Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 369 I saw only one prefect

Chapter 369

"What?" Cheng Yuxi was stunned. Zhang Kun didn't even look at him just now. After he deliberately saluted and exposed the whiteness on his chest and flirted with Zhang Kun secretly, Zhang Kun actually chose to turn his head and walk over. It didn't stop at her either.

Xie Zhenglang and Jiang Tianming also froze there. Their usual lives were extravagant and extravagant, and there were a group of people begging and rushing to satisfy them if they had any demands, but today they encountered an iron plate at Zhang Kun's place!

"Hehe, I don't know how to flatter you!" Several teenagers and girls said softly behind them.Xie Zhenglang and Jiang Tianming met each other for a glance, and finally Xie Zhenglang said with a smile: "It seems that our genius alchemists have a lot of rules!"

"Forget it, forget it, everyone, let's go and line up once." Jiang Tianming said with a refined demeanor.

"Hmph, I want to see what he can do. When we line up, he won't have any reason to refuse!"

Those few people will not turn against Zhang Kun here because of their identities. As the children of the royal family, they look down on Zhang Kun who is a commoner. Line up obediently.

"Hehe, it's just a few idiots." After they left, Zhang Kun shook his head lightly and smiled.Those few people seemed very polite just now, but they were extremely arrogant in their bones. Zhang Kun never made pills to cater to the appetite of some people, so these people made him feel very uncomfortable!

However, when Xie Zhenglang, Jiang Tianming and Cheng Yuxi walked to the reception hall of Huaxiangtang, they were dumbfounded. There were too many people. They thought the queue was too slow before, so they went straight into Zhang Kun's alchemy They entered the room, but they were kicked out. Their faces were cloudy, and there were faint flames of anger beating in their eyes.

"Have you succeeded?" He Anmin, who was waiting outside, stepped forward and asked.

"Hmph, your alchemists in Wangcheng are so arrogant!" A young man threw He Anmin away and lined up at the back of the line in a fit of anger.

The people queuing up in Huaxiang Hall couldn't help but look back at them. How could this group of gorgeously dressed and handsome boys and girls appear here.And it still looks swollen, as if it has been greatly wronged?
"What are you looking at? Look at it and dig out all your eyeballs!" A domineering royal boy roared, the internal force in his body agitated and almost fought!

Seeing this, several maids in Huaxiang Hall hurriedly said: "Guests, please keep quiet!"

"Damn it!" the young man cursed secretly, he could walk sideways in his own city, but he got caught in the ashes of Zhang Kun, even his maid was so disrespectful to them!

Xie Zhenglang's face turned frosty. Looking at the long line in front of him, his heart sank into an abyss.

"I really don't believe we can't get that kid's elixir!" Xie Zhenglang said coldly, "Let's go, let's find the prefect here, I don't believe how powerful this kid is!"

"Hmph, that kid will cry then!" the distraught boy sneered.

"Let's go, Sister Yuxi!" A woman with simple and elegant makeup pushed Cheng Yuxi who was in a daze. Cheng Yuxi suddenly realized, and then followed them out. Zhang Kun ignored her just now. The blow to her was too great, and she still hasn't recovered from it!

"Hahaha, you virtuous nephews came to my Wojia to play, why didn't you tell the old man, you just came to visit me now, because you think I'm not entertaining enough hahaha!" Lin Guanyu laughed loudly, but he was puzzled in his heart. Why did the eldest son of the royal family come to the door today, and he still looked unhappy.

Xie Zhenglang bowed politely and said: "Prefect Lin, we just came out to relax, we didn't bring business, we just chat casually, you don't have to be nervous."

"Yes, yes, how are King Li, King Yan, and King Geng doing?" Taishou Lin chatted with them one after another. The arrogance and rudeness among them and the embarrassment of being kicked out by Zhang Kun.

"By the way, Prefect Lin, we went to Huaxiang Hall today!" Jiang Tianming said without a trace while the chat was in full swing.

Lin Guanyu let out a soft cry, and said with a smile: "Haha, you've heard about it, right? Zhang Kun's alchemy exchange meeting is a big event in my royal city. Can you get the elixir you want?"

"It's a pity, Prefect Lin," Xie Zhenglang and Jiang Tianming sang together, he lowered his head helplessly and said, "Mr. Zhang Kun doesn't seem to know our identities, let us line up outside."

"This..." Lin Guanyu was at a loss for words for a moment. Based on his understanding of Zhang Kun, he really did such a thing. It seems that Zhang Kun has offended many people unintentionally, and this time he offended others. The children of the top royal family in Wangcheng, these people are not very powerful, but the family power is too powerful. Zhang Kun has been running Huaxiangtang for half a month. That little family property may be wiped out with a snap of his fingers!
"Prefect Lin, we went to alchemist Zhang Kun with sincerity. We are helpless with his attitude!" Jiang Tianming shook his head and said regretfully.

Xie Zhenglang also sighed softly: "It's a pity that he has several pills that we urgently need in his hands. It seems that we have no chance with those pills! That's all!"

Lin Guanyu understood the reason for their sudden visit, so she said with a smile: "You don't need to worry, I have some friendship with alchemist Zhang Kun, everyone, don't be impatient, I will tell you your identities, I think that Zhang Kun will definitely give you a chance. You alchemists, you can rest assured!"

"Oh?" Xie Zhenglang and Jiang Tianming met each other with a smile in their eyes and said, "Then I will trouble Prefect Lin."

"No need." Lin Guanyu said politely.Seeing that their goal had been achieved, Xie Zhenglang and the others talked to Taishou Lin a few more words, then got up and prepared to go back to Huaxiang Hall.

"Hey, this Zhang Kun is really worrying. He has the talent, but his temperament is not good enough. It's inevitable. He is proud of his talent!" Taishou Lin shook his head secretly, and he felt a little scared for Zhang Kun. If these people start a storm, he can't hold it back. After all, King Li, King Yan, and King Geng are not something he, a little eunuch, can contend with.

Lin Guanyu got up and followed the group of royal children to Wuzhefang City. It was almost noon, and there were more people in Huaxiang Hall. Several pills that Zhang Kun had refined recently were extremely popular, and they were almost sold out. In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Kun is really a myth, no matter how many people come to buy, he can afford it!

"Hey, isn't that the prefect, why is he here?" Someone in the bustling crowd noticed the commotion coming from outside the door.

"Wait a minute, aren't these young people the group that left angrily before, why are they coming back?" Many people looked at Xie Zhenglang and the others with sharp eyes, wondering.

"It seems that they have a lot of background, please move Taishou Lin to come here!" Everyone whispered to each other. It seems that they had underestimated the energy of these people before, and now they all looked at them carefully with terrified eyes. They, the audience fell silent, and everyone held their breath, wanting to see how things would develop.

There are already many people who don't buy pills at all, but still squat in Huaxiang Hall every day, because there are good shows here every day!
This time, Xie Zhenglang and the others raised their proud heads, enjoying the worship-like eyes of others, and walked into Huaxiang hall with high heads. Even the maids who accused them before had to bow their heads and bow to the prefect Lin. .

They glanced at everyone's expressions, raised their heads in satisfaction, smiled contemptuously, and thought to themselves: "Wouldn't it be better if this had happened earlier, do we have to invite Taishou Lin to come forward?"

"I want to see Zhang Kun." Lin Guanyu walked over and spit out two words lightly. Qin'er in front of him quickly took orders, and after a deep salute, she walked to Zhang Kun with tight steps.

Zhang Kun was still immersed in the refining process of explosives, when suddenly he heard Qin'er's eager voice from outside: "Master Zhang Kun, Prefect Lin is here, and he brought those royal children!"

"Oh?" Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and put down the medicinal plant in his hand. He didn't expect the matter to be so complicated, but he was not timid at all. He responded, "I only see the prefect."

"Yes!" Qin'er heard what Zhang Kun said, but she no longer had any doubts. After working with Zhang Kun for a few weeks, she gradually got used to Zhang Kun's temper. When the elder of Qixing Pavilion came to criticize her, she was still a little scared , but now that she has already bowed her head to Zhang Kun when she saw Qixing Pavilion, she has gradually become bolder, and even the ordinary maids in Huaxiang Hall dare to scold Xie Zhenglang and the others, of course, the premise is that they do not know these things person's identity.

Qin'er trotted all the way back to Lin Guanyu, out of breath, she took a deep breath and said, "Master Taishou, my master told me that I saw you alone!"

"Oh?" Lin Guanyu was slightly startled. He didn't expect Zhang Kun to be so tough. He glanced at Xie Zhenglang and Jiang Tianming behind him, and saw a glint of gloom in their eyes, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Seeing this, Lin Guanyu had no choice but to follow Qin'er to meet Zhang Kun alone. After Lin Taishou left, the Huaxiang Hall exploded!

This time, everyone saw the emblems on Xie Zhenglang's clothes and the accessories they wore with sharp eyes, and they all realized that these people were all descendants of the royal family!

"Oh my god, I can see so many royal children here!"

"Are they future princes? Damn, have I offended them before?"

"Wait a minute, they got angry and left before, could it be that they were kicked out by Zhang Kun, alchemist Zhang Kun has such courage?" Facing these royal children, everyone knelt down one after another, shocked and terrified!
(End of this chapter)

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