Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 221 Flame Crystal: Fire Emblem

Chapter 221 Flame Crystal: Fire Emblem

"Back back, both of you!" Zhang Kun shouted. He saw the flame monster open its bloody mouth, and a strong fire elemental energy was rapidly condensing in his mouth. The high-temperature energy of the flame was like a small sun. Even the wall of fire releasing flames beside it can't compare with it!

"Water mirror shield!" The young man gritted his teeth, took out a small mirror from his arms and put it in front of him with a distressed expression. The small mirror instantly swelled and Zhang Kun and the three were behind him!
"Roar!" Accompanied by an angry roar, the flame beast made a move. He raised his neck and spit out, the ground was full of flames, and the flames eroded and burned when they encountered the water mirror shield, but dissipated instantly, and an ice crystal energy burst out Resisting the scorching flame breath, the young man hid behind the water mirror shield dripping with sweat, gasping for breath like the rest of his life.

A flash of surprise flashed in Zhang Kun's eyes. The quality of the water mirror shield is extraordinary, and it is always a low-grade magic weapon!
Naturally, it was impossible for the young man to activate the water mirror shield by himself, it was only because the water mirror shield had a wisp of their elder's soul attached to it, so they could consume the soul to activate it. Sure enough, after resisting the attack of the flame beast, the water mirror shield It has become much dimmer, and it shrunk back to the young man's hands in an instant.

Zhang Kun took the opportunity to make a move, pouring the condensed vitality unscrupulously on the Dongyue epee, the epee suddenly made a muffled sound, Zhang Kun jumped out, and the Dongyue epee rolled out into a full moon, as if a huge force fell from the sky cut off!
"Boom card!" The epee carried an extremely heavy force, as if an iron ball fell into a sand pit, shaking up sand waves!
The heat wave on the flame beast was cut off by Zhang Kun and rushed to both sides. The powerful flame beast seemed to be a fragile tofu in front of Zhang Kun's sword, and Zhang Kun cut it open in an instant!

Zhang Kun's sword fell again, and Zhang Kun danced a weapon weighing a thousand catties several times between breaths and breaths, and his physical strength was fully displayed!After the sword was cut, the body of the flame beast collapsed!

"Roar!" The flame beast wailed, and the flames on its body suddenly went out. Zhang Kun subdued Yan Fangdan and became resistant to the flames, otherwise he would not have dared to approach this crazy monster like this!

The two of them gasped, unable to care about the pain on their bodies, and looked straight at Zhang Kun, who was showing his might on the flame beast. Every attack he made made them feel Shocking!

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, a crystal of flame exploded from the body of the flame beast. Zhang Kun went up to pick it up, and felt a little warmth in his hand. The crystal was extremely hard, and Zhang Kun frowned. He frowned and muttered to himself: "What's the matter, the flame beast has at most the strength of the earth level, and it can't reach the level of a monster. How could there be an inner alchemy?"

Zhang Kun was puzzled, and at this moment the two came together and said, "Ah, this is a flame crystal, we once picked one up on the ground!"

As he said, he flipped his hands and a fiery red spar appeared in his hand. Zhang Kun glanced at his flame spar, but found that his own was far larger and more refined than his!

"What is the use of this flame crystal?" Zhang Kun asked suspiciously, looking at the flame crystal in front of him repeatedly, he only felt that there was a very powerful fire element in the stone, if it is used in the refining of medicine In terms of system, explosives may be refined!

Explosives are a very special kind of elixir. It is not for taking, but is projected like a bow and arrow, and then explodes, extremely aggressive and destructive!But the level of explosives is very high, and it can only be refined if it reaches the fourth level of Dantu, and because of the completely different uses, its refining method is also different from the past!

At this time, the young man explained: "The flame spar appeared in the maze of the fire wall. After collecting the flame spar, you can pour it into the flame tablet in the fire dojo in the third trial, and activate the fire emblem. !"

"Fire Emblem, what is that?" Zhang Kun asked suspiciously.

The two spread their hands and said helplessly: "We don't know about this, and this information is all recorded on a stone tablet." The two pointed at a distance, and there was indeed a stone tablet on the road they walked, on which there were densely packed Many words are recorded.

Zhang Kun nodded and put away the flame spar. He glanced at the two young men and passed them.He didn't intend to go with them, and this shot was just a whim.

"Heroes, please stay!" Before Zhang Kun could go far, the two chased after him and asked excitedly, "May I ask if the young man is Zhang Kun's young man in Changyang City?"

Zhang Kun glanced at the two of them lightly, and nodded in acquiescence.

The two were ecstatic when they saw this. They felt very lucky. Alchemists like Zhang Kun are extremely popular in this secret realm. I don’t know how many people want to rush to form a team with him Walking together, but the two of them have already seen that Zhang Kun also encountered the weird fire ring teleportation, was sent here, and separated from his original team!

This will be their best chance. If they can get Zhang Kun's help, then they will have great benefits in their subsequent explorations!However, what they didn't expect was that Zhang Kun was nominally the team leader of the Zhang family and the Ou family, although he didn't take much care of them.

"So what, I've already saved the lives of the two of you. I won't team up with others, so I'll leave first if I have nothing to do!" Zhang Kun said lightly, he is not a guy with overflowing sympathy, and he is used to seeing The world is cold and warm and the world is full of vicissitudes, and I have long been used to being alone.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun ignored the two and left directly, leaving only the two of them looking at each other with regret in their eyes. It was only after Zhang Kun walked away that he realized the wound on his body, and immediately squatted on the ground in pain. Covering the wound, he wailed, but Zhang Kun walked away without turning his head as if turning a deaf ear.

"The appearance of the flame spar will definitely set off a fight, and we must be extremely careful next time." Zhang Kun muttered to himself, killing is allowed in the secret realm, and the flame spar passed the last A key factor of the three tests, after everyone in the labyrinth gradually understands the function of the flame spar, the testers will inevitably take action to snatch it!

Zhang Kun wandered around in the maze of the fire wall and still couldn't find the exit. On the contrary, he picked up a lot of flame crystals along the way, but they were not as big as the one he got from the body of the flame beast. .

Now Zhang Kun has one large, four small and five flame spars, and he is not in a hurry to go out. Since the role of flame crystals is so obvious, it is the right way to find more in the maze of the fire wall!
Zhang Kun killed a strange beast just now, and a huge flame crystal exploded. Before he could deal with the corpse, he heard a chill behind him. However, Zhang Kun reacted very quickly and turned over to avoid the opponent. The turning speed was extremely fast, almost snatching the man's dagger!
The owner of the dagger saw that he couldn't make a blow, so he immediately retreated and jumped back to prevent Zhang Kun from chasing him.

Zhang Kun knew that the strength of the attacker could not threaten him, so he had no intention of running away, and stood still. At this time, he turned back unhurriedly and looked at the attacker.

But I saw more people slowly coming out of the shadows around, including the guy who stabbed Zhang Kun, there were four people in total!
"Hehehe, I didn't expect us to be so lucky to meet Zhang Kun Great Alchemist!" The owner of the dagger grinned.

Zhang Kun didn't panic at all, looking around the four young faces were all unfamiliar.

Not only the family forces in Changyang City participated in this competition, but also many explorers from other cities. They have deals with major families, work for them, and benefit from them!And many people have received family secret orders to get rid of their serious troubles in Yanmo Cave, Zhang Kun!

The dagger in the man's hand was still glowing green, and the man who failed to stab Zhang Kun said, "Stop talking nonsense, are you going to hand over the flame spar yourself, or wait for us to kill you?"

This person's name was Zeng Pengfei, and Zhang Kun couldn't help but frown just now because his triumphant blow didn't move him.

"Is it up to you?" The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth twitched, and he glanced indifferently at the four people surrounding him. Zeng Pengfei was a mid-prefecture-level strongman, and the remaining three were only pre-prefecture-level prefectures.

(End of this chapter)

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