Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 345

Chapter 345
"Don't talk." The handsome man's jet-black long flowing hair fell down, and the few strands of hair in front were blown by the breeze. His pair of light golden eyes faintly revealed a hint of domineering, and he said in a slightly stern tone.

Zhang Kun could only suppress the deep doubts in his heart for the time being, and took the Shengshenghua Pill sent by the handsome man. He had taken this kind of pill twice before, so he knew its power, but this is still Zhang Kun. Kun took the panacea himself for the first time.

The panacea is beyond the existence of ordinary pills. When the pill is formed, it will attract the vitality of all directions and win the fortune of the world. It is no longer an ordinary pill. It contains boundless and powerful energy essence. The entrance of the pill melts instantly. Made a stream of cool liquid medicine and soaked Zhang Kun's body. The ribs on his body pierced by the black moon's long claws were repaired one by one, and his body riddled with holes was healed up bit by bit. It is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was more than enough to repair the body of an earth-level warrior with the efficacy of Shengsheng Huadan, but because Zhang Kun has the Kunyu physique, the efficacy of the entire panacea was exhausted !

The handsome man took a deep look at him, but didn't say anything else. He said in a deep voice, "Sit cross-legged and adjust your breathing and exercise."

Zhang Kun obeyed obediently, carrying the Kunyu Huazhang. The meridians in his body were like several dry rivers without a drop of vitality, but as soon as the exercise was activated, spiritual energy was absorbed from around the world and transformed into vitality. Zhang Kun's sea of ​​energy was like There is a vortex, running slowly, absorbing vitality without any hurry.

After a long time, Zhang Kun's damaged meridians were also healed under the power of his own vitality and the medicinal power of Shengsheng Huadan, and even the dark wounds left by the black gas incarnation of the black moon were all healed. As expected of a panacea, it completely surpassed my own cognition, and even such a serious injury can be easily recovered!
Compared with this panacea, the pill refined in Zhang Kun's hands is really nothing. He shook his head and his eyes became firm. As long as he works hard, he will one day become a real alchemist , refining the panacea, shocked the world!

"Junior Brother, don't be so impulsive next time." The handsome man saw Zhang Kun opened his eyes, and said slowly, but there was an undeniable taste in his tone. His figure was very pleasant. If a woman was here , I am afraid that I will be directly fascinated by his intoxicating tone.

Zhang Kun asked in bewilderment, "Are you, my brother?"

"That's right, my name is Zifang, I didn't expect to meet you in such a way," the handsome man nodded and looked at Zhang Kun slightly, and said, "I have to say, you have indeed surpassed what Master and I have for you." look forward to!"

Zhang Kun smiled helplessly. This time, he was in a terrible embarrassment. He thought that with Chengying Sword and Mirror Domain in his hands, there would be no pressure to venture into the royal city. He is not afraid of anyone else, but he did not expect that the high priest of a cult organization would hide so many tricks, almost driving himself to a dead end.

In the end, if it wasn't for Ovary's attack, Zhang Kun would have to order Jingyu to push his skills to the peak of Qi training at the cost of burning a secret realm, and fight to the death with the incarnation of Black Moon.

But if this is the case, the mirror domain will permanently lose a secret realm, not only the mirror domain space will become unstable, but the mirror domain energy will also lose a lot, and the mirror domain may have to be closed for a long time to repair, and what is more deadly is Zhang Kun will lose Jing Yu's recognition of him. If he can't prove his worth, Jing Yu will no longer be under his control.

"Brother Zifang, are you from the royal family?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking. In the Xiaoshuo Empire, His Majesty the Emperor is like a fairy. The subjects and common people all swear loyalty to the royal family and offer their beliefs. Why is a cult organization like Shadow of the Eclipse so dazzling, once it is discovered, it will be besieged by people all over the world!

Zifang nodded and said: "Yes, but this is not a place to talk now, the Qin family is still facing danger, let's go back quickly."

Zhang Kun raised his forehead slightly, his body was fine, but at the moment he could not sense the location of the mirror domain, and could no longer establish contact with Chengyingjian and Beiluo Xingchen. It seemed that the previous battle had overdrawn them Too much!
Zhang Kun secretly clenched his fists. All of this is because his strength is not strong enough, and his elixir is not good enough, so he can only borrow the power from the outside world, which does not really belong to him. There are many flaws in using it. And there are side effects after use.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared from the battlefield, the masters of the Qin family surrounded them respectfully, lined up, bowed deeply to the ovary in front of Zhang Kun, knelt down and said, "Prince ovary, thousand years old, thousand years old, thousand years old!"

Zifang waved his hand and said: "There is no need to be polite, we need to go to the Qin family quickly to rescue the Patriarch."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, with respectful expressions in their eyes, not daring to disobey at all.

Prince Zifang is not only an emperor, but also has extraordinary strength. What is even more frightening is that he has already broken through the ninth-level alchemist realm two years ago and became a real alchemist. Although he is not a prince, he has a pivotal position in the court!
When Zhang Kun returned to Qin Kexin's side, the flower-like jade girl's face was full of tears, and she looked sad and clear. When she saw Zhang Kun coming, she ran all the way to Qin Kexin's side, hugged Zhang Kun tightly and said: "Dan Senior brother, you scared me to death, I thought you lost!"

"Kexin is good, brother is fine, as long as Kexin is fine!" Zhang Kun touched her little head with a smile, and said with a smile, his heart was full of pity for the girl who was like a ceramic doll. meaning.

At this moment, visions frequently occurred in the distance of the Qin family, and neither side dared to act rashly. After a tentative fight just now, both sides knew that there was no possibility of quick victory, so they did not dare to act rashly. In the end, they could only confront each other.

Qin Yifeng said with a smile: "My brother Hanyang, it's not a problem for you to procrastinate like this, your precious daughter might have died because you didn't come here, that's such a pity, what a good girl, I feel pity for the flower season to wither like this!"

Qin Hanyang twitched the corner of his mouth, and when he was about to say something, the door that was originally closed by Ouyang's family was suddenly opened from the outside!
Everyone looked at it together, and Prince Zifang and Zhang Kun suddenly appeared with Qin Kexin, and everyone was stunned for a moment!

"Prince Ovary?" Everyone's eyes widened. How could this noble prince suddenly appear here? No one had heard of his visit to the royal city before. What was even more shocking was that he stood with Zhang Kun and Qin Kexin. Together, with an intimate look, they have clearly stated their position!

"Kexin?" Qin Hanyang shouted in surprise. He had been worried and frightened for a long time, and now he finally saw the daughter he was thinking of was intact. Apart from being a little pale from being frightened by the incarnation of the black moon, everything was normal. Qin Hanyang suddenly felt that A burst of relief.

"That's Zhang Kun? Why isn't this kid dead yet?" Qin Yifeng suddenly felt that something was wrong. In order to deal with Zhang Kun and Qin Kexin, he sent his own son Qin Wen, plus a group of believers from the shadow of the eclipse and Sacrifice, he procrastinated at the Qin family to give them a chance to do something.

However, it is not his son Qin Wen and the shadow of the eclipse who are standing here now, but Zhang Kun and Prince Zifang. The Taoist talisman turned into a cloud of green smoke and shot out of the window!

"No, he wants to run, chase after him!" Qin Hanyang scolded angrily, seeing that his daughter was fine, he relaxed for a moment, but was caught by Qin Yifeng and escaped!

The monks of the Ouyang family wanted to stop them, but they saw that Ouyang Xiu suddenly gave way, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, several rebellious Qin family Qi practitioners tried their best to escape, but they saw Ouyang Xiu standing aside He came out and shouted sharply: "Elders, please come and help the Qin family clean up the house!"

He spoke righteously. If the Qin family hadn't seen his ugly face just now, they would have really thought that they were the rescuers brought by the Qin family to suppress the rebellion within the Qin family!

"Hmph!" Qin Hanyang snorted coldly at this. Ouyang Xiu's move was for Prince Ovary to see. As long as he does this, at least the superficial peace between Ouyang's family and Qin's family can be preserved. Make some concessions and send a few big gifts to the Qin family, and this matter will be turned into a small matter, and the trivial matter will pass away!
"Get rid of them!" Ouyang Xiu continued to shout, pinching formulas in his hands again and again, and the flames surrounded his body. With the snap of his fingers, fire fell like rain, and the Qi practitioners of the Ouyang family were also fighting hard one by one. The Qi practitioners of the Qin family made people feel uncomfortable inside and out, and they couldn't tell the pain in their hearts, so they could only resist stubbornly!
But how can they compare with the coalition forces of Ouyang's family and Qin's family?Coupled with the arrival of Prince Zifang here, they could not see any hope of victory, they all knelt down and surrendered, and their fighting power was completely disintegrated in an instant!
Seeing this, Ouyang Xiu immediately stopped his hands and bowed deeply to the Prince Zifang, then bowed his hands to Qin Hanyang and said: "Patriarch Qin, today is really a false alarm. Since you are fine here, the old man will take someone back. There is still trouble, the old man will definitely help!"

"Hmph, Patriarch Ouyang is really polite." Qin Hanyang looked at him with a sneer and said, "It's hard to come to my Qin's house, why don't you have some refreshments before leaving, I have freshly picked Yunlong Yinwu tea, which is the best way to relieve anger .”

"Thank you, Patriarch Qin, for your kindness, but it still doesn't work. The old man will leave first." Ouyang Xiu said guiltily, and after saluting to Prince Ovary again, he left Qin's family with his men without looking back!
(End of this chapter)

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