Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 344 Master?

Chapter 344 Master?

"Jie Jie Jie," Black Moon's incarnation spoke again, and from his broken throat came out an extremely unpleasant sound like metal friction: "Today I will get my wish, kill you, I will be very excited!"

His eyes burst out with a bright light, full of interest in Zhang Kun and the pleasure of slaughtering him.

"Chengying, hum!" The black moon's incarnation rose a few inches again, and under the weight of the heavy black moon that enveloped the world, the entire ground was covered with cracks like spider webs, flying catkins all over the sky, broken wood all over the ground, practicing Qi Touch it and die!
However, Zhang Kun stood proudly in the void, as if he closed his eyes and rested his mind. No matter how approaching the black moon was, he only had a calm face. After communicating with the stars, he seems to be able to go to the sky to catch the stars and pick the moon!

"Wild wind!" At this moment, an irrepressible will to fight came from the Chengying sword. At this moment, Zhang Kun and Chengying in his hands were connected with each other. , There is no jerky or out of touch at all, Zhang Kun dances faster and faster, the sword is in the hand and the heart is in the heart, the heart moves at will, wild as the wind, it is the wild wind!
Chengying is originally an elegant and agile sword, and it becomes lighter under the blessing of the power of water-blue stars. A few swords cut out like wind blowing floating leaves, like a sword cutting through flowing water to form a reverse wave. Dao Jianqi!

"How is this possible?" Black Moon's incarnation was horrified, and quickly condensed the mighty vitality into the shape of a black moon, emitting black light and rushing towards Zhang Kun's wild wind blade, shaking tens of thousands of sword energy, but Cheng Ying Fengrui again Refining the absolute sword move, the sharp blades groaned and pierced through the air, the whole round of black moon blocked it violently, struggling several times, but in the end it was torn apart by Zhang Kun and turned into thousands of fragments, finally revealing the dark space There is a glimmer of light!
The black moon incarnation stared wide-eyed, shocked in his heart, although he did not descend from the real deity, but the strength of the avatar revealed under the black moon domain is also above the seventh level of Qi training, even if the head of the Qin family comes, he can also rely on the powerful Hei Yue's vitality fought with him, but at this moment he was shaken head-on by Zhang Kun's sword, and Hei Yue was broken!

"Amazing skills!" Seeing this scene, the masters of the Qin family were almost dizzy. They clearly saw Zhang Kun's thousands of swords in an instant, and in an instant, they saw the sword's energy, dazzling light, and the sword blossoms. Like thousands of stars twinkling in the dark night, piercing the black moon!

"We should win now, right?" The masters of the Qin family looked anxiously at Zhang Kun and the incarnation of Hei Yue in midair. If they couldn't even win with such a terrifying sword move, they would really fall into despair.

"I have to correct one point. You are indeed not weak. You are worthy of being the successor of that person." Hei Yue's incarnation was surrounded by black energy, and the blow just now almost broke his Dharma form. Hei Yue was almost completely torn apart by Zhang Kun, leaving only It's just an afterimage, but he is not dead after all, his power is above the whole world, although it is only an incarnation that came to this world, but his evil method is mysterious, at the last moment, he used dozens of dark The secret method resisted desperately, making it impossible for Zhang Kun to cut off his connection with Hei Yue!

The high priest shouted excitedly: "Long live the God Lord, the God Lord will never die, the God Lord will rule the world!"

"Oh?" The avatar of Hei Yue suddenly turned around, with the corners of his mouth upturned to reveal a piercing smile.

"Since you are so loyal, let me borrow your strength, High Priest!" The avatar of Black Moon suddenly opened his pupils wide, smiled frantically, and his obsidian-like claws turned into a blood shadow and strangled Throat of the High Priest!

The next moment, his pitch-black claws pierced into the body of the high priest like a sharp knife, grabbed his heart, pulled it with all his strength, and tore it off along with the meridians and blood vessels, and then stared at the bright red beating heart. Eat it in one bite!
The high priest's eyes were wide open, his chest was empty, and a cold feeling came. He looked up at the incarnation of Black Moon in disbelief, and he was speechless. The god he had served all his life actually took his life. Faith collapsed in an instant, leaving only one thought in my mind: "Monster!"

"Hahaha! I haven't tasted the taste of blood for a long time!" Black Moon incarnate chewed the heart of the high priest, drank the blood, and his figure skyrocketed again. Even the black energy that had been weakened by Zhang Kun before was fully replenished. When he came back, the bleak black energy around him condensed into armor and surrounded him heavily. He even had a jet-black saber in his hand. When the saber was unsheathed, the terrifying aura of darkness swept across the world, wherever it went The flowers and plants are all withered and withered, and when they touch the corpse of a dead person, they will instantly rot, and then absorb the corpse's aura, and the power will increase again!
The strength of the high priest in the early and mid-term of Qi training, after the black moon incarnation devoured him, his strength was terrifying. He raised his hand and pressed the knife, slashing at Zhang Kun like a millstone!
Zhang Kun gritted his teeth hard. He was almost at the end of his battle. Communication with the stars overdrafted the star power, which had already consumed the energy of the mirror domain. If this continues, the life and death assessment of the mirror domain will be greatly advanced, but now he is not sure to break through to Fifth rank alchemist!
"Pfft!" This one is simple and unpretentious. It doesn't have as many subtle changes as before, but it is extremely fast and terrifying. The black knife cuts down impressively. Zhang Kun can only take a pill to make the last trace The vitality resisted, but in a hurry, where was the opponent who was the incarnation of the black moon, Cheng Ying was suddenly collapsed, and Zhang Kun couldn't keep standing in the air, and fell down suddenly, falling to the ground!

The energy of the shock instantly invaded Zhang Kun's body, and a burst of blood surged up. Zhang Kun spat out a stream of blood in pain. The effect of the Shura Yuxue Pill also ended at this moment. His realm fell instantly, and Chengying fell. Beside, the communication between Zhang Kun and it was also cut off, and the power of the stars dissipated at the same time. Zhang Kun only felt very heavy, and he couldn't even lift his eyelids!
"It's really sad, but you are proud enough!" Black Moon incarnated step by step from the mid-air, volleying up, as if stepping on invisible steps, he walked in front of Zhang Kun and said slowly:

"In order to kill you, I sacrificed a slave that I had cultivated for decades, and my strength is about to dissipate. You have the capital to praise me for being able to push me to this point." Black Moon's incarnation was neither happy nor sad If it is said that he wanted to kill Zhang Kun before because he was someone's descendant, he never looked at him directly.

But at this moment, after seeing Zhang Kun's wild blow, he also had to admit Zhang Kun's talent and hard work, "But you still have to die, accept your fate, who told you to offend me!"

Zhang Kun didn't listen to him, he squeezed out the last bit of will, communicated with the mirror domain, and prepared to go all out!

However, at this moment, a figure in white clothes flashed in front of Zhang Kun. Just as he was wondering, he saw the person wearing a white fish and dragon costume, and his pupils shrank suddenly. It was the symbol of the royal family of the Xiaoshuo Empire!
I saw that man's black and thick hair fell down like a woman's long hair like a waterfall, leaving Zhang Kun with a generous but soft back. He stood between Zhang Kun and the incarnation of Heiyue, and said coldly Said: "Enough, let the evil monsters die quickly!"

"Who are you, dare to stop me?" Hei Yue incarnated roared, and slashed with a knife. The black surface of the knife shone like a bronze mirror, revealing the extremely handsome face of the mysterious man. Eyelashes, straight nose, resolute mouth slightly upturned, said indifferently: "You can't afford to offend someone!"

"Joke!" The incarnation of Hei Yue looked up and laughed as if he had heard some joke, but the knife in his hand was not polite at all. The robe fluttered in the air, and then it slashed off, smashing Huashan Mountain!

The handsome man's face was as usual, but he pulled out a slender sword from the sleeve of his robe. The streamlined lines had an extraordinary temperament, like a pool of autumn water. With the long sword in hand, the man's temperament was suddenly ordinary. He was originally like a Confucian scholar who had read poetry and books. , but at this moment, he has a bit of a quack flavor, turning into a deadly swordsman!
The handsome man drew his sword and turned around, and rushed forward with the force of a gust of wind to slash several swords like broken shadows. The condensed vitality burst out suddenly, and even knocked away the black knife incarnated by Hei Yue. He was calm and displeased, and retreated instead. The black knife exploded in mid-air with great vigor. If he stayed here, he would definitely be seriously injured!
Several masters of the Qin family watched from a distance, and when they saw the man's face, their expressions changed slightly. After seeing the decoration on his robe, they looked at each other in blank dismay. This young man with extremely noble status actually appeared in the here!
"Interesting, you are very good!" The black moon incarnation gave him a cold look, took a light step back, shifted the center of gravity lightly, and then turned into a black shadow and dissipated in the sky, the black moon also trembled, Following the master away, at this time the handsome man, his eyes bursting with light, threw the long knife in his hand and said lightly: "Like a dream order!"

I saw that the long knife pierced the sky and immediately split into three lights and shadows, chasing stars and moons, bringing up waves of purple light blade energy, the speed was extremely fast, and pierced into the black moon, and the black moon dissipated like a mirror flower and water moon. With a scream, the incarnation of the black moon fell out of the shadows, and the black body melted away like ice and snow meeting the sun!
"Damn it, I will definitely come back, you guys, just wait for me!" Before the black shadow dissipated, an unwilling roar came, but in the end he dissipated like the wind and no longer existed in the world!

"Hmph." The handsome man snorted softly, turned around, walked up to Zhang Kun, frowned and said, "Master, didn't you ever warn you not to use pills to forcibly improve your skills?"

Zhang Kun's throat was clogged with blood, his eyes widened, he looked directly at the handsome man's deep pupils, and said with difficulty: "Master?"

The handsome man shook his head and said, "Stop talking, I'll heal your wounds."

As he said that he poured out a golden medicine pill from the jade bottle, Zhang Kun's expression changed suddenly, and he blurted out a few words: "Sheng Sheng Hua Dan?"

(End of this chapter)

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