Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

"You don't even know about Special Envoy Zhou, so what's the use of keeping you?" Zhang Kun didn't even bother to take a second look. Since he is useless, he might as well just kill him!
Mi Xiuyong immediately panicked when he heard the words, but he really didn't know the whereabouts of Special Envoy Zhou at all. At this moment, he was sweating profusely, staring at the Great Elder, his pupils trembling, as if they were about to fall out!
"Great Elder, it's useless to keep this person, kill him." Zhang Kun said lightly, this sentence was especially shocking when he said it from the mouth of a young man, and everyone looked at Zhang Kun with admiration in their hearts , such a decisive mind has been developed at such a young age, this son will definitely become a great weapon in the future!

"Okay!" The Great Elder of the Seven Star Pavilion responded repeatedly. He stretched out his seemingly old and powerful hands, and a vortex-like cyclone was formed in his hands instantly, and the vast and surging vitality between the heaven and the earth gathered in it, which represented his practice. The realm of Qi Shi has reached a very advanced level, and the air can be controlled with every gesture!
The Great Elder glanced at Mi Xiuyong indifferently, and slowly stretched out his hand, as if to caress the top of his head, his movements were gentle and kind, but the words in his mouth were: "Death!"

Mi Xiuyong felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy in an instant, that kind of tension and fear still occupied his whole mind, and his mind went blank!His feet were slightly bent, trembling constantly, his whole body was like a deflated ball, he had no strength to support him, and before the attack of the Great Elder fell, he himself passed out!

The air in the entire Huaxiang hall seemed to be condensed. The great elder's blow fell, and the huge energy and power tore apart Mi Xiuyong's body. This feeling of being torn apart by a huge force is not at all. Feeling good, Mi Xiuyong cried out in pain, the cry penetrated the air, and his heart-piercing cry of pain could be heard throughout the street!
Zhang Kun looked at Mi Xiuyong expressionlessly, but the women beside him couldn't bear to watch any longer, and turned their heads away, unwilling to see such a bloody and cruel scene, because Mi Xiuyong's body was cracked, The muscles disintegrated, and even the intestines and other internal organs were shattered!
An elder of Qixing Pavilion, whose power was no less than that of ordinary patriarchs, died just like that, under the attack of the great elder himself!

What is even more amazing is that the Great Elder used such a tyrannical attack but did not damage the floor of Huaxiang Hall at all, and even Mi Xiuyong's blood and internal organs disappeared with a wave of his hand, which shows the strength of this person How powerful it is!
Zhang Kun narrowed his eyes slightly, it seems that there is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the royal city, and there are several masters at the foundation level can be found here!
When he looked at the Great Elder, the Great Elder also looked at him at the same time, and saw that after the Great Elder dealt with Mi Xiuyong calmly, he smiled at Zhang Kun and said, "Let Alchemist Zhang Kun laugh, please Accept this, this is the wealth Mi Xiuyong has amassed over the past few decades, I believe alchemist Zhang Kun will not refuse."

Speaking of which, the great elder turned his right hand, and a light and shadow popped up. Zhang Kun raised his hand to pick it up. It was a storage ring. When he probed into it, he found that the wealth in it filled the entire storage space!

"The great elder is polite." Zhang Kun accepted the ring and bowed slightly politely.

Mi Xiuyong, as an elder of Qixing Pavilion, has many sources of wealth, including formal channels and various means of grabbing. For a corrupt person like him, there is an invisible undercurrent of interests under his subordinates. The gray income he got was dozens of times the salary he received in Seven Star Pavilion!
"Not only these, but also his family property and fields, all belong to Alchemist Zhang from now on." The Great Elder laughed.

Zhang Kun was not polite at all, and nodded. He knew that on the one hand, the great elder thanked him for not publicizing Mi Xiuyong's affairs and ruining Qixing Pavilion's reputation, on the other hand, he wanted to appease himself on this matter and never make peace again. Seven Star Pavilion confrontation.

Sure enough, seeing Zhang Kun's comprehensible expression, the great elder immediately felt a little more favorable towards the young man. He walked over and patted Zhang Kun on the shoulder. Zhang Kun didn't move away either. The relationship between the two seemed to be very good. Generally speaking, many people changed their faces slightly. You must know that this great elder is famous for being cruel and vicious, and he has never seen him treat a young man so kindly!

"Alchemist Zhang, are you interested in coming to work in our Seven Star Pavilion? You are now a fourth-level alchemist. I can give you the position of an elder. The status is the same as that of your elder Lu in Changyang, as long as you break through to the fifth level within a year." I, alchemist, will hand over Mi Xiuyong's original position to you, and after you become an alchemist, how about we sit on equal footing in the Seven Star Pavilion in Wangcheng?"

The Great Elder whispered in Zhang Kun's ear, and he immediately put forward an extremely explosive condition. If Zhang Kun agrees, then he will create a history. He is the youngest elder in the history of Qixing Pavilion, and may even be the youngest Wang Cheng Pavilion Master!

If this kind of news spreads to the outside world, it will definitely cause a shock like a stormy sea. You must know that the power of the owner of the Wangcheng Pavilion is not much different from that of the Wangcheng Prefect, and the industry of the Seven Star Pavilion is spread all over the entire continent, not limited to one city and one country. Joining such a super organization is no worse than becoming an official in the court!

However, Zhang Kun just shook his head lightly and said: "Eat dinner as meat, and walk as a car, that's all I have. Thank you, Great Elder, for your consideration."

The Great Elder smiled indiscriminately. With his bright eyes, he easily noticed the hidden sharpness in Zhang Kun's eyes, but he didn't say anything. He knew that Zhang Kun was not like what he said. That way of living in peace and happiness, not pursuing fame and wealth, but good birds choose trees to live in, and virtuous ministers choose masters to do things, I am afraid that Zhang Kun still has a disdain for Qixing Pavilion, a super organization that spreads all over the mainland.

The pupils of the great elder shrank, and he was slightly speechless, but it must be admitted that Zhang Kun really has such capital and arrogance. Where can the entire Xiaoshuo Empire find a second one for a 14-year-old fourth-level alchemist?
"Are you interested in selling the pills of Alchemist Zhang Kun in my Qixing Pavilion auction? I know that the pills sold by Alchemist Zhang Kun in this Huaxiang Hall are not the top batch in your hands!" The elder looked at it with a half-smile Looking at Zhang Kun and said.

Zhang Kun raised his forehead slightly, secretly said to the old fox, and listened to the Great Elder's continuation without comment.

"Our Qixing Pavilion has the most complete auction system in the entire empire. That is to say, if your elixir is auctioned here, it is also equivalent to being auctioned in all the royal cities in the entire empire, or even auctioned in the auction house of the imperial capital. , if guests from the empire take a fancy to your elixirs, your reputation will continue to grow!" said the Great Elder.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. Gongsun Yangyan was in the imperial capital. If the elixir he refined was spread to the imperial capital, it would surely scare the half-old man. Thinking of this, Zhang Kun nodded slightly and said, "Soon I will have a group of carefully refined medicines. The prepared elixir is out of the oven, and I will have to ask the Great Elder to help find a market for it."

"Hahaha, it's easy to talk about. If you have any questions about medicinal materials and tools, alchemist Zhang can come to our Seven Star Pavilion. We can even send you the most precious materials from the most remote corners of the empire. This is only available to the elders in the pavilion. Privilege!" The Great Elder stroked his beard and smiled.

Zhang Kun raised his eyebrows. He really lacks some hard-to-find main ingredients. It's not that the ingredients are scarce, but the age. The various families in Wangcheng can bring him a wide variety of medicinal ingredients, but the age is not very good. enough.

After the previous battle between the Qin family and the shadow of the eclipse, Zhang Kun obviously felt that his own medicine was not enough. For example, the explosive medicine, the wild fire and the flame pill, as long as the medicine is strong enough, it can not only smash the innate strong Even the spiritual body of a Qi practitioner can be shaken, but it must be done with a thousand-year-old medicine, which is very worrying for Zhang Kun.

Although there is a ten-fold acceleration field in the mirror field, Zhang Kun will be a centenarian when the thousand-year-old medicine grows. I am afraid that the day lily will be cold, but with the power of the Seven Star Pavilion, maybe he can really find the thousand-year-old medicine. What about old medicine?
"Great Elder, I do have something to ask for, Bai Yanhua, you know, I need ten petals of a thousand years, and if there is a fire-type monster spirit in the enlightenment period, it can also be replaced." Zhang Kun said unceremoniously .

"Oh?" The Great Elder said: "Let me go back and check the inventory. If there is any, I can give it to Pill Master Zhang for free!"

"Then I can't thank you enough!" Zhang Kun's gratitude this time is not fake, because the thousand-year-old medicine is really rare, no less than a middle-grade magic weapon, and you can't get it without a hundred spirit stones. The Great Elder offered to give it away for free, and even Zhang Kun was slightly tempted.

The Great Elder chuckled, why does the Seven Star Pavilion remain in the world, and its influence spreads all over the country?Relying on their terrifying financial power, their wealth is incomparable to a country. There are too many things that wealth can create, and there are even more things that wealth can destroy!

"The old man will leave first. This is a jade talisman that can contact me at any time. Alchemist Zhang Kun can use it to convey to me any needs." The people in the pavilion left, with a smile on his face when he left, he knew that it was definitely a wise decision for him to have a good relationship with Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun nodded his thanks, and the eyes of the people around him were full of jealousy!
Most of the customers who come to Huaxiangtang to buy pills are high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Naturally, they know the weight of the Seven Star Pavilion and the transcendent status of the Great Elder. He and Zhang Kun are talking about cooperation on an equal footing, but the flattery in the words is beyond words!
"What's this called? Firecrackers are set off in the cemetery -- it scares people to death!" Someone took a deep breath and couldn't help sighing.

Everyone was stunned. Looking at the young man who was younger than his youngest son, everyone felt that the world had become unreal. They had never heard that the dignified elder needed help for most of their lives. Please someone!

(End of this chapter)

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