Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1229 Where is the Wild Valley?

Chapter 1229 Where is the Wild Valley?

Zhang Kun glanced at the barbarian in front of him lightly, waited for a while, and then coughed lightly: "You go, I haven't seen you here before."

Hearing these words, the barbarian man's tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

He had noticed these two people early in the morning, knowing that Zhang Kun had more power to speak. At that time, he was just curious, because she couldn't help but look at her beauty a few more times. After seeing her, he realized that the woman came here specially to find Zhang Kun. Curious The heart made him look twice more, which saved his life from having to face the harsh punishment of having his eyes gouged out like others.


After hesitating for a while, the barbarian woman was still worried and looked at Zhang Kun silently.

Among the barbarians, especially these ordinary barbarians, they all understand the importance of rules, and they respect the sacrifices extremely, but the barbarians in front of them want to escape their own punishment, which is a provocation to the majesty of the sacrifices.

"Haven't everyone here been dug blind by you?"

Zhang Kun said something lightly, the more calm the tone, the more he can show his determination in this matter, and he will not be shaken by a few words from the barbarian woman.

"I understand."

Lowering her head helplessly, the barbarian girl acquiesced to the barbarian man in front of her leaving.

"If there is a need for me in the future, I will definitely go through fire and water."

After speaking, the barbarian man left.

And Zhang Kun looked at the back of him leaving, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's what you've been waiting for."

It was the attitude of this barbarian that Zhang Kun valued.

He didn't blindly obey the orders of the barbarians. In other words, if it came time for him, he could also put aside the orders of the barbarians and obey his own arrangements. There are no golden lines on the face, but this does not affect the result.

Among the barbarians, Zhang Kun had an assistant. Although his strength seemed weak and insignificant, it was a good start.

At least the interior of the barbarians is not as indestructible as he imagined, and he has always been very relieved of the promises of the barbarians.

After finishing the wine glass in his hand, Zhang Kun stood up and prepared to leave.

"Ke Xing should have already dealt with everything."

He thought so, ordinary human beings are only two incense sticks, even if it is replaced by barbarians, it will only be an hour at most, and now he has been out for nearly two hours, no matter what, after returning, he will not disturb her thing.

Compared with negotiating with the barbarian woman in front of him, he prefers to communicate with Ke Xing, because she doesn't have any purpose, nor is she trying to extract long-term benefits from him, let alone plotting anything on him.

"Please take it with you, sir."

When the barbarian woman saw it, she quickly stood up and stuffed the box into Zhang Kun's hands: "Just trust me once, the things inside are very useful to you."

After hesitating for a second, Zhang Kun put the box into the mirror domain.

Although I don't know what the barbarians are planning on him, but judging from the attitude of the barbarians before, there are things in it that can reduce the troubles I will encounter in the future.

"It's only this time, it won't happen next time."

After saying that, he left.

The barbarian woman finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Zhang Kun accepts this gift, it means that her mission has been completed, and she doesn't have to worry about her future situation.

Putting on her own clothes, she pinched her skin subconsciously, and muttered to herself: "Don't humans like women with this kind of skin? Is there something wrong with my figure, or what humans call self-cultivation?"

The near failure of this mission also sounded the alarm in her heart.

The task assigned to her by the high priest seemed very simple, but when it was actually carried out, she found it extremely difficult.

And Zhang Kun hummed a little tune along the way, practicing the barbarian's exercises, and suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Tanlang, it should be a good weapon."

On the sword hill, a burly warrior was holding a long knife in both hands, and opposite him was a life-defying common body, holding a Qianmo sword in his hand, slightly awed at the warrior.

The broadsword was wrapped in a gust of wind and slashed across the air, while the samurai held a long sword in his hand and rushed directly at the life-defying common body.

The confrontation only lasted for a short time, and the life-defying creatures were defeated.

"It's as powerful as a tiger, fierce and unyielding, even if the enemy is strong, it will not retreat a single point... Yes, I like it."

Zhang Kun smiled softly, walked to the door of the hotel, and listened carefully. There was no sound of men and women fighting inside, and then he knocked on the door: "Is Ke Xing there? I have something to ask you."


When Ke Xing heard Zhang Kun's voice, she quickly jumped up from the bed, opened the door, and welcomed him into the room. Then she grinned and said, "Where have you been? I thought you were gone."

Because of the practice of the barbarians, the people among the barbarians experience sex with men and women much earlier than humans, so the so-called chastity is not so important.As long as you can see it, stories can happen at any time. This is the world of barbarians.

However, this is not the world Zhang Kun is familiar with, and Ke Xing knows that Zhang Kun is not a barbarian, so she is very worried that her previous reckless behavior will offend Zhang Kun and make him alienate herself completely.

But she also knew how much she wanted at that time. She had tried her best to find Zhang Kun in the city, until she couldn't suppress the desire in her heart, she found a barbarian to solve the problem she urgently needed to solve.

While she was enjoying all this, Zhang Kun came back. Although he didn't knock on the door, he did come back.

Ke Xing quickly pushed the barbarian man away, went out to search for another hour, and then returned to the house full of frustration.Now that Zhang Kun is back, how can she be unhappy?
"He is indeed different from those humans."

Ke Xing secretly rejoiced in her heart.

"I have something to ask you."

Zhang Kun didn't notice the look on Ke Xing's face, but went straight to the point.

"You said."

Ke Xing can't wait to tell all the news she knows now. As for the plan to participate in the temple assessment, she has long since put it aside. She doesn't mind waiting another year. If she can join Zhang Kun in the land of the barbarians If you walk up.

"Where is the Wild Valley?"

Zhang Kun looked at Ke Xing expectantly. She has lived in the barbarian tribe for so many years. If there is a barbaric valley in the barbarian tribe, then she must know some news, but she was negligent before.

It is a mistake to apply the style of the human world to the barbarians. The barbarians are a relatively simple race. Since they are recognized as friends, they will not hide anything from each other.At the beginning, he also had this consideration when he thought about buying a map. He was worried that the barbarians would deceive him and waste time.

(End of this chapter)

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