covered in blood, and her already delicate fingers were even exposed with white bones, her appearance was very frightening.

But Ke Man has no fear at all now. He treated her injury first, which was just the simplest treatment. He casually tore off strips of cloth from his clothes and wrapped them around the wound. This would not help the injury at all, but , He can comfort people, even if it is just a little bit.

Ke Man knew that he owed a lot of love to the woman, and now he had no way to make amends.

"Let me see your hand."

Ke Man supported the woman against the wall, took the candle from the wall, and looked at the back of her hand, but the woman hid her hand behind her back, and only received half of it. She was weak and lost her strength, and her arm fell to the ground.


Ke Man quickly supported her hand, and picked it up carefully, but the woman stubbornly wanted to put her hand back behind her.

When Ke Man saw it, he just smiled lightly: "Then let me put your hand back for you?"

The woman was a little embarrassed, but now she really couldn't put her hand back by herself.

After Ke Man put her hand away, she smiled lightly, like a cute child showing off to her parents that she got a baby: "Guess what I want to give you?"

Seeing the woman's innocent smile, Ke Man's heart ached.

How could he not know what she was holding in her hand, that blood qi grass, she had always held it in her hand and never let go of it.

Ke Man took a deep breath, pretending not to know anything, like a curious baby, kept looking at the hand hidden behind her: "What is it, show me."

"If I don't give it to you, who told you to kill me last night?"

The woman's smile became wider, and she held her head proudly. For the joy of this moment, for the joy that has been lost for a long time, she is willing to pay any price.

"I was wrong, I apologize to you, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

Ke Man's heart suddenly felt sour. It would be hard for anyone else to accept a girl being yelled at like this in the middle of the night.I was indeed in a bad mood at the time, but no one knew if she was secretly wiping tears at that time.

"Okay, I accept your apology and here it is."

The woman handed the blood grass in her hand to Ke Man, and looked at him indifferently, with the engraving in her eyes...satisfaction.

"Thank you."

After Ke Man finished speaking these two words, he solemnly took the blood energy grass from the woman's hand, even though it was broken, but in Ke Man's heart, it was more precious than any blood energy grass.

"You rest first, I'll dig a tunnel, and we'll escape."

Ke Man was convinced that the woman could still persist, and quickly began to think about how to escape. He didn't want to die here, and he wanted to repay the woman's kindness.

The oxygen in the cellar was getting less and less, and the tunnel Ke Man dug with his hands was getting longer and longer.

The living graves are actually not deep, and it doesn't take much time to dig through them, but no barbarian has ever done this. Once they do, they just don't admit their sins, they just throw their honor on the ground Trampling, this is more uncomfortable for them than killing them.

"Wait a minute, it should be soon. I've been to this cellar before, and it's only less than two meters thick."


"Hold on for a while, try to keep your breathing as calm as possible, and wait for my good news."



The originally dirty and dull air suddenly became clear.

With a hard punch, Ke Man shattered the last clod in front of him, and Ke Man hurriedly turned his head, intending to bring the woman here to breathe fresh air.

However, when he escaped from the cellar, the woman tightly hugged in his arms was no longer breathing, her whole body was cold.

On her neck, there was a long knife mark, and her clothes were stained red with blood.

The tingling pain from his hand and the pain from the wound on his body were nothing compared to the pain in his heart at this moment.

Only now did he suddenly remember what she said to him when he was busy digging the tunnel.

"I believe you can get out. If you can escape, I will be very happy."

"I can't do it anymore, Ke Man, the two of us can't last that long inside."

"After you leave, you have to take my share and live on."

"Also, I like you..."


Ke Man's eye sockets were a little wet, and the tears couldn't stop streaming down.

(End of this chapter)

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