Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 220 Doubt

Chapter 220 Doubt
"That means I'm trapped in the transit core?" Zhang Kun asked half understanding.

Jing Yu gave an affirmative answer: "That's right, as for why you were not sent to your destination again, I think it's because you have too many magic weapons, and the teleportation array in the secret realm doesn't have that strong energy to transmit, so you can only Do it to send you to the core."

Zhang Kun was afraid after hearing the words for a while. Fortunately, he could still be sent to the transit core. Otherwise, the transmission energy would be a little weaker, and he would not know which space he was sent to. Existence torn to shreds!

"Then how do I get out?" Zhang Kun asked suspiciously. This transit core can be said to be the most stable place in the Flame Demon Cave. It is impossible for him to break through the shackles of space and return to the original place.

"Since it is a transit core, there must be passages leading to the original secret realm all over it, and you can go back when you find one of them," Jing Yu pointed out: "Use the Chengying Sword, the sealing sword can also Will open all the seals for you."

Zhang Kun nodded. He has never doubted Chengying's power. The problem is that he does not have such a strong power to match it. At the same time, he can mobilize the power of the stars. Zhang Kun lost a must-kill hole card in this battle.

A white light flashed, and Zhang Kun quit the mirror domain space. Obviously, after a year of getting along, the relationship between himself and the mirror domain has become closer, and the master of the mirror domain does not have to pay the price himself as before .

"Whether I can go out or not depends on you!" Zhang Kun muttered to himself, a solemn flash flashed in his eyes, and a transparent and colorless sword blade slowly unfolded from his hand, that is Cheng Ying Sword, a divine sword that suppresses the power of the heaven and earth in an entire star!
With a sudden poke, Zhang Kun inserted Chengying into the open grass, and an invisible fluctuation spread from the Chengying sword to the surroundings, and the invisible fluctuation touched every small plant in the transit core like ripples. Grass.

"Drink!" Zhang Kun let out a low growl. In the distant world, a white light flashed in a star above the nine heavens. A force passed through countless obstacles and worlds and came to Zhang Kun. The incomparably transparent Chengying Sword At this moment, bright starlight is shining, as a sword to suppress the seal, it can also find out the power of the seal at the same time.

Starlight appeared, and the originally cloudless sky was now covered by the starlight at night, and the reflection on the ground shone so brilliantly that even Zhang Kun felt a little intoxicated.

Sure enough, under the fluctuation of the Chengying Sword that contains the power of starlight, Zhang Kun saw that everything around him changed slightly. The fragrant grass split from it, and Zhang Kun could see it from the grass leaves. The scene in the distance is the scene in the labyrinth of the fire wall. When Zhang Kun stretched out his hand and touched it, his eyes went dark.

When he woke up again, Zhang Kun found that he had rushed out of the transit core and returned to the Flame Demon Cave. At this moment, he was in the middle of two walls of fire. The narrow flame space made him feel a little hot, but at least he was back to normal The space is coming.

Hastily put away the Chengying Sword, Zhang Kun sensed the loss of the power of the stars, did not expect to use the power of the stars to open the seal half a moment ago, and consumed almost half of the power of the stars, and then he could only use it again for a short time It's time to bear the shadow sword.

"Forget it, it's barely a loss. If you've been trapped in the transit core, it's obviously even worse." Zhang Kun rubbed his nose and said, observing his surroundings, he continued to walk forward, not knowing where he was, he just Forward.

At this time, there were still a few hundred meters away from Zhang Kun. Two young practitioners walked around the corner and appeared in front of Zhang Kun. One of them opened his mouth and said, "How long will it take to get out, and no one has given any hints. of."

"Be patient. I've already left a mark where we walked. At least we won't turn back. If we keep walking, we should be able to get out. It's just a matter of time!" Another said steadily.

However, at the next moment, the labyrinth of the fire wall in the distance shook violently, and a strange beast wrapped in flames suddenly walked out of the fire wall. The strange beast looked like a lion, but it had two tails. It was like an extremely sharp scissors, but the two of them didn't notice the abnormal movement behind them.

They squatted on the ground as if setting up some device to determine their position, but ignored the threat behind them!

Zhang Kun saw this scene from a distance, "Well, if you meet them, help them, after all, they are blocking my way." Zhang Kun drew out the Dongyue epee behind his back, and a wave of vitality was already on it, kicking his legs up With a sudden force, Zhang Kun rushed out like an arrow off the string!
Only then did the two realize that someone was rushing out with a sword in front of them, and they panicked. After seeing Zhang Kun, their expressions changed again and again, and there was a flash of astonishment, and one of them blurted out: "Alchemy Zhang, we have no vengeance, Why did you kill me!"

"Idiot, get out of the way!" Zhang Kun growled, the epee in his hand turned into a full moon, his legs exerted strength again, and a force was suddenly lifted from his dantian, and he jumped several feet high , flew past the two of them, and then slashed!
"Roar!" The flaming beast was planning to sneak attack the two people who were setting up the device. Its mouth had already opened, and a flame was about to be spit out between its waxy yellow teeth. The figure, a sharp sword was inserted into its head!
"Boom!" Zhang Kun has not fought for a long time. He was almost driven crazy for a month because of overdrawn strength and lost his vitality. The killing machine, a Dongyue epee dancing wildly and vigorously, continuously created wounds on the body of the flame beast!

The Flaming Beast immediately became angry, and its huge head came directly to slap Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun could only retreat temporarily. It was okay to be hit by its head, but it was just a little flesh injury. If it was slapped by it On the wall of fire, the ending will be nothing but ashes!

Zhang Kun naturally knew how to advance and retreat, and immediately pushed down when he turned over. Kunyu Huazhang quickly started to run, ready to attack again at any time.

"Mom, why are there still strange beasts here!" The two became anxious in an instant, and they were tired enough of avoiding the flames of the wall of fire that might appear at any time. Not to mention, he quickly took out his weapon and prepared to defend against the enemy.

Judging from the light on the weapons that the two of them took out, they were holding middle-grade sharp weapons of good quality. The strength of the two of them was also around the late stage of the Xuan level and the peak of the Xuan level, and the strength of the strange beast was obviously higher than them.

The two of them thought that Zhang Kun was here to kill them, but they didn't expect that Zhang Kun's target was the flame beast behind them. Immediately, embarrassing expressions appeared on the faces of both of them, but they were quickly overwhelmed by incomparable Horror replaced it!
"Didn't you say that alchemist Zhang Kun only has the strength of Xuan level? How did he manage to fight the flame beast head-on and still retreat?" The two met each other with doubts at first glance, and seeing the scene of Zhang Kun's battle just now, the momentum And combat experience seems to be not something a thin alchemist who has been immersed in alchemy all year round can have!
"Don't stand still, you two, either kill it with me, or run away directly, don't get in the way!" Zhang Kun curled his lips, suddenly he didn't have time to change clothes when the incident happened, so he shot directly, and part of his strength was exposed , but not much.

The two nodded when they heard the words, clenched the weapons in their hands and rushed towards the strange beast, but what greeted them was the fierce and powerful counterattack of the strange beast. The scissors at the tail were really terrifying, and they were whipped on the two of them like whips. Immediately, a person's arm was broken!
"Damn beast!" The other person roared, and slashed away with the big knife in his hand. The strength of his whole body burst out, and he also cut a wound when he hit the flame beast, but he didn't escape the beast. He spit out a mouthful of smoldering fire, and his body burned instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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