Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 216 Opening of the Flame Demon Cave

Chapter 216 Opening of the Flame Demon Cave

The northwest of Shiwan Dashan is a large piece of wasteland, shrouded in high temperature all the year round, only a few desolate beasts can survive here.

The center of this wasteland is shrouded in countless scarlet flames, even a monk in the Qi refining period cannot step in. In the past, no one set foot here at all.

But now this barren land is full of noise, and the flames that were overwhelming have disappeared, revealing the crimson and dry land.

People from all families in Changyang City stood in front of a bottomless cave. The entrance of the cave was surrounded by a layer of faint aura, and from time to time burst out a few fiery red auras, which looked very miraculous.

"Zhang Kun, I guessed that you would come too." In a family gathering place, a high-pitched voice sounded, and a figure passed through the crowd and squeezed to Zhang Kun's side.

"Mo Xie, you're here too?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but smile when he saw the young man.

"That's natural. Even your patriarch dares to take this risk, so why don't I come." Mo Xie glanced at the Ou family standing behind Zhang Kun, and couldn't help but tease.

Mo Xie approached Zhang Kun as he spoke, and said in a low voice, "When you go in, be careful of that person at Hua's side."

Zhang Kun followed his gaze, and there was a handsome young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes standing in the camp of the Hua family. He is a sharp sword, and his whole body exudes a sense of sharpness, making it hard to stare at.

"He is Hua Mubai, the No. 1 martial artist of the younger generation in Changyang City, and Hua Yubai's elder brother." Mo Xie put away his hippie smile and said seriously: "This trip to the Flame Demon Cave, because of his younger brother, he If it is very likely that they will attack you, it will be very troublesome at that time, because this trial of the family has the meaning of resolving grievances, so there is an unwritten rule, in order to avoid the appearance of the major families after they come out. Harmony, the grievances and grievances inside cannot be brought outside, which means that death is also a death in vain.”

Hua Mubai seemed to have noticed that someone was looking at him, his gaze was fixed, and he shot towards Zhang Kun like a sword, and Zhang Kun did not dodge, squinted his eyes, and Gu Jing received all the sharp sword intent calmly. Down.

"I know him." Zhang Kun said lightly. They had met before, and Hua Mubai seemed a little silent at that time.

"Then I'll go first, remember to be careful." Mo Xie also noticed the confrontation between the two, and sighed softly, knowing that it would be impossible for Zhang Kun to avoid Hua Mubai inside. After an encounter, he finally persuaded him and returned to the family.

Seeing Zhang Kun accepting his sword intent calmly, Hua Mubai smiled at the corner of his mouth, nodded at Zhang Kun, turned around and followed the family towards the entrance of the cave.

Zhang Kun's expression gradually became serious. This Hua Mubai may be his biggest opponent in this trial. Judging from just now, I am afraid that his true strength has not yet been revealed, but the strength he showed is enough. Let him overwhelm the entire young generation of Changyang City. If he shows his full strength, who can stop him? I'm afraid even those old monsters will be shocked.

"Alchemist Zhang, the Flame Demon Cave is about to open, let's go too." An immature young man said respectfully to Zhang Kun, but the dissatisfaction in his eyes was obvious, and the Ou family also found the long-awaited Zhang Kun, patted a teenager to call him.

"The nine people who have been selected, all follow me." Zhang Kun glanced at this young boy who was younger than him. He knew this immature boy named Ou Chen. No one can compare to him, he didn't say a word during the previous journey, Zhang Kun almost forgot about him.

The Ou family originally cultivated him as a seed, and if it wasn't for the fact that the Ou family really had no one to sell this time, they would not have released him. Although he has a bright future, he is still too young.

And this trial is no different than others, the families that have had long-standing grievances will definitely fight each other, so many people did not die in the trial, but died at the hands of other families or even their own family members.

"Alchemist Zhang, we are waiting for your triumphant return in the city." The Great Elder said loudly to the backs of Zhang Kun and the others.Naturally, the senior elders of the Changyang family used their own means to wait for their own family's team to arrive at the entrance of the Flame Demon Cave.

Zhang Kun waved his hand and led the nine people to the side of the cave without looking back. Only when they get close can they feel the magic of this cave. The deep darkness seems to be slowly rotating like a vortex.

But there seems to be a palpitating energy inside, but it seems to be sealed in this vortex, but even so, the scattered energy has already made this piece of land scorched for a hundred miles.

"Since the people from all the families in Changyang City and the people from Wangcheng are all here, let's go in according to the rank of the family." A very old man raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at everyone, and said weakly, but the voice But it was clearly audible in the noise, as if it was directly in everyone's ears. With this skill, few people present could do it.

After knowing that this old man who might fall down at any time is also an unpredictable old monster, the chaotic crowd immediately quieted down, and spontaneously lined up in a line according to the family level and walked towards the whirlpool.

The old man did not belong to any family, but a strong hermit in Changyang, but everyone believed in him, but he didn't live in Changyang County City for a long time, but lived in seclusion among the [-] mountains.

When the first person walked to the side of the vortex, he disappeared as if being sucked in, without making any sound, while the people behind continued to follow without changing their expressions.

A thin man watched everyone else go in smoothly, and finally it was his turn. He carefully glanced at the sleepy old man. Seeing that he didn't respond, his expression couldn't hide his excitement, and he followed suit. Others walked towards the whirlpool.

After he felt the suction of the vortex, he didn't resist, and let himself be sucked by the vortex, but in an instant he felt a piercing pain, and couldn't help but let out a miserable cry.

When everyone looked at it, they saw that the man had disappeared, but there was an arm left on the ground, and blood was constantly oozing out.

This horrifying scene made the people behind stop, but the old man did not change his mood at all, and said weakly: "Go on, I forgot to tell you, in fact, there is a restriction set by each family here, only Only those who have the same restrictions can pass safely, and it is not impossible to fish in troubled waters, but there may be something missing."

As soon as these words came out, the members of those families couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, but some of them couldn't help but their expressions changed drastically, and they backed away quietly, trying to blend in with the crowd and leave.

The old man didn't stop seeing this scene, he waved his hand to signal to continue, but suddenly there were several screams from the crowd, it was the few people who ran away just now, who were killed by the masters of various families in public.

When Zhang Kun stepped forward, he felt that the surroundings suddenly became dark, and a faint sense of dizziness came, and the surrounding scenes gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

Zhang Kun is no stranger to this feeling. It is always the same when he enters the realm. The black vortex acts like a teleportation array. The place he is now must not be in the Shiwanda Mountain, and it may even be an independent place. Space.

Zhang Kun looked around and found that the nine people who were with him had already separated, and in front of him was a narrow corridor with no end in sight.

Since the members of the Ou family could not be found for the time being, Zhang Kun was not in a hurry, and walked slowly forward. During the period, he also met a few people from other families, but they all just glanced at him and hurriedly passed Zhang Kun. ran forward.

After walking like this for some time, Zhang Kun gradually felt that the temperature in the tunnel was getting higher and higher, as if the scorching heat came from the front.

The heat wave hit his face, and there was a sense of scorching heat from his body. Zhang Kun performed the exercises silently, breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, which reduced a lot of the heat and made him feel cool all over.Now this level is not necessary to take Yanfang Dan.

He continued to walk forward, with a wide field of vision, and finally walked out of this long corridor, but in front of him was an endless sea, a sea made of magma, red sticky magma flowing slowly, It exudes amazing heat, and there are many pumice stones floating on the magma.

When Zhang Kun came here, there were already hundreds of people standing on the shore, and many figures were moving and leaping on the pumice stone, stepping on the pumice stone and gradually disappearing from everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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