Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 299

Chapter 299
Su Liqian took a deep breath and walked towards Zhang Kun. At this moment, Zhang Kun was surrounded by excited Luo Xuming, Mo Xie and others, and they all asked curiously: "Zhang Kun, did you pass through the fifth floor and kill the five monsters?" ?”

Zhang Kun smiled and shook his head, "No."

Hearing him say this, the big stone in everyone's heart also fell to the ground, otherwise this would be too shocking, the peak Qi training monster, that is a terrifying existence that can destroy a county with one head.

The people in the Junhou's Mansion also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Zhang Kun did not break the myth and create a miracle. Judging from the points he obtained, he did not surpass Hua Mubai by 50 points, which showed that the five peak monsters did not fall.

"But even so, Zhang Kun still won the first place. He is already the No.1 of my Changyang youth!" Someone said in admiration, obviously Zhang Kun's strength has conquered him.

"Not only that, but this time there are innate experts participating in the big competition, but Zhang Kun still stands out. I think he should be my No.1 under Changyang Qi training!" someone corrected.

Everyone gasped and said with difficulty: "Zhang Kun is only 14 years old!"


"But fortunately, the Raging Flame Dojo is special after all, and the flame techniques obtained there cannot be directly converted into strength. Many people even forget most of it after leaving the Raging Flame Dojo, leaving only a shallow impression."

At this moment, there were a lot of discussions about Zhang Kun inside and outside the Yanmo Cave, but Zhang Kun glanced at them with neither joy nor sadness, and then closed his eyes. He recalled what happened in the Yanzi Monument Pagoda a moment ago.

Zhang Kun's shocking slash, which condensed all the energy of Huotu, shook the fifth-level space faintly. From the outside world, it was a trembling light. Zhang Kun's shocking slash was extremely solid, tearing open a crack in space, green The orb shone brightly, and the last two energies collided to the extreme.

The resulting explosion spanned the sky and the earth, and the world was almost shaken and wiped out!

Zhang Kun's fiery figure slashed and smashed all the way to destroy the green light and hit the orb of the scepter. The orb was refined with many treasures. Each material was extremely precious and rare, and it was extremely hard to resist all kinds of magic. He trembled before the attack!
Fortunately, it was only a momentary tremor, and the orb of the scepter stabilized. As the core of the scepter of the Naga royal family, its grade is of course not low. Even the Venerable Foundation Establishment is extremely difficult to destroy, and Zhang Kun can only shake it.

But the monsters behind it are not having a good time. Even if they are resisted by the scepter or orb, Zhang Kun's shocking slash is too amazing, and he has brought his understanding of the fifth-order fire map to the extreme. If it is shot out in a consonant state, its power will be multiplied, and it can kill the holy spirit!

Guanghua, Riyan, Poison Fire, Nirvana, Yanyang, I don't know how many kinds of mysteries are superimposed in the Dao of Flames, and one hit is more than a hundred times the sum of Hua Mubai and the others!
The bodies of the five monsters couldn't bear it and cracked and collapsed until they were crushed into powder and almost fell into the form of particles. However, the scepter and orb here still hit Zhang Kun with a powerful Taoist weapon, and Zhang Kun's body exploded with a fifth-order flame. The law was built on the basis of Kunyu's physique as the skeleton, and it was also destroyed at this moment!

How terrifying is the power of the Taoist weapon, destroying the city and destroying the secret realm!The congenital flint used to activate the Tianxuan cup is listed as a taboo, because the power it extracts is enough to destroy a city wall tens of meters thick!
With such terrifying destructive power, even if the spirit body is hit head-on, it will fall!
However, the flames in the void burned vaguely and merged into one, and a figure appeared from the fire, it was Zhang Kun, unscathed!

Hua Mubai still has the Nirvana Jue to rebirth and fight again, how could Zhang Kun not have a similar ability?And it's far superior to him, perfect resurrection spotless.

Also behind the emerald orb, the five monsters that had been crushed into powder by Zhang Kun turned into five phantoms.

"It seems that I still underestimated the peak monsters, and this Taoist weapon." Zhang Kun chuckled but didn't care too much.

The Naga royal family is a strange race. It is said that their ancestor was a half-blood dragon descendant. It was passed down from generation to generation and mixed with the blood of other races to mutate into a half-human half-snake. The spirit snake has always been a strange creature. They are often the totems of spiritual mystical practice, and the same is true of the Naga royal family. The scepter can control the spirit of the strong and turn them into slaves!

Even without the scepter, the emerald orb as the core material also has a spiritual effect. When the five monsters sent power into the orb, they also reproduced their souls. Zhang Kun destroyed their physical bodies and crushed their spiritual power, but The soul hiding in the orb escaped unharmed.

The souls of those at the peak of Qi training are immortal, their spiritual power can be regenerated, and their bodies can also be seized. The five monsters in the void have recovered their memories. They were beaten to pieces just now.

Zhang Kun's soul is actually only at the elementary level of Qi training, but under the blessing of the flame method, it became extremely powerful and immediately rolled forward and covered the five monsters. Zhang Kun's voice was as indifferent as smoke but came clearly : "Do you still want to fight?"

The five monsters looked at each other, they all saw the horror in each other's eyes, even the scepter orb of the Naga royal family couldn't kill him, he looked completely unscathed now, all the monsters lowered their heads with gloomy eyes, the Naga giant snake The leader knelt down, and the other monsters also knelt down.

"My lord is extremely powerful. We are willing to surrender when we are convinced by the defeat." The giant snake Naga said, and the rest of the monsters also agreed.

Zhang Kun glanced at them indifferently and said, "Surrender? I can get 50 points for killing you. What good will it do me if I spare you?"

The demons gritted their teeth and said, "We are willing to swear an oath to serve your lord. We will do whatever we want, whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire."

Zhang Kun was a little happy in his heart but asked: "But this is in the Lieyan Dojo, inside the Yanzi Monument Pagoda, how can I take you out of the independent space?"

"If your lord has the magic weapon and the Taoist weapon, you can transfer us in first, and we won't have a trace of resistance! There is a glimmer of hope in the Naga giant snake's words. They have been trapped in this dark place for too long. want to go out!

Zhang Kun frowned. His storage ring was given to him by Su Fangmeng as a gift. The grade was not high, and the internal space was too small to allow creatures to enter.

What's worse is that all the items that affect the strength in the Raging Flame Dojo are invalid, and the storage items can only be used to get the flame spar.

Just when Zhang Kun felt a little embarrassed, and the monsters held their breath and thought that Zhang Kun was going to kill them, Zhang Kun suddenly touched his chest, and the broken ancient mirror fragments were still there!

"By the way, Mirror Domain!" Zhang Kun slapped his head, mentally maintaining the connection with Mirror Domain. Mirror Domain is extremely powerful. Even Zhang Kun has not yet fully controlled the right, and moving items from the outside world to Mirror Domain still needs Mirror Domain. Lord's permission!

The same is true when Zhang Kun threw the Cup of Profound Sky into the Mirror Domain before, and soon the Mirror Domain gave a reply, Zhang Kun stretched out his hand as a palm and pressed the other on the fragment of the ancient mirror, and said to the demons: "Don't resist! "

Then the fragments of the ancient mirror released a terrible force of swallowing and sucking, heading towards the spirits of the five monsters!

The mirror domain has boundless power, and the strongest point is that it can detain the soul. Even if Master Gongsun is far away in the imperial capital, he can still be locked by the mirror domain and pull some souls into the mirror domain, let alone five non-resisting surrenders. The monster is included in it.

"What level of magic weapon is this!" There was a trace of relief on the faces of the demons. Zhang Kun can control such a high-level artifact, and their defeat is understandable. The Taoist artifact is like a simple structure in front of the mirror domain. Average toys.

"Very good." Zhang Kun watched the huge souls of the five monsters being swallowed by the mirror field one by one, nodded, and said, "The matter is over, it's time to go out."

The breath of monsters could no longer be detected in the fifth floor space, but they knew that their souls had not been destroyed, so they finally sent Zhang Kun out of the Yanzi Monument Tower.

If the people of Changyang knew that although Zhang Kun did not directly kill the monsters, but subdued them one by one, it would be a hundred times more shocking than it is now. Five monsters, what is the concept?Zhang Kun alone has the strength of a county lord's mansion!
(End of this chapter)

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