Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 217

Chapter 217
The people on the shore glanced at Zhang Kun and then turned their heads to observe the family children jumping in the magma sea. Zhang Kun didn't care, walked to their side, and looked at the magma sea as well.

The children of the family on the Magma Sea were facing a big enemy one by one, carefully jumping from one pumice stone to another. A young man from the Hua family jumped on a slightly larger pumice stone, and he was relieved when he was safe Suddenly, layers of cracks appeared on the pumice stone under his feet, and it was shattered in the next moment, but the child from the aristocratic family couldn't react at all, stepped on the air, and fell straight down.

The sound of a heavy object falling into the water sounded, and the whole body of the aristocratic child immediately burst into flames. At the beginning, he could hear his shrill screams, but in an instant, only a skull was left, and the flesh and blood had evaporated. , and finally even the skull slowly sank into the magma sea, only a few bubbles emerged, and the original living person disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Kun couldn't help frowning, but everyone else seemed to be used to it. Even the Hua family didn't respond. Only the warriors on the Magma Sea were more careful, for fear of following in this man's footsteps.

"Zhang Kun, you're here too." Mo Xie stepped forward and patted Zhang Kun's shoulder and smiled.

"Could it be possible that your Mo family arrived early?" Zhang Kun turned his head, looked at Mo Xie, who was dripping with sweat, and asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, this teleportation seems to be random. Our Mo family was directly teleported to the shore, and then I told them to go there first. As for how many will pass in the end, then I can't help it." Mo Xie As he spoke, he spread his hands helplessly. Although he had been prepared for a long time, he was still shocked by the boundless sea of ​​magma.

"Then why are you still here? Are you afraid, Mo Xie?" Zhang Kun teased.

"I'm not waiting for you." Mo Xie couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "There are no traces to be found in the next few levels of this Flame Demon Cave, but this first level has the most news, a lot Everyone knows how to pass."

"You mean, those old families have actually mastered the method to pass the first level safely?" Zhang Kun saw that the number of people on the shore was less than one-tenth of when they came in, so the remaining people probably weren't In crossing the sea, you have already passed the first level.

"That's right, each family has its own way to pass the level based on the information they have investigated. Although there are still accidents, after all, the pumice stone here is always floating, but the probability of narrow death is much better than before. I will tell you the road map of my family right now."

"Isn't this thing a secret to your family?" Zhang Kun didn't directly agree to Mo Xie, but looked straight into his eyes and said.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Mo Xie turned her head and said pretending not to care.

Zhang Kun, who had been watching Mo Xie, noticed the unnaturalness in his expression, and knew it in his heart. This so-called road map is also extremely important in the Mo family, so how could it be possible to just give it away? I am afraid that Mo Xie will let other Mo family members first He left with the intention of sending them away. If the news leaked out, even in his capacity as Mo Xie, he would not be able to escape punishment.

"Mo Xie, thank you." Zhang Kun smiled, knowing that Mo Xie really wanted to help him. After all, it was the first time for both the Ou family and the Zhang family to enter the Flame Demon Cave. Naturally, they would not know these things, while others The family also kept secrets and did not disclose any news at all, so they knew almost nothing about the Ou family's hope for this trip to the Yanmo Cave, but Mo Xie is now giving charcoal in a timely manner, which makes Zhang Kun a little bit touch.

"Why are we polite between the two of us? At most, the old men at home will talk about it." Mo Xie said carelessly: "I will draw the route map for you now."

"No, I don't need this, can you tell the Ou family this road map?" Zhang Kun still waved his hand, rejected his proposal, and pointed back to the nine members of the Ou family who silently gathered behind him .

Seeing Zhang Kun's stubbornness, Mo Xie was also a little anxious: "It's okay, I was going to tell you, but Zhang Kun, this is not the time to be a hero. If there is a mistake here, it will really be a disaster."

As if to confirm Mo Xie's words, there was another scream from the magma sea. A member of a small family also crushed a stone with one foot and fell into the magma sea. There was no bones left in an instant.

Zhang Kun shook his head with a smile: "Mo Xie, do you still not trust me? If I really need it, I will ask you for it without your asking."

"Then, okay." Mo Xie nodded hesitantly, took a step back, and explained the road map to Ou Chen and the others, but still looked at Zhang Kun from time to time.

Zhang Kun took all the pumice stones in front of his eyes, got up and walked towards the magma sea after he understood it in his heart. Since he participated in this trial, he had to go to the end by himself.

"Isn't this Zhang Kun? What is an alchemist doing here?"

"Who knows, if you don't stay in the alchemy room and make alchemy, you have to come here to take risks."

"Keep your voice down. If he hears it, be careful that we can't eat and walk around. I heard that both the Zhang family and the Su family attach great importance to him."

"What are you afraid of? It's just an alchemist who has no fighting power. No one here will spoil him. I bet he will come back obediently in less than 3 minutes." The voice raised a little.

The eyes of everyone on the shore were focused on Zhang Kun, some mocked, some hated, and some were indifferent.Zhang Kun turned a blind eye to this, put everything behind him, and walked straight forward.

A palm-sized pumice floated over, less than one meter away from the shore, a toe lightly tapped on the pumice, and flew away again.

And this pumice stone sank slightly, then drifted away again. Looking at Zhang Kun again, it had already landed steadily on a pumice stone in the distance.

The children of the family watching on the shore suddenly fell silent. Few of those present thought they could do it just by scratching the surface of the water. The timing and strength of this was extremely precise, and if there was a slight mistake, they would directly step into the magma region.

Seeing Zhang Kun walking on the pumice like a leisurely garden, everyone on the shore was shocked and also wondered, could it be that this young and shameless alchemist has such high attainments in martial arts?
"Hmph, it's just luck that I didn't step on a shattering pumice stone, maybe it's about to fall." The person who mocked Zhang Kun just now saw that Zhang Kun was so easy-going, felt that he had lost face, and cursed with a sneer .

"If you can do it, kid, don't babble like a woman here." A loud voice sounded from behind him, Mo Xie brought a few people from the Ou family over, and looked at him coldly.

The man turned his head with an angry face, but when he saw that it was Mo Xie, he didn't dare to say anything more. He was far inferior to Mo Xie in terms of his own strength and the strength of the family behind him. He turned back with a cold snort, and looked at Zhang Kun's gaze was even more sinister.

Zhang Kun had already jumped a few hundred meters at this time, and he easily overtook many family members who had set foot on the pumice stone earlier than him, and as time passed, his speed became faster and faster, until finally Even as soon as he jumped onto a pumice stone, he saw only a white shadow passing by, and he had already appeared on the next pumice stone.

Finally, Zhang Kun slowed down, because the pumice in front of him became less and less, and the flow rate of the magma became faster, and even a large vacuum zone appeared. His expression finally became serious, even if he Also felt a little pressure.

Zhang Kun stared at a huge pumice stone flowing down from the upper reaches, and there were several pumice stones behind, so he could jump out of this area and bring it closer. Sweeping towards the pumice stone, Zhang Kun stood still and saw that the pumice stone was not shaking at all. He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to observe the floating trajectory of the pumice stone in front of him.

Suddenly there was a shrill piercing sound, and everyone onlookers couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and Mo Xie's shout came from behind: "Zhang Kun, be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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