Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 172

Chapter 172
Zhang Kun looked in surprise at the white dough shrunk into a ball in his hand. Although the origin of this dough was unknown, its effect was already very obvious. It was a prop used to change a person's appearance and voice.

With a grin, Zhang Kun was extremely satisfied with this surprise. With this face, he can use his real strength unscrupulously. You must know that with Zhang Kun's current status, the person who wants to assassinate him There are many people, and at the same time, one's true strength cannot be exposed.

Otherwise, it will attract more and more powerful opponents to deal with me. No matter how powerful my means are, at least at this stage, there are still many strong people who are far superior to me, especially in this dormant period. The power of the stars, the combat power is very limited, a stronger earth-level master can take his own life!

What I have to do now is to use the elixir to hire other strong people to protect myself, and buy murder to kill!
"Very good!" Zhang Kun muttered to himself, put away the white dough, and took Ye Tao's body with him to go home.

Ye Tao stared blankly at his grandfather, who was already a cold corpse, his expression pale. Zhang Kun knew that the little guy still needed time to recover, so he didn't say anything to him, and left him in the room.

As soon as Zhang Kun left, Ye Tao began to cry unscrupulously. No matter how much the maid beside him tried to persuade him, it was useless.Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly. This tragedy should not have happened, but the Wang family can only be blamed for being cruel.

Back in the alchemy room, Zhang Kun felt that this was a place he was familiar with. The spacious and luxurious main room gave him a strange feeling, and he wanted to rush to make the elixir promised to the three innate masters.

The tattered medicine cauldron appeared out of thin air, covered with green and green rust, and there were many holes in the medicine cauldron. People began to worry about whether it would be broken after seeing it. With gentle fluctuations, Zhang Kun can feel the feeling of being warmed in his soul when he is near the medicine cauldron.

When refining alchemy, he would encounter many difficulties and entanglements, but under the water-like halo of the tattered medicine cauldron, he was able to smooth out the impatience and ripples in his heart!

Even this fluctuation will act on the medicine itself, those restless medicinal liquids will become obedient in the medicinal cauldron, and those difficult-to-combine medicinal liquids will gradually become cooperative under the influence of the medicinal cauldron. Kun hadn't discovered that the tattered medicine cauldron had so many functions, but as his alchemy became more refined, he gradually discovered the magical effect of the medicine cauldron.

Zhang Kun guessed that the level of this medicine cauldron must be very high, and at the same time, it consumes very little to activate it. Only the top craftsman can create such an amazingly efficient object.

Soon the elixirs promised to the three innate masters were freshly released, and now Zhang Kun has mastered almost all the refining methods of the third-level elixirs, which is completely inconceivable in the eyes of others, because even the materials are not so It's easy to collect them all, but Zhang Kun has the treasure of mirror space, so he can naturally experiment repeatedly in the alchemy hall, where there are almost endless resources of medicinal materials!
And Zhang Kun doesn't need to care about waste at all, because even if Zhang Kun lets go of refining for the mirror domain, no matter how much it consumes, it will be just a drop in the ocean, and only a drop in the ocean will be consumed. The energy of the mirror field.

When Zhang Kun finished refining, it was already the second day. The higher the level of the elixir, the more energy and time it would take to basically spend. Kun has already spent several hours, and it will take a whole day to complete the refining of this whole batch of elixir.

And with Zhang Kun's strict requirements on himself, he would not refine low-grade pills of low quality, all the pills he refined were middle-grade pills!After mastering the methods of refining and using alchemy to make alchemy, Zhang Kun's new methods of alchemy can be said to emerge endlessly. Even Gongsun Yanyang, the No. 1 alchemist in the empire, will feel that the waves behind the Yangtze River will push the waves ahead!
Just when Zhang Kun stretched his waist and was about to rest for a while, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the Zhang residence, and a young man in simple and elegant clothes got off a carriage. After he got off the carriage, he asked the guard to inform him that he was here to see Zhang Kun. of.

"I didn't expect him to come so early in the morning. I really can't wait!" Zhang Kun touched his chin and muttered to himself, then he adjusted his clothes and greeted him. He is unkempt, even Gongsun Yanyang is like this, his hair is messy, and his clothes are full of dust from the alchemy furnace.

As for a well-dressed guy like Su Qingyao, he is considered an outlier in the world of alchemists.The person who came was Su Qingyao, and Zhang Kun promised him to teach him the new method of alchemy today, but after he agreed that day, he was extremely hesitant.

The pride in his heart made him unable to bow his head no matter what, but Zhang Kun's endless new alchemy techniques made him scratch like a cat in his heart. For an alchemist and a person obsessed with alchemy, the new alchemy techniques are As if it was a poison that made them addicted, it was an unstoppable yearning.

After struggling all night, Su Qingyao's final mood turned out to be excitement and anticipation. In the end, he didn't sleep all night. He didn't dare to disturb Zhang Kun too early, lest he would be angry, and finally turn his face and deny anyone!

Therefore, he was waiting for Zhang Kun's interview with great anxiety. When he saw Zhang Kun walking out with sleepy eyes, his heart seemed to be in his throat. He blushed and was about to speak. It was interrupted directly by Zhang Kun waving his hand.

"Brother Su, you don't need to be too polite, just come to my alchemy room." After Zhang Kun said, he waved his sleeves and left, and Su Qingyao stepped up obediently. Everything was so natural and smooth, as if it should be like this.

However, in the eyes of the guards and maids on the side, it became unbelievable. They were originally servants of the Ou family, and they had heard of Su Qingyao's name to some extent. He was a genius who was promoted to the fifth level of alchemy at the age of 23. , and their patriarch is only a third-level alchemist, how could he lead Su Qingyao past like a senior irradiating a junior.

And the rumored arrogant Su Qingyao became extremely obedient and sensible in front of Zhang Kun!It seems like Zhang Kun's apprentice, and there is no sign of reluctance on his face!
What is going on in this world, a fifth-level alchemist wants to obey a third-level alchemist like this, and a 23-year-old genius youth wants to bow his knees to a boy who is only 14 years old this year?

"I'll tell you the principles and methods of these techniques, and then I'll demonstrate them to you, and then it's up to you." Zhang Kun said lightly, as if he didn't care about the skills he had worked hard to teach To others, and his teaching method is very similar to a person - Gongsun Yanyang!

But in fact Zhang Kun made this decision after careful consideration. He asked Su Fangmeng to carefully investigate Su Qingyao's childhood experience and everything that happened during his travels in the capital, and confirmed that apart from his arrogance, He is not a bad person in essence, and there is no doubt about his loyalty to the Su family. Coupled with his good talent, Zhang Kun thinks that he can teach him these techniques.

Su Qingyao naturally didn't know that Zhang Kun had done such a detailed investigation on him. He was still immersed in the excitement of Zhang Kun's teaching alchemy techniques. Zhang Kun skillfully threw in a Xuanyuan Pill, Su Qingyao looked at Zhang Kun's operation with a look of surprise, and countless question marks arose in his heart.

What the hell is this going to do? He actually put a refined pill back into the furnace to refine it, and the next operation made him dumbfounded. Zhang Kun actually used the power of Xuanyuan Pill instead of the alchemist's own internal strength to refine it. system!

If this is just a substitute for Zhang Kun who has no internal strength for the time being, then separating the various medicinal components of a elixir is considered a magical skill!
"This is really surprising!" Su Qingyao watched from the side, and the shock and shock in her heart kept coming and going!

(End of this chapter)

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