Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 367 The shock of the prince

Chapter 367 The shock of the prince

"No way, the Seven Star Pavilion has repeatedly backed down, and even sent a big gift to the master?" Nangong Jue couldn't believe her eyes, she couldn't help covering her mouth and marveling, as the daughter of a prince, she naturally understood the strength of the Seven Star Pavilion. In these fields, even the prince has to give way to Seven Star Pavilion!
Xia Hui'er stood there motionless like a piece of wood. Originally, the Xia family's positioning of Zhang Kun was nothing more than a superb young man far above his peers, one Qin Tianlai higher than Xu and Yu, but from the attitude of the great elder In terms of performance and behavior, Xia Hui'er seemed to be able to faintly feel that Zhang Kun's energy should be Xu Heyu's multiplied Qin Tian!
She patted her plump breasts very happily. Fortunately, the Xia family made a correct judgment before and established a relationship with Zhang Kun, which brought boundless benefits to the family and herself!

Everyone looked at Zhang Kun with a calm expression on his face, and they were even more shocked in their hearts. What did this kid go through to be so indifferent to all this?

Even Su Fangmeng was in a daze. In just a few weeks, Zhang Kun came to Wangcheng and became a little alchemist who was "invited" by the Qin family to treat Qin Kexin. , the elders of the big team leader, the senior officials of the court, and the princes who have been crowned kings and nobles exchange dialogues!
At Zhang Kun's position, there are very few people who are not open-eyed and want to go to him. Only by fawning on him can they gain benefits. Organizations and families who have been slapped in the face by Zhang Kun have to look for him with shame. Zhang Kun cooperates, and those families that are not ashamed, such as the Zhong family and Ouyang family, are destined to fall behind in this wave of power competition.

"Okay, let's continue." Zhang Kun waved his hands casually, and walked in with his arms around Su Fangmeng's fragrant shoulders, as if the Great Elder had never been here before. Follow up.

Just when Zhang Kun was sitting safely in the alchemy room telling jokes to Su Fangmeng, instructing Xia Hui'er to refine Qi-enhancing pills, and teaching Nangong Jue the most basic technique of breathing, a storm had already set off in the outside world!
"Have you all heard that the Great Elder of the Seven Star Pavilion came to Wuzhefang City in person, came to apologize to alchemist Zhang Kun, and slaughtered Mi Xiuyong with a single palm in front of everyone, it was a heartwarming sight Ah!" The earth-shattering news quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys!

"After today, there is no force in the royal city that can stop Zhang Kun's rise. The future of the royal city belongs to Zhang Kun!" A reclusive old man suddenly spoke, and everyone in the city nodded silently. This time Zhang Kun really reached the goal. Achieving a high point that everyone envies, the glory is coming!

Everyone remembered the name: Zhang Kun!In today's world, the youngest alchemy genius even has some rumors that Zhang Kun's martial arts cultivation is even higher than that of alchemy, but this news is not recognized by most people. After all, human energy is limited. With such a genius in alchemy, he should be more ordinary in cultivation, right?

But at the moment in Wojia Wangfu, Wojia Wang looked at his daughter Nangong Jue blankly, he was stunned, his majesty seemed to fade away, as if he was just an ordinary father, he stretched out his hand tremblingly to caress Nangong Jue With a trembling face, he said, "Jue'er, are you able to practice?"

King Wojia only felt that his head was blank. As a prince, he had all the power in the court, and he was an extremely human minister in charge of a domain!

But he has always had a heart problem, that is, his favorite daughter, Nangong Jue, is unable to cultivate because of her special constitution. No matter how many secret methods he finds and how many Qi trainers he seeks help, he can't solve this problem. Now he has personally Feeling that the vitality in Nangong Jue's body seems to come alive, the meridians in her body have also adjusted, no longer twisted, no longer small and narrow, but a body that is very suitable for cultivation!
Nangong Jue looked at the joyful and surprised father and nodded heavily: "Yes, father! I can practice now, and I can directly cultivate vitality!"

"Cultivate vitality directly!" King Wojia was startled, how could he not understand what a great advantage this is, which means that Nangong Jue's future cultivation path will be extremely smooth, because she does not need to be innate and practiced. After experiencing a difficult and difficult congenital experience in the air environment, there is no need to spend a lot of hard work to transform the internal force into vitality!

She only needs to master one Taoism, and the realm is sufficient, and she can enter the realm of Qi training.

In the world of Zhang Kun, there are various names for Taoism. Some say that entering the realm of Qi training is entering the Tao, some say that heaven and man are one, and some say that they understand Taoism. However, according to the records in the mirror field, it takes two There are two rigid conditions, one is to transform internal force into vitality, and the other is to comprehend a Taoist meaning.

The heaven and the earth are full of aura, and the one that governs these spiritual powers to construct all things, multiply and evolve, and evolve the four seasons is called Tao, and the meaning of Tao is the perception of Tao. There are thousands of kinds of Tao, and the meaning of Tao is even more There are hundreds of millions!

One of the things to understand is to enter the Tao. The realm before and after entering the Tao is very different. Zhang Kun once reached such a realm with the power of pills and stars for a short time. Fairy tricks!
If the realm is reached, but the internal force cannot be smoothly converted into vitality, it is called the queen of innate.If the vitality has been generated but has not entered the Tao, it is called a qi master, who can only roughly control the vitality, but cannot refine it. Without the realm of a qi practitioner, there are naturally no many wonderful uses for the vitality!

King Wojia excitedly put his arms around Nangong Jue's shoulders and looked at her clear and clear, his starry eyes asked: "Jue'er, how did you do it? Who taught you?"

"Yes, father, I worship Mr. Zhang Kun as my teacher!" Nangong Jue said with a slight smile. When the name Zhang Kun was mentioned, her pretty face blushed slightly and she nodded slightly.

King Wojia was a little surprised, but he didn't realize it all at once. Then he looked at Nangong Jue in surprise and said, "Zhang Kun? That alchemist Zhang Kun? What kind of strength does he have? Could it be that he is practicing Qi?"

"Well, it's Zhang Kun. He's not a Qi trainer, but he can fight a Qi trainer!" Nangong Jue nodded heavily and said, "Master Zhang Kun said that he only told his father about his strength."

King Wojia's face changed slightly. He didn't take the initiative to investigate Zhang Kun's strength, and he couldn't see anything unusual from him. Naturally, he didn't expect what Zhang Kun's hole card was. He was a little surprised. Zhang Kun's alchemy was amazing enough. People, if he is added with a strong martial arts cultivation base, he will really startle everyone's attention.

Only King Wojia can accept such explosive news with his composure. It's not a Qi practitioner who can fight a Qi practitioner. Does this kind of monster really exist?That's what Fu Linjing, the real daughter of the Nanhuang clan and Yuxu, and the mysterious alien powerhouse, Chongyan Mojun, can do!

"It seems that there is more than one behind this Zhang Kun!" King Wojia thought secretly. Although Gongsun Yangyan's alchemy skills are the best in the world, his martial arts can only be said to be average, and most of them are accumulated by the accumulation of spiritual pills. Zhang Kun's martial arts was definitely not taught by him alone. Could there be someone else as his master?

Who can teach such an apprentice?In the huge Xiaoshuo Empire, King Wojia couldn't think of anyone who could turn a 14-year-old boy into both a genius alchemist and a martial artist.

"Could it be the Son of God among the top sects? He is only 14 years old, and he will only be 15 years old after the Chinese New Year. I haven't heard of any major sect accepting disciples in the past 15 years. It must be." King Wojia's heart trembled. Suddenly thought of a certain possibility, since Zhang Kun took the initiative to reveal his strength to himself through his daughter, he must have something to rely on, otherwise he would be too stupid!
He glanced at his daughter in front of him, most of the excitement and excitement in his eyes dissipated, and all his mind was focused on Zhang Kun at the moment.

Nangong Jue naturally understood her father's thoughts, she retreated obediently and slowly, leaving King Wojia alone in shock.

She blinked her eyes like a pool of clear water and thought in her heart: "Master, how much can father comprehend this move?"

King Wojia felt very bad. It was the first time he had been king for so many years because of this young man who fell into such a shocking situation. It is said that Zhang Kun didn't need to take Nangong Jue as his apprentice and teach her the way of cultivation. Murder?
But he chose to take the initiative to tell himself the news at this time. Did he ask for something?Or do you want to deter yourself and let King Wojia know that there is another powerful force behind Zhang Kun, which even he can't shake?You can't just show off in front of yourself, right?

"What exactly does this kid want?" King Wojia frowned deeply, a little puzzled, what exactly Zhang Kun was doing, even he felt a little confused.

"Alchemist Zhang, these are the White Flame Flowers that the Great Elder sent me to give you. There are three in total, and more are still on the way of transportation. Please wait patiently, and they will be sent to you when the time comes!" An envoy from Qixing Pavilion stepped into Zhang Kun's alchemy room respectfully, bowed deeply, and presented three treasure boxes.

Zhang Kun smiled and said: "Thank you, Great Elder, I have a few pills here, you take them to the Great Elder, he knows what to do."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun threw out a jade bottle with his hand. The emissary didn't uncork the bottle to look at it, but carefully put it away, said yes repeatedly, left the treasure box, and left.

What Zhang Kun gave to the Great Elder of Qixing Pavilion was Huabilanzesan, which was a new medicine that had never appeared in the Xiaoshuo Empire. Its main function was to nourish the heart and lungs and strengthen the internal organs.Zhang Kun enjoys taking a few pills for himself, and then the remaining few are ready to sell. Now Zhang Kun has amazing wealth in his hands, but at the same time, he owes a lot of debt to Jingyu.

Jing Yu is not easy to dismiss. In Zhang Kun’s world, magic tools that cost hundreds of spirit stones are worthless in Jing Yu’s eyes. He can only find a way to find some real treasures to reward Jing Yu. Worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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