Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 1230 The embarrassment of not having barbarian coins

Chapter 1230 The embarrassment of not having barbarian coins

Now it seems that it is just that my thinking has not changed from human thinking.

"Wild Valley?"

Ke Xing's face was a bit strange, she looked Zhang Kun up and down, and then explained: "Wild Desolation Valley is a forbidden area of ​​the temple, and only those who have obtained the qualification of Demon's attendant can practice in the Wild Desolation Valley..."

After hearing Ke Xing finished speaking, Zhang Kun's expression was a little grim.

If he looked at it this way, he could understand why the barbarians were so friendly to him.

According to this inference, the devil will need his own help on the road of growth, and it is very important help. Only in this way can he explain why the barbarian high priest painstakingly cultivated the barbarian woman, to please himself, and even willing to give up Nanzhen pass, so that he can enter the territory of the barbarians.

The reason why the high priest noticed him was because of the existence of the devils, just like the existence of the Buddhas. Their fates would be calculated by countless people, and the devils and the Buddhas belonged to the destiny. Roughly calculate when they will appear, but compared with them, I am just an ordinary cultivator, and I have no special means to cover up my fate. It's an easy job.

From this point of view, I am afraid that the fall of Yuhuguan was also caused by the high priest, who delayed the reinforcements, and may even have said these things to Ke Man.

"What are you thinking?"

Just when Zhang Kun was deep in thought, Ke Xing suddenly asked.

Ke Xing was originally happy because Zhang Kun came back, but when she saw Zhang Kun's face gradually darken, she felt a little uneasy for a while.

"It's nothing."

Answering casually, Zhang Kun's consciousness swept over the box in the mirror field.

Since the Valley of Light is a forbidden area of ​​the temple, it needs to go through many tests, and the high priest hopes that he can appear in this test, so he must forge an identity for himself, an orthodox barbarian that no one can refute. identity of.

It is conceivable that those devil's attendants must have been selected countless times, and their backgrounds will be strictly checked to prevent spies and traitors from appearing.And his own identity is a huge obstacle.

"Where to sign up for the temple assessment?"

Zhang Kun asked casually. Although he only needs to ask someone on the street to ask these questions, he can get the answer, but he doesn't like the current atmosphere.

After opening the door, he felt the joy on Ke Xing's face. Later, during the conversation, Ke Xing and him got closer and closer, and he could even feel the slight warmth coming from Ke Xing's bronze skin. .

And she was only wearing underwear, and her almost perfect figure could be seen at a glance. Even a human woman would probably be envious of such a slim figure.

He didn't like such an atmosphere, so he changed the subject directly.

"I'm going to sign up too, let's go together tomorrow."

Ke Xing grinned, raised her head slightly, and looked at the moth on the roof.

It's good news that I can continue to stay with Zhang Kun without changing my plan.

"Well, good, then you go to bed early."

After speaking, Zhang Kun got up and prepared to leave.

Ke Xing was a little dazed, she really couldn't figure out what was going on in the minds of human beings.

Even if he changed to any barbarian, even if his brain is not working well, he can still understand that as long as the door is closed and the lights are turned on, it will be a good night.

Aren't human beings always smart? Why don't they even understand this?


Ke Xing was a little disappointed by the sound of the door closing neatly. She lay helplessly on the table and fiddled with the candlelight.

After a long time, two words came out of his mouth: "Idiot."

Boom boom boom!
Not long after, there was another knock on the door, and Zhang Kun's voice came from outside the room: "Is Ke Xing asleep?"

Opening the door with a bang, Ke Xing smiled all over her face.

The idiot is still enlightened, and he is not too stupid.I'm not too bad, anyway, I still have some busy charm.

Feeling a little proud, she looked at Zhang Kun and licked her lips subconsciously: "What's the matter?"

"Is there any barbarian currency?"

The barbarian currency is the common currency among the barbarians, because most of the barbarians are nomadic, so they have no fixed place to live, and the transactions between the barbarians are also the original way of bartering. After the Jiuli tribe was unified, these situations did not change. Some things have changed, and this kind of city that is not considered developed has appeared.

The currency of the transaction is also replaced by barbarian currency, saying goodbye to the way of bartering.

The barbarian currency is very light and easy for hunting people to carry on their bodies, so it is gradually accepted by the barbarians.

What Zhang Kun owns is the gold and silver commonly used in human transactions, and apart from gold and silver, the only thing that can be used by the barbarians is the essence of Yuan. The essence of Yuan also has a certain auxiliary effect on the cultivation of the barbarians, and it can be regarded as currency. A sort of.

But before, when he was holding Yuan Essence to find a house to rest, he was told by other barbarians that one Yuan Essence could even buy an entire street, and these barbarians couldn't find it at all.

And the barbarians don't always like to let their compatriots suffer, so even if Zhang Kun changes four or five places, no one is willing to let him move in.

In desperation, he came back to look for Ke Xing, wanting to exchange for some barbarian coins.

Looking at Zhang Kun, Ke Xing pouted angrily: "No!"

"Don't be kidding, I know you have it. I saw it when you rented the house before, and you still have a lot."

Zhang Kun is a little confused, and he really doesn't understand the barbarian thinking. In the human world, if you take out a yuan essence, any shop owner will come forward cheerfully and entertain you with the best service. .Even if there is no way to get change, they will give various promises, and even have the right to stay for free in the future.

But these barbarians just refused to do this, even though they couldn't stop looking at Yuan Essence, they still didn't let him stay.


Ke Xing roared angrily, she thought that Zhang Kun wanted to understand the key and came to accompany her, but why did it become a loan of barbarian money?
"No, I'm not borrowing, I'm exchanging, one yuan essence, and exchanging some wild coins for you, isn't this deal a loss?"

(End of this chapter)

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