Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 171 Shadowless Sword

Chapter 171 Shadowless Sword

Zhang Kun looked at him expressionlessly, instead of avoiding Wang Xinzhi who was slowly walking towards him, he bowed slightly behind them.

Everyone was shocked, and looked in the direction Zhang Kun pointed, but found that there was nothing, only air except air.

"Zhang Kun, do you think it's still useful to play tricks at this time? Accept your fate." Wang Xinzhi smiled relaxedly when he saw this, and the playfulness in his eyes when he returned to Zhang Kun became more intense!
"Ahhh!" Before Wang Xinzhi's words fell, the screams behind him rang out one after another. He turned his head in horror, and saw that three powerful fighters had surrounded the place, and all the men he had sent had already died. Knocked down by the opponent!
The inner force fluctuations of the innate strong are far beyond the scale of ordinary people who have begun to take shape between raising their hands and throwing their feet. The unstoppable air vibrations brought about by punches to the flesh, immediately aroused pieces of excitement in the dilapidated Wansi Hall. dust.

The strongest people brought by Wang Xinzhi are only thugs in the late stage of the prefecture level. How can they resist Han Ran, Yu Sen, and Deng Binbai who are innately strong?This was an overwhelming massacre. The Wang family had no strength to fight back, and even screamed once or twice before dying!
When the dust settled, Wang Xin was the only one left in the dark room. The members of the Wang family were still standing, and cold sweat broke out from his forehead. He had already begun to regret it. He gave him the order to deal with Zhang Kun, but was ambushed by Zhang Kun instead, and now even his own life is going to be involved!
"Damn it!" Wang Xinzhi gritted his teeth, looked fiercely at Zhang Kun in front of him, grabbed the weapon at hand, and attacked Zhang Kun regardless of whether the three innate powerhouses were still present!
"Alchemist Zhang!" The three innate powerhouses exclaimed. They immediately shot to save Zhang Kun, but at this distance, Wang Xinzhi's shot was too fast. They obviously didn't expect that Zhang Kun would allow his opponent Come into yourself so close!

"Hahaha, even if I die, I will drag you to be buried with me!" A trace of madness flashed across Wang Xinzhi's eyes. He knew that he would be torn apart by the angry Han Ran, Yu Sen, and Deng Binbai. It was broken into pieces, but he still wanted to kill Zhang Kun before he died!
Just when Han Ran, Yu Sen, and Deng Binbai thought that Zhang Kun was doomed, they realized that Zhang Kun stood motionless and had no intention of dodging at all. The next moment they stared at Zhang Kun with wide eyes. Everything that happened in front of my eyes, I couldn't believe it was real!

Wang Xinzhi, who was rushing towards Zhang Kun like a ghost, suddenly stopped, and stopped suddenly in mid-air, as if he had been nailed to the wall by a nail. However, the most incredible thing was that no one could see him. Where is that nail!
"Hmm!" Wang Xinzhi's pupils dilated suddenly in disbelief. He stared blankly at his pierced chest, where the blood gushed out like a river that broke its embankment. replaced.

Zhang Kun looked at his opponent calmly, without a trace of emotion on his face. The transparent and invisible Chengying Sword pierced in front of him, which had already shattered Wang Xinzhi's heart, but the sword was spotless and not stained by a trace of his blood. arrive.

"What did you do to me?" Wang Xinzhi said weakly. He lowered his head, his body was already unable to move, and the severe pain tore his consciousness. In his blurred vision, he could only see Zhang who seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Kun.

Zhang Kun said lightly: "Remember to wait for your Patriarch below. If you still remember then, tell him that he shouldn't pay attention to me!" Putting it away, Wang Xinzhi fell down, his eyes wide open, he couldn't rest in peace, he didn't know how he was killed until the end of his life!

When did the sharp thing that runs through the body exist beside Zhang Kun?Can he control this force?Or was it just a coincidence, endless questions puzzled him to death!
"Seniors, leave this place to me. You go back first, and the elixir will be refined and sent to you soon." Zhang Kun said to Han Ran, Yu Sen, and Deng Binbai, clasping their hands together.

Those three people have not recovered from the shock just now, Zhang Kun obviously did nothing, his opponent was pierced through the heart and died, the blood and internal organs are not fake, but the problem is that Zhang Kun How is this possible?

"Okay, okay!" Han Ran, Yu Sen, and Deng Binbai looked at each other, then looked at Wang Xinzhi, who was lying on the ground lifeless, swallowed, and looked at Zhang Kun with more suspicion , but still left the Wansi Pavilion as Zhang Kun said.

Seeing the three go away, Zhang Kun also let out a long sigh of relief. When he used the Shadow Bearing Sword just now, the three innate masters were still there, but luckily they couldn't see it.Otherwise, if the three of them have the intention of killing people and seizing treasures, they will not end well.

Zhang Kun stepped forward to untie the rope for Ye Tao's grandfather. Although the old man had died, he still wanted to take his body back and bury it in peace.Just when Zhang Kun was about to leave the Wansi Pavilion, he sensed something calling him faintly.

He stopped, turned around and groped away, only to find that a strange small box had fallen out of Wang Xinzhi's side. Zhang Kun frowned and picked it up, but he was suspicious in his heart: "Strange, it seems that there was no such thing just now." , this position doesn’t look like it fell out of him.”

Although he was extremely suspicious, Zhang Kun picked up the small box made of aged nanmu and opened it gently, only to find that there was a ball of milky white lying in the box, just like a ball of flour. Usually, when Zhang Kun touched it, it was soft.

"What is this?" Zhang Kun was puzzled. It seemed that someone deliberately placed it here for him to pick it up. There have been so many assassinations of himself recently, and he had to take a cautious approach to unknown things. manner.

After confirming that there were no other traps or hidden compartments on the small box, Zhang Kun picked up the white dough with extreme caution and put it in the palm of his hand. However, at that moment, Zhang Kun felt his fingers melted, and subconsciously wanted to shake it Dough!
But the dough seemed to have grown hands, and it was attached to Zhang Kun's body. Zhang Kun couldn't break free from the dough even though Zhang Kun used his energy and blood. The white dough seemed to be rooted in his body. On the surface it grows like crazy!
At first, Zhang Kun wanted to shake the dough off his body, but the dough did not irritate or damage his skin at all. Instead, it gave Zhang Kun a feeling as warm as water, and soon Zhang Kun's whole body was wrapped in the dough Get up, leaving only the eyes, mouth, nose and ears exposed.

Zhang Kun muttered to himself: "Is this a weird armor?" As he spoke, he raised his fingers together and cut a line in the palm of his hand. Unexpectedly, the dough had no defense effect against the attack at all. Zhang Kun's hand It was cut open and blood flowed out.

What surprised Zhang Kun even more was that his palm seemed to be the palm of his hand, but the white dough had disappeared. He curiously walked to the dilapidated window of Wansi Hall, which was already covered with dust, and Zhang Kun waved his hand. , with a gust of wind, the dust was scattered all at once.

Looking at himself reflected in the window, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide. The person in front of him was clearly a stranger who didn't know him at all!

With a slender body and delicate and fair skin, even a girl would be envious when she sees it. The facial features are neat and handsome, and the clear eyes reveal a childishness belonging to Zhang Kun's age. Here comes a touch of exoticism!
"Damn it!" Zhang Kun couldn't help scolding his mother, his face had changed drastically, except for the fact that his height remained the same, Zhang Kun couldn't believe it was him at all.

"No way, this is too evil!" Zhang Kun touched his face in disbelief, groping and kneading vigorously, his face was surprisingly firm until he suddenly found a wrinkle and lifted it hard , the dough peeled off from his body, and condensed into a white ball in his hands again.

(End of this chapter)

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