Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 300 Returning to Changyang City

Chapter 300 Return to Changyang City

After Zhang Kun's memory was over, he shook his head and opened his eyes, only to see that everyone was ready to leave the Flame Demon Cave and return to Changyang City.

"Okay, all the trials in the Yanmo Cave have been completed, come out!" The white-bearded old man who had appeared at the entrance of the Yanmo Cave appeared, the Yanzi Monument Tower was closed, and a teleportation vortex that was the same as the entrance suddenly appeared !
In the depths of the vortex is a piece of darkness, the deep darkness seems to be a huge mouth slowly opening, but inside it seems to contain a palpitating energy, all the clans in Changyang followed and were teleported in an instant gone.

Zhang Kun took one last look at the Flame Demon Cave where he had stayed for dozens of days, and showed a smile. Then he also stepped into the teleportation vortex, and the space changed. When Zhang Kun opened his eyes again, he was already in the On the Changyang Mountains.

The old man with white beard and white eyebrows took a deep look at Zhang Kun before disappearing through the teleportation vortex.

The Changyang clans returned to the city. When they came, Zhang Kun brought a team of 20 people from the Zhang family and the Ou family, but when they came back, only Zhang Kun and Ou Luji were left in the Ou family, and there were only a few people in the Zhang family. The faces of all the teams were full of joy, because Zhang Kun won the first place in this big competition, crushing everyone with a super high score, surpassing everything, and becoming famous in the first battle, which proved his talent.

But there are also many people who say that if the powerful white-clothed sword fairy has not fallen or disappeared, the championship will definitely not fall on Zhang Kun's head, even the fifth floor of the Yanzi Monument Tower, which no one has ever passed. breakthrough!
"Congratulations to everyone who successfully completed the contest!" It was already late at night when everyone returned to Changyang City, but the heads of each family still went out to welcome Zhang Kun and the others.

This time, there were many twists and turns in the Changyang City Grand Competition. Fortunately, a mysterious peerless master finally defeated the conspiracy of the shadow of the eclipse and saved everyone. Although the loss was heavy, the elites left behind were all elites. This year is also a genius emerging generation.

Soon the people who came back from the Flame Demon Nest came together with the people from various families to welcome them, forming small circles, discussing several major events that happened in the Flame Demon Nest, and talking about the ups and downs in Changyang City before. rain.

Zhang Kun kept a low profile in the crowd, but was recognized by others. Hua Mubai's younger brother, Hua Yubai, raised his head a little when he saw his brother coming back. He frowned when he saw Zhang Kun in the crowd. Frowning, he asked Hua Mubai, "Brother, why is that kid Zhang Kun still alive? You didn't give him away inside"

"Shut up!" Hua Mubai shouted sharply with a dark face, interrupting Hua Yubai's words in an instant.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Hua Yubai looked in disbelief at his elder brother who had always doted on him, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and he muttered, "You scolded me for a little bastard!"

"Get out!" Hua Mubai was furious, and slapped Hua Yubai on the face, then turned around and said in a cold voice, "Go home, you won't be allowed to come out for a year!"

"What?" Hua Yubai felt as if the sky was about to fall, he actually had no status in the family, it was just because he was Hua Mubai's younger brother that he had a bit of riches!

The boys and girls who came with Hua Yubai were also fooled. Hua Yubai often said how his brother doted on him on weekdays. If Zhang Kun provoked him, his brother would definitely find him back. Today, I went out of the city to greet him because I wanted to hear from Hua Mubai that Zhang Kun had been taken care of by him!
But how could you have imagined the current situation?Seeing that his younger brother was still obsessed with obsession, Hua Mubai sighed softly and said, "Zhang Kun surpassed me to get the first place in the big competition. Now he is no longer the child of the small family in the past. It is for you that I let you stay at home. it is good!"

Hua Yubai's head went blank when he heard it, and he couldn't hear other sounds. He only knew that Zhang Kun would never be offended again in his life. He lowered his head in despair and hid in Hua Mubai's room. later.

Several elders of the Hua family also witnessed Zhang Kun winning the championship. They knew what Hua Mubai's thunderous rage was about, and they were indifferent no matter how Hua Yubai cast his eyes begging for mercy.

Although Zhang Kun is low-key, who doesn't know his reputation at the moment?In an instant, he was surrounded by a group of congratulatory congratulations. He won the first place in the limelight. The family just said a few words.

If others had such an attitude, they would definitely be seen as too arrogant, but Zhang Kun was different. His talent was enough to shock the entire county. The elders of those families were extremely polite to him, as if seeing a noble The patriarch of the Ou family is average, and the fact is the same. Zhang Kun is now the patriarch of the Ou family!

The Ou family was a bit reluctant at first, but this time they were almost completely annihilated, so they naturally wanted to hurry up and hug Zhang Kun's thighs. The first elder and second elder stood behind Zhang Kun with smiles, as if looking at Zhang Kun. The horse's head is looking forward to it!
Zhang Kun glanced at them indifferently. The two of them were dissatisfied before, but now that they have returned from victory, the Ou family can reap a lot of benefits from the allocation of resources. Of course, they hugged their thighs quickly and announced to the outside world that Zhang Kun Kun is the Patriarch of the Ou Family, representing the Ou Family in the battle!
"Hey, Zhang Kun has already become the head of the family?" Some people who are not well-informed know this news for the first time. In addition, the Ou family was dissatisfied before, and they always hesitated when talking to the outside world. Zhang Kun is not here. At times, it was always the opposite, but it was different at this moment. Both the First Elder and the Second Elder swore that Zhang Kun was their Patriarch!
Everyone looked at Zhang Kun with a little more awe, especially Hua Mubai and the others, who originally regarded Zhang Kun as a competitor of the same generation, but he has transformed himself and sat on the throne of patriarch!
The gap between them is too big. Many young people shook their heads and left after seeing it. How much they longed for the person standing in the spotlight at this moment to be themselves. They are just the so-called geniuses of various families, but Zhang Kun has already approached them The position of the father's generation is gone, and the person who originally wanted to send someone to make things difficult for Zhang Kun instantly gave up the idea!

Make things difficult?How to make things difficult?With the power of a young master of a family, how much family power can be commanded to shake the earth?But Zhang Kun is the majestic Patriarch, and the First Elder and Second Elder behind him are both strong Qi practitioners. Do you dare to try Zhang Kun at this time?

After all, Zhang Kun didn't like being surrounded by a group of unfamiliar people, so he acted a little indifferent. Immediately, some family elders wondered whether their family had offended Zhang Kun in normal times, and hurriedly asked his subordinates to make arrangements for tomorrow. An apology was sent to Zhang Kun early in the morning.

Because Zhang Kun's crown of first place in the competition is not just his own honor, he can participate in a new round of profit distribution on behalf of the forces behind him. The cake in Changyang City is already so big. If Zhang Kun takes a few Well, it is their families who suffer the most. They just hope that Zhang Kun will raise his hand and not touch their cake!

At this time, an envoy stepped forward and said: "Everyone has worked hard, the Marquis of Qin sent me to call the major families and the top [-] testers of the Grand Competition to the Marquis Mansion, Marquis of Qin has several important things to announce! "

Hearing what the emissary of the County Marquis Mansion said, the testers immediately became excited. The ranking has been determined, the trial is over, and it must be time to distribute the rewards, while the elders of each family have different expressions, and some are calm Zi Ruo, some have ugly faces, and some are flushed!
"Isn't Zhao Sike No. 20? Why do you want to go to the Marquis's Mansion?" Someone watched Zhao Sike, who was wearing a luxurious robe, followed in the crowd with a dark face, and asked quietly.

"Oh, after all, Young Master Zhao has an extraordinary background, can you compare with him?" the man's friend said sourly.Completely ignoring the gloomy face of Zhao Sike who was walking behind, he looked as if he wanted to eat people!
Soon a majestic building appeared in front of everyone, with a sense of luxury revealed in the simple atmosphere, it seemed like a towering giant tree that had existed for hundreds of years, and it was the largest building in Changyang City. A mansion, Junhou Mansion.

"Okay, the Junhou's Mansion is coming, let's go in." After that, everyone gave way to a road, and Zhang Kun walked in the front without hesitation, and led the others into the gate of the Junhou's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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