Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 170 You are dying

Chapter 170 You are dying

Looking at the young man in front of him, his eyes became fierce, Zhang Kun secretly thought badly, and quickly backed away. The chair he was sitting on exploded in an instant and turned into pieces of wood that splashed out. Obviously, the young man hadn't learned the art of fighting and assassination much, but at such a close The distance, such a sudden timing, even Zhang Kun couldn't react immediately!

The dagger was actually glowing with a dark green color, it was poisonous!
"Drink!" Zhang Kun shouted in a low voice, and slapped out his palm, hitting the boy's wrist sideways, and when the dagger was only three centimeters away from Zhang Kun's chest, he restrained the boy.Zhang Kun held the dagger with his backhand, grabbed the boy's hands with one hand, and pushed him to the ground.

"Patriarch, you, are you okay?" The maid asked nervously, this came too suddenly, and she was also taken aback.

Zhang Kun returned lightly: "It's okay, you come and clean the room and change a chair to go in."

The young man struggled violently in Zhang Kun's hands, but he was not even considered an entry-level warrior, so how could he break free from the shackles of Zhang Kun, a peak Xuan-level warrior? Gradually, his strength became weaker and weaker. No more struggling.

At this time, the stern look on his dirty face faded away, and he looked like a pitiful slug, and burst into tears all at once.

Zhang Kun let go of his hand slowly, without the toxin on the weapon, the boy was no threat to him at all."What's your name?" he asked.

"My name is Ye Tao." The boy stopped crying, rubbed his wrist, and looked at Zhang Kun with resentment.

Zhang Kun's eyes were fixed, there must be something hidden in it, so he asked, "Why are you crying?"

"I can't kill you, they're going to kill my grandpa!" Ye Tao said, wiping away his tears, the way he sobbed was very worrying.

Zhang Kun frowned. It seemed that Ye Tao was sent to assassinate him, and his grandfather was still being controlled by the other party as a hostage.But who is the opponent? It shouldn't be the Ou family. Although they didn't surrender, they dare not directly assassinate themselves, unless they are stupid enough to bear Gongsun Yangyan's anger again, and this time it should be really angry!

Is it the Zhao family, or the prison blood killer?Judging from the refurbishment of the assassination pattern, Zhang Kun is more likely to be inclined to prison blood, and he and the Zhao family have no deep hatred for the time being, and instead gave them a batch of pills.

But Prison Blood also has an iron law. After two failed assassinations, the bounty will be returned and no more entanglement.

If it wasn't for them, who would it be, could it be the Wang family?The loss of face at the treasure exhibition that time may have become the reason for the Wang family to retaliate!
"Don't cry, tell me who sent you here, maybe I can help you save your grandfather." Zhang Kun looked at Ye Tao and said seriously.

After all, Ye Tao was just a child, so he stopped crying immediately. When he thought of the group who kidnapped grandpa, he couldn't help but said tremblingly: "I don't know who they are, it's too dark at night, but I Saw a small shiny stone with a pattern on one of the men's necks."

"Bring a pen and paper!" Zhang Kun hurriedly ordered the maid who had just returned.

Soon the maid came back with the Four Treasures of the Study, and Zhang Kun took Ye Tao to draw a pattern on the table. Zhang Kun took a closer look and it turned out to be the family emblem of the Wang family.Unexpectedly, the members of the Wang family were secretive, and a luminous jade pendant exposed their identities.

"Can you tell me where you met them and the direction they left when you took your grandfather away?" Zhang Kun pondered. He first wanted to determine the location of the Wang family. He took out a map of Changyang City Show Ye Tao.

When Ye Tao heard that Zhang Kun was going to rescue his grandfather, he nodded sensiblely and obediently and said, "We met the bad guys on this street. They came from this side, then went to this side, and gave me weapons. Then let me wait here."

"Hmm..." Zhang Kun fell into deep thought. Apparently, the members of the Wang family did not expect Ye Tao to have such a good memory. He memorized all the activities of the Wang family in his mind. This kid is quite talented.

Zhang Kun scribbled and drew on the map, and asked the maid who had stayed in Changyang City for many years from time to time. The maid told him that there was an abandoned old house nearby. When she went shopping a few days ago, she saw There are a few people with royal family crests hanging around.

"It should be here!" Zhang Kun tapped a street corner on the map with a brush. It was a very inconspicuous place, but it used to be the famous place of flowers and willows in Changyang City, where the Wansi Pavilion was located.

But since the Tan Palace entered Changyang City, the Wansi Museum has declined, but that was before Zhang Kun was born.

"Although I know where it is, the Wang family will not be such an idiot. There must be guards stationed here," Zhang Kun glanced at Ye Tao, who was beside him with an innocent face, and thought to himself: "This may also be a set of serial tricks by the Wang family. If you can't kill Ye Tao, lead me here and catch a turtle in the urn!"

"At this time, I don't have any skills. I can only deal with one earth-level warrior with my body at the peak of Xuan level and Dongyue's epee. If there are too many, I will not be able to bear it." Zhang Kun thought: "It seems that we still need to hire someone to take action! "

"I'll go out for a while! Take care of Ye Tao." Zhang Kun left the Zhang residence after leaving a sentence. He went straight to Mo Xie's room. Mo Xie just finished training and was reading an ancient book. Seeing Zhang Kun coming, he hurried He smiled and said, "Finally, Great Alchemist Zhang is free to look for me?"

"Now is not the time to reminisce about the old days, brother Mo, those innate masters, you go and invite them, I have something to ask them for help." Zhang Kun said repeatedly, and several bottles of pills appeared in his hands, and handed them to Mo Xie.

Seeing the seriousness on Zhang Kun's face, Mo Xie quickly said without talking nonsense: "The last time they came to Changyang City, they were not in a hurry to go back. They should still be living in the Sandalwood Palace. I'll go find them."

Han Ran, Yu Sen, and Deng Binbai are indeed in the sandalwood palace. They were in vain last time, but Zhang Kun still gave the promised elixir. All three of them have a good impression of this young alchemist. , They have lived in Haomen County for a long time, and they rarely come to Changyang City. This time, they wanted to stay for a few more days.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Kun came to the door with something else. Seeing that Zhang Kun promised the elixir again, he naturally agreed. Their Haomen County is not as rich in supplies as Changyang City, and the elixir is even more scarce!
"Seniors, juniors have something to ask, please come with me quickly!" Zhang Kun clasped his hands and said, Han Ran, Yu Sen, and Deng Binbai followed Zhang Kun after receiving Zhang Kun's elixir Wansi Pavilion.

"Wang family?" Zhang Kun secretly laughed in his heart, let's see who is scheming whom this time?

Soon a group of people arrived at the Wansi Pavilion. Zhang Kun signaled the three to hide, but he pushed open the old wooden door. With a creaking sound, the door opened, and the smell of dust and rancidity came to the face. In the hall on the first floor of the dilapidated Wansi Pavilion, an old man was tied up, with his head hanging to one side, as if lifeless.

Zhang Kun looked around and walked forward cautiously, stretched out his hand to check his breath, only to find that the old man had been dead for a long time, his mouth was full of blood, and he died from biting his tongue!

Frowning, Zhang Kun guessed that Ye Tao's grandfather committed suicide so that Ye Tao would not be threatened. Suddenly, the flames in his eyes burned with anger.
At this moment, a sinister laugh sounded behind him, "Zhang Kun, you actually found this place. Didn't you expect that we've been waiting for you all this time?"

"Shit, get out!" Zhang Kun turned his head and said angrily, only to see a slender, haggard rich man standing in front of him.

"Hmph, don't use your tongue! Master Zhang, who doesn't know your reputation? It's just that your strength is too weak, so weak that my Patriarch doesn't even bother to fight, so I just sent me to deal with you!" Wang Xinzhi, the son of the rich family. With a cold snort, he walked towards Zhang Kun step by step, and the inner force slowly gathered in his palm.A few people also appeared in the shadow behind him, approaching Zhang Kun with a grin on their faces.

Seeing Wang Xinzhi's confident appearance, Zhang Kun couldn't help laughing.

Wang Xinzhi was stunned and asked: "Boy, do you still dare to laugh when you are about to die?"

"You are dying, let's do it, seniors!" Zhang Kun said to the air behind Wang Xinzhi.

(End of this chapter)

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